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“Your hair. It’s still pretty distinct you know.”

“Oh.” She ran a hand over her long, auburn-colored waves. Growing up she’d hated it. It had been brighter as a child and wild. Thank goodness for expensive hair products. They always seemed to do the trick in taming it.

“Yeah.” Now he appeared embarrassed. Which she thought was kind of strange. “Like I said, you take the master bedroom, I’ll take the other room and we’ll figure out what we’re going to do in the morning.”

“But you were already sleeping in the master bedroom,” she pointed out, feeling a little bit like a jerk. She didn’t want to kick him out of bed.

She already had though, hadn’t she? It was as if he wasn’t even conscious of the fact that he stood in front of her with just his underwear on. Giving her a delectable view of everything he had to offer. Like the wide shoulders, broad chest and flat stomach…narrow hips and muscular thighs and…well, not quite everything. Her imagination could certainly run wild though. And it was. It was coming up with all sorts of vivid scenarios.

“I don’t mind.” He smiled, and her breath caught in her throat. Oh man, he was handsome. His eyes were a twinkling light blue, and he had a kind face, a dazzling smile and a body that appeared carved from granite. “Come on. I’ll grab your bag for you.”

He went past her, his arm nudging against hers. The contact of his hot and hard flesh made her shiver, and she watched as he bent over and picked up her overnight bag. Her gaze zeroed in on his ass, and her brows rose.

Niiiice. She wondered what he might do if she touched it. Slapped it. Cupped it.

As if.

Julie followed him back to the bedroom, and he flicked on the overhead light. The bed was a mess, the sheets and comforter haphazardly thrown to the side. He placed her bag on a chair that sat in the corner of the room, offering her a sheepish smile as he reached for his T-shirt slung on the arm of said chair and slipped it on.

Just like that, no more view of his rock hard abs and glorious pecs. Such a shame too.

“Sorry for the mess. And uh, the sheets are clean. Well, they were clean. I was only asleep for maybe an hour, maybe two.”

“It’s okay.” She paused, studied him carefully. Found that he watched her just as carefully, maybe even more so. “I’m sorry for putting you out. It’s just, I opened the door and there you were and I thought the place would be empty. It kind of freaked me out.”

“Hey, I understand. No worries.” He ran a hand through his hair again, as if it was some sort of nervous habit. “Well, I’ll see you in the morning.”

“See you in the morning,” she murmured as she watched him walk out of the room. He closed the door behind him with a quiet click.

Sighing, she grabbed her bag and threw it on the bed, unzipped the top and peered inside. Caught sight of her bright pink vibrator nestled discreetly in an inside side pocket. She’d thrown it in on a whim, had planned on using it as a sort of relaxing aide, but now with Mister Surprisingly Hot and Studly in the room next door, she wasn’t so sure. Were the walls thin? She could be quiet but would he hear the distinct buzzing if she turned it on?

Using it right now certainly had its appeal. Her mind was going a mile a minute, especially at the surprising development of a guest for the weekend. Normally she would’ve been mad. No, not mad more like a little frustrated. Feeling intruded upon.

But now…now she was intrigued. Curious as to what made Tyler Nichols tick. Did he have a girlfriend? What did he do for a living? How’d he get so dang buff? Lickable abs and a squeezable butt, pretty blue eyes and a wide, smiling mouth…

Oh yeah, she wanted to use Mister Pinky tonight. Her fantasies were running rampant, fueled by new blood. It was late, he’d probably already fallen asleep. He wouldn’t hear a thing.

Yanking her short nightgown out of her bag, she changed quickly, forgoing panties. She grabbed the vibrator and turned off the light, slipping beneath the covers. She’d forgotten to shut the curtains and decided the hell with it. It was kind of pleasant to have the light of the moon fill the room. It added to the mood as did Tyler’s scent, which lingered on the soft pillow.

Julie breathed deeply, inhaling his essence. Woodsy and masculine, she recalled how he looked asleep in bed. Large and virile, the sheet draped about his hips as he lay on his side, bare, tanned skin exposed.

Her nipples hardened, and her legs became restless. Wow, it really had been a long time if she could become aroused by an old friend. An old friend who’d never really mattered to her much in the first place. Oh, she’d thought Tyler was nice and polite and all that jazz, but she never really gave him much credit. He’d always been quiet, shy, and dang skinny and awkward. When all the kids would hang out together he’d take off on his bike or go hang out by the lake. Alone.

Now she found him quite mysterious. And sexy. Just imagining those twinkling eyes and his smiling face was enough to make her pussy wet, and she touched herself, her already swollen clit sensitive. Turning the top, she brought the vibrator down to tease in between her legs, on its lowest setting.

She’d work up to the good stuff in a minute. First she wanted to relax and just enjoy the sensation.

With Tyler Nichols fueling her imagination.

Tyler still couldn’t believe his luck. The girl of his teenage

fantasies, the one he’d always wondered about still after all these years, was in the very next room. Lying in the very bed he’d occupied only moments before.

The one and only Julie Lancaster. Once he realized who she was, he realized she looked pretty damn amazing in black pants and a white button-down shirt, distinct dark red hair curling in wild abandon all about her face. Even without his glasses on he knew it was her, just by the color of her hair.

Her mother had mentioned in a mass email that she planned on sending Julie to the cabin soon, that she worked herself to death and she needed to relax. But he hadn’t expected her to show up this particular weekend. He seriously thought he had the place all to himself.

If he could, he’d do whatever it took to keep her here for the entire weekend. So they could get to know each other again. Not that they ever really knew each other in the first place.
