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Chapter One

The wedding was beautiful, the bride lovely in a strapless, cream silk gown that clung to her like a glove. The groom was dashing in his tuxedo, the full wattage smile he wore so wide his face looked like it might split in two. Never before had anyone witnessed a couple so much in love.

The sight of them filled Gracie with such longing her eyes grew misty, and she sniffed as discreetly as she could while watching the bride pause at the open doorway before she slowly started walking down the aisle toward her almost-husband.

“I didn’t realize weddings made you cry.” Gracie’s friend and co-worker Becky leaned over and gave her a nudge. “I always thought your heart was made of stone,” she added out of the side of her mouth.

Gracie ignored Becky’s comment and dabbed at the corner of her eyes with the tip of her finger. Everyone thought her heart was made of stone. And they were right—sort of. The stone within her wasn’t her heart, though. It was the large wall she’d built around it long, long ago.

The necessary wall she’d constructed to protect her bruised and fragile heart.

Gracie’s boss and the CEO of Worth Luxury, Alexander Worth, took his bride Tessa Crawford’s hands and shot her a look so full of deep affection it sent a pang through Gracie. Ah, to be loved like that. She didn’t know what it felt like. She had no close family, not even her parents. A few friends, plenty of work acquaintances she enjoyed spending time with, but they really didn’t count—and she certainly had never fallen in love.

It was too scary, putting herself on the line like that. She’d rather stay safe and keep it simple.

And in her mind, simple equaled alone.

“Her dress is gorgeous,” Becky said wistfully as the bride passed by.

“It is.” She glanced at Tessa, the beautiful, understated wedding gown she wore. But really her eyes weren’t for the bride or groom, not any longer. She’d become distracted, as usual, by the man standing to the side of Alex. His dark hair gleamed under the golden chandeliers that shone from above, casting him in a warm glow. The tuxedo he wore accentuated the width of his shoulders, the long, lean lines of his body.

A body she’d been held close to once. A little over a month ago, during a night filled with too many drinks and a few stolen, delicious kisses that she’d put a stop to immediately.

How foolish she’d been, ending it. Regret unfurled deep within her, heavy and cumbersome.

Alex’s younger brother Hunter Worth, Vice President of Worth Luxury, who oversaw the entire in-house brand and marketing department, was Gracie Hayes’ dirty little secret.

“Hunter looks good tonight. Wonder if he brought a date.”

Gracie jerked her head up at Becky’s speculative words. “Do you think he did?”

Becky shrugged. “I don’t know. Everyone brings a date to a wedding.”

“We didn’t,” Gracie pointed out. Worry gripped her heart, and she shook it off immediately. She was being ridiculous. Why should she care if he brought a date?

“Well, yeah, but why wouldn’t he bring someone? He’s gorgeous and he’s loaded. What woman wouldn’t want him?”

Right. What woman wouldn’t want him? Oh, her, that’s who. She was the one who turned him down after experiencing the most mind-blowing kissing session of her life. Only fifteen minutes, tops, and she’d been a little drunk, but oh, what a memorable fifteen minutes it had been. Normally she preferred not to drink at all, especially at after work functions, where she didn’t want to make a fool of herself for fear of her peers judging her. But she’d needed to cut loose that night.

It was as if Hunter had sensed her need. That need to let go a little and a whole lot more. One minute she was sitting next to him at the bar drinking and laughing, noticing for the first time just how intensely blue his eyes were. How he had a faded white scar just beneath his chin. And when he shot her that slow, sexy smile, her panties felt like they were going to dissolve. Just with the flash of a smile.

Next thing she knew she was in the dark back hallway of the pub, his hands all over her body, his mouth fused with hers. His tongue licked deep inside her mouth before he whispered hot words in her ear.

Gracie wiggled in her seat at the memory, and she banished them. What good did it do, reliving it? A colossal waste of time, especially since it would never happen again. What was done was done. Let bygones be bygones, and all that jazz.

She frowned. What, had she turned into a constant cliché?

“He’s looking right at us. Oh my God.” Becky slumped in her wooden chair and looked away from the bridal party. “Do you think he’s a mind reader or what?”

“He’s not looking at us…” Her voice trailed off when she realized Hunter was indeed looking at them. His gaze tangled with hers, those sparkling blue eyes glowing, his lush mouth twisted into a naughty little smirk.

Could he read minds? If so, he appeared awfully pleased with her train of thought. She wished she could tell him to screw off. No, she wished she could tell him what happened between them hadn’t mattered to her whatsoever.

Secretly, she wished she wasn’t so darned attracted to him, but her wishes were futile.

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