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Her head buzzed so loudly it drowned out whatever else Alex was saying. A raise? A new position? Marketing director? The others on the marketing team might not be pleased with her getting such a jump in position, but did she really care what they thought?

No. Not if it meant advancement in her career. She had to take care of herself, not worry what others thought.

“…you would be working even more closely with Hunter in this position, though. The hierarchy would be Hunter as president of marketing, vice president overall of Worth, Louise as VP of marketing, then you as marketing director.”

She’d been so new when the scandal erupted. When they eventually fired Stephen for his betrayal of the company, they’d promoted Louise, then marketing director, to her current position and never filled her vacated spot.

It was exciting, working at Worth. To be a part of such a reemerging and vibrant company, it had been such a proud accomplishment when she’d gotten the job.

And now she’d received a promotion a year later? It was like a dream come true.

“I’m sure you’d like to take some time to consider it. I’ll forward you a formal letter of offer to your email with all of the terms and conditions spelled out.” He smiled again, and this one felt genuine. She wondered if he knew he had her in the palm of his hand. “In the meanwhile, shall we put it on the schedule that you’ll be gone from Worth Luxury for three weeks? With pay? Starting after the Worthwhile spring launch, of course. We’ll need you there to oversee everything, since you’re in charge of it.”

Her jaw dropped open, and she stared at him in shock. Three weeks with pay? She’d be a fool not to take that offer. Not to mention the new position as marketing director. “O-of course.”

“Perfect. I look forward to hearing your answer, Miss Hayes.”

She started to tell him he didn’t need to spell out any more details, she’d take it, but he held up a hand, silencing her. “Please. Consider it first. Read over the terms. Calculate the raise amount and make sure it’s in line with your expectations. It’s a Friday, so ponder it over the weekend and let me know first thing Monday.”

Gracie clamped her lips together, amazed at Alex’s telepathic abilities. Were all the Worth brothers decent mind readers?

He stood and nodded toward her once. “Have a good weekend.” Then

he strode out of the room, leaving her to sit in a relative stupor.

She walked out of the conference room a few minutes later in a daze, nearly jumping out of her skin when she heard someone call her name. She turned to see Becky rushing toward her, a shocked look on her face.

“What happened? Alex just called me and said that he wanted me to draw up an agreement for you, but he didn’t give me any details. Said he’d email me everything in a few minutes. Are you taking the leave of absence like you wanted?”

Gracie slowly nodded, leaning her shoulder against the wall. “I am, but he also offered me a new position. And a raise.”

“What do you mean?” Becky’s brows drew together.

“He wants to make me the new marketing director.”

Becky’s mouth dropped open. “But that’s not what you wanted. I thought you needed to get away from Hunter. That’s why you wanted to leave.”

“I do. I still want to. But Becky, it’s the marketing director’s position. Do you know how much I want this?” A grin tugged at the corner of her lips, and she finally gave up, letting her smile grow. “It’s like a dream come true.”

“A dream come true that could turn into your worst nightmare if Hunter continues bothering you.” Becky scowled. “It isn’t right. I don’t care if it is his family’s business. He shouldn’t treat you like he does.”

Gracie’s smile died. This had gone too far. Next thing she knew, Becky would slap Hunter with a harassment suit and try to get him fired from his own company. “It’s not like that, Beck. Really.”

“You’re just saying that because you want the director’s position, not that I blame you.” Becky shook her head. “He shouldn’t be allowed to get away with this. I should talk to Alex.”

Gracie settled her hand on Becky’s arm, trying to reassure her. The nerves came back, even worse than before but she couldn’t let Becky know that. “There’s nothing to talk about. It was a minor flirtation that I put a stop to. It was my own weak mind that couldn’t deal with him. It wasn’t because he was being extra pushy or whatever you might think. Hunter is an excellent boss.”

“Who wants to get into your pants.”

She’d already allowed him into her pants, but she wasn’t about to admit that to Becky. “He’s flirtatious. It’s part of his charm.”

“It’s not charming when it makes someone uncomfortable.”

Oh, God. Becky was so ready to run with this, and she was putting a major dark cloud over Gracie’s excitement. “Let it go, Becky. I mean it.”

“I can’t. It’s part of my job.”

Gracie wanted to bang her head against the wall. Instead, she looped her arm through her friend’s and led her down the hall toward her department. “This is not a time for negativity. You need to get back to your office, write up that offer and send it my way. Then we can go out for drinks after work and celebrate.”

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