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She lived in constant denial. The man just—did it for her. She couldn’t explain why or how, but every time he drew near, her skin tingled. When he spoke to her, worked directly with her, and it was often, she felt as if no one else existed. As if it was just the two of them and everything else simply fell away.

Which was silly. And pitiful. Yes, she was completely pitiful, and she only had herself to blame.

Allowing the indulgence of one moment with Hunter had proved to be not enough. Yet she wouldn’t do it again. Ever. Never, ever, never.

His gaze drifted over her, and her skin heated. He shot her a wicked wink before he turned to face the minister reciting the sacred marriage ceremony, and she wanted to melt into the chair.

His effect on her was devastating. And Lord help her, she liked it.

She was a glutton for punishment.

“Did he just wink at you?” Becky asked incredulously.

Gracie shrugged, feigning nonchalance. It wouldn’t do to have her friend suspicious. Becky was, after all, the human resources manager for Worth. “We work closely together. He’s just having fun. It didn’t mean a thing.”

“Looks like he’s flirting to me,” Becky muttered.

“Beck.” Gracie smiled when her friend slid a glance in her direction. “It’s nothing. Harmless fun. He’s my boss. We work together on a constant basis. He likes to flirt, but he never takes it beyond that.” Well, once, but that didn’t count. “You know how he is. So stop worrying.”

“I’m not worrying. At least, not about him. More like I’m worrying about you. Don’t fall for his charm, Gracie. I’ve seen plenty of women who worked at Worth do it before. And it never ended well.”

She wished she could ask more about that but didn’t want Becky to think she was interested. And he’d done this sort of thing with plenty of other female employees at Worth? Well, didn’t that just make her feel special?

Not really.

“There’s no need to worry about me. I have a heart made of stone, remember?” Gracie’s words sounded hollow, even to her.

“Yeah, but I bet there’s a soft, squishy center just wanting to get crushed by the wrong guy.”

“I will never let the wrong guy get close enough to crush it. Or me.” Gracie lifted her chin, pleased with her answer. It had been her mantra since she was a teenager and her first real boyfriend of all of four months had broken her heart by cheating on her.

“Well, doesn’t that sound like a lon

ely way to live?”

Gracie frowned. She just couldn’t win for trying.

Weddings made him nervous. Monkey suits? Even more so. Listening to a minister preach about sacred vows and forever after? It made him want to break out into a cold sweat.

Hunter shifted on his feet and slipped a finger beneath his collar, tugging ever so slightly to loosen the bowtie that strangled his neck.

The tug didn’t help. Not for lack of trying. And when the hell was the ceremony going to end? Alex had promised it would be a short one. Looked like he’d lied.

“Stop fidgeting,” his younger brother said from behind him. “You look like a little boy who needs to take a leak, hopping from one foot to the other like that.”

Hunter clasped his hands behind his back, quietly fuming. Who the hell was Rhett to tell him how to behave? King of the rich party boys, a wastrel of the nth degree, he lived off the Worth fortune and merely pretended to work. He was now out in Southern California full time, supposedly managing the huge Beverly Hills flagship store, but everyone knew the truth.

Rhett didn’t do jack shit but collect a paycheck, get drunk and get laid. And not necessarily in that order.

Letting the anger bleed out of him, Hunter focused his attention on Alex and his bride. They stared at each other with dreamy, googly eyes, lovesick fools who thought they were taking the next logical step. Marriage. The old ball and chain, lock and key, one woman and one man, together forever and ever, amen.

A shudder moved through him, and he breathed deep to quell the panic that wanted to rise.

His brother was crazy. But they somehow fit, Alex and Tessa. She softened him, and he gave her strength. And that precious little niece of Hunter’s, Charlotte? Well, she had her mom and dad wrapped around her little finger.

Hunter smiled. Yeah, she had him all wrapped up tight too. Who could resist the little cutie? She cooed with delight when he walked into the room and reached for him. It helped that he went there often to visit and secretly tried to teach her how to say Uncle Hunter when no one was around or paying him any attention. He’d settle for any variation of his name, especially if it was her first word.

That was his ultimate goal. And wouldn’t it just burn her parents if his secret wish came true?

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