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He rolled over on his side, gave his pillow a satisfying punch. He’d been such a nerd back then. Shy, reluctant to hang around the other kids for fear of making an ass of himself. He hadn’t known how to behave around girls, that was for sure. Only when he was a senior in high school did he finally get it and grew balls big enough to ask them out. But by then he wasn’t going to the cabin with his parents. And neither was Julie. When you’re a teen, who wanted to hang out with their parents?

Well, he wasn’t an awkward teenager anymore. He was a grown man with plenty of women under his belt. A respectable job—hell he owned a successful business that earned him a lot of money, and he had a nice house in Reno.

But he was lonely. He could admit it. His last steady relationship ended almost a year ago. He’d been busy at work. He hadn’t met anyone new in a long time.

That’s why this unexpected reunion with Julie upped his interest.

A sound drew his attention and he sat up, holding his breath. A low humming noise came from the other room. It almost sounded like a…


No way.

He slid out of bed and approached the wall that separated their rooms, his head cocked. Yep, he heard it. A low, steady hum, the very distinct sound of a vibrator, which meant Julie was lying in bed getting off at this very moment.

His cock jerked, and he rested a hand over the front of his boxer briefs. Down boy. He couldn’t freaking believe it. The thought of her possibly naked in the very bed he’d been sleeping in only minutes before, bringing herself to orgasm with a vibrator…holy shit.

His cock jerked again, lengthening and hardening. He swore he heard a low moan, and he stifled one of his own, slipping his hand beneath his underwear. Fisting his cock, he stroked himself, took another step closer so he was practically plastered to the wall.

Another soft, whispery moan, as if she was trying to be quiet. Damn, the walls were thin. He’d never realized just how much. The vibrator’s buzzing kicked up a notch, and he realized she’d turned up the setting. Did that mean she was close? Most likely. He’d used a vibrator on a woman more than a few times. He wasn’t afraid of allowing a few sex toys into the bedroom. They could be fun, enhancing the experience when needed.

Drops of pre-come leaked from the slit at the tip of his cock, and he smeared it all over with his thumb, lubing himself. More soft moans from the other room fueled his thoughts, and he increased the speed of his strokes. He was going to come and quickly if he didn’t watch it but he didn’t care. He was too turned on to care.

“Yessss.” He swore he heard her whisper, and he swallowed hard, pushing his underwear down so they rested around his thighs. His cock sprang free, his fingers wrapped tight around the length, and he continued to stroke himself. Images of Julie floated through his mind, sprawled and naked across the bed, the vibrator between her legs, her free hand touching her breasts. They appeared decent in size when he’d seen her earlier, or what he could make out considering he was half-blind without his glasses. She was pretty damn curvy from what he could tell, and he didn’t remember her being quite as curvy when they were younger.

But everyone filled out eventually. He was living proof of that.

God, if anyone walked into his room at this very moment he’d look like an utter ass. Leaning against a wall, fingers wrapped tight around his dick, underwear falling almost to his knees. He didn’t care. Encouraged by the increasingly louder moans he heard from the other side of the wall, he quickened his pace, knew that he was close to blowing.

And then he heard it. A low, keening wail, panting, frantic whimpers indicating she had indeed just come. What a sound. The sweetest sound he’d ever heard. Oh yeah, and if he didn’t watch it soon he was gonna come himself…

Grunting, he felt the first splash of come on his fingers, and he held himself stiff, moaning as quietly as he could as his entire body jerked with his climax. Semen spilled all over his fingers, his body shuddered uncontrollably and when it was finally over he slid down the wall until his butt hit the carpet.

Tyler shook his head and leaned back, thumping it against the wall. Closing his eyes, he let go of his limp dick, wiped his hand on his underwear. Shit, he should go shower. At the very least clean himself up and put on a new pair of boxer briefs.

He really hoped she hadn’t heard him. It was bad enough that he heard her.

It was going to be hard to face her in the morning. All he’d be able to think about was her. Naked. Writhing uncontrollably as she brought herself to orgasm with a vibrator.

He liked a woman who took control. He always had. Now he had even more reason to like her.

This weekend was going to be absolute torture.

Chapter Two

Julie stepped out of the connecting bathroom and went to her overnight bag, plucking out a pair of panties. Deciding she should unpack the entire bag into the awaiting empty dresser, she slipped on her underwear and went to work. Within minutes, she had everything put away, a few shirts hanging in the closet and her makeup bag resting on top of the mirrored dresser.

Admiring her handy work while still clad in just her panties, she slipped on a bra and then grabbed a T-shirt and a pair of shorts. She was going to take a walk around the lake this morning. Must’ve been the solid night’s sleep or the fresh mountain air, but she felt downright invigorated. First, though, she needed a cup of coffee.

She could already smell it brewing, and she breathed deep, savoring the rich fragrant scent. Thank goodness for Tyler. There was nothing better than a man who prepared coffee in the morning.

Julie stopped short, silently chastising herself. If she had any brains at all she’d tell him to hightail it out of there. This weekend was supposed to be for her. Just her. She didn’t need a man to muck it up. Despite the fact that said man was super handsome and an old acquaintance, the son of her parents’ dearest friends which meant he was someone she could trust. Oh, and then there was the fact that while she fooled around with Mister Pinky last night it wasn’t some hot hunky actor she fantasized about as usual, it was Tyler Nichols. In his underwear. In her mind, she’d curled her fingers around the waistband of his navy blue boxer briefs and slowly pulled them off, leaving him standing there in his full naked glory.

Oh, and it had been most pleasant in her fantasy. Would the real thing measure up?

As if I’m ever going to find out.

Rolling her eyes at herself, she tugged her still damp hair up into a ponytail and wound a band around it then deemed herself ready to face him. Emerging from the bedroom, she followed the wonderful scent of coffee and—oh my God was that bacon?—until she arrived in the kitchen. Found Tyler standing in front of the stove, frying up the crispiest bacon she’d ever seen.
