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“I see. And how long have you two been seeing each other? I’m surprised she kept it from us. You’re an old family friend, I’m sure she realizes how thrilled her mother would be at the idea of the two of you together.”

“We haven’t been seeing each very long, actually. And I think Julie was keeping it quiet in case…in case things didn’t work out.” Tyler shifted around, feeling bad for lying. He didn’t want to admit he’d only been w

ith her for two days and it had been a non-stop sex fest since they pretty much set eyes on each other.

Tyler didn’t think her father would much appreciate hearing those sorts of details.

“I think you two make a fine couple.” Lou smiled and nodded, and Tyler swore he caught sight of a twinkle in the older man’s eye. “You best do right by her, Tyler. She’s a good girl, a hard worker and I’m proud of the woman she’s become. But she’s also vulnerable. She doesn’t allow a lot of people into her inner circle if you know what I mean. So if she’s allowed you entry, you best be grateful.”

Interesting. He had a feeling Julie was a private person who kept a tight circle of friends from bits and pieces of conversations they’d shared the last couple of days. Her father’s statement only confirmed it.

“Thank you, sir,” Tyler said solemnly. “Your approval means everything to me. I would never intentionally harm Julie in any way. I—care for her a lot.”

“That’s nice to hear,” Lou Lancaster said with nod. “Clara will be pleased too. She’s already pleased, but she has a way of getting ahead of herself.”

Both men chuckled, and Lou stood, as did Tyler. “We best go outside and take that walk Clara insists upon. I’d rather take a nap in the hammock out back, but she has other ideas.”

Tyler followed the man outside onto the front porch, where both women were sitting on the porch steps waiting for them. Julie leapt to her feet and went to him, seemingly oblivious to her parents standing right there watching them as she leaned up on tiptoe and brushed the quickest, softest kiss to his lips.

“Everything go okay in there?” she whispered, concern lingering in her eyes.

“Everything’s fine. Your dad is cool.” He reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze.

She smiled and kissed him again, this time on the cheek. “So are you.”

Clara Lancaster stared at the both of them agog. As if she couldn’t believe what she saw. Julie led the way, snapping her fingers as if to hurry everyone along. “Let’s take that walk. I need to burn some calories considering that sausage biscuit I just ate.”

“You only ate half of it,” Lou mumbled as he fell into step behind his daughter. “You don’t have to be such a drill sergeant.”

Clara laughed and slapped her husband on the butt. “You ate two so you need this walk more than anyone. You’re not getting any younger, you know.”

Tyler rounded up the end, shaking his head in amusement at the pleasant banter. A breeze hit him, strong and warm, carrying with it the scent of pine. The lake before them shimmered bright blue as the sun reflected upon the gentle waves. It was a fine Sunday morning, one he never wanted to forget.

He could only hope Julie would be agreeable to his suggestion later. That he would make once the Lancasters had left, since Clara declared they’d head back home later this afternoon.

He needed to get his emotions off his chest, tell Julie how he felt. He wanted to ask her if she wanted their relationship to become more serious, couldn’t allow her to return to Sacramento so she could forget him.

Now he just needed to get up the guts to actually ask her.

He had a feeling it might be harder than he thought.

Chapter Seven

Julie thought her parents would never leave. She was downright antsy by the time they walked out onto the porch, hugging their goodbyes and her mother offering sweet whispered words about Tyler. How much she liked him, how much her father liked him and she had both their full approval.

She’d hugged them both, practically pushed them off the porch toward their car and then slammed the door behind them, turning the lock so that it gave a satisfying click.

“You are one impatient woman,” Tyler murmured when she launched herself upon him. His arms slid about her waist and pulled her close. Already she felt his growing erection rub against her.

“So are you by the feel of things.” She ground against him, earning a soft groan from him.

“Hey, this is all your fault. You touched me. That’s all it takes,” he admitted, leaning down to give her a lingering kiss. “I had a good time with your parents by the way.”

“It was nice, huh?” She meant it. After pushing them away for so long it felt good to relax and actually hang out with them. They were fun people, easy to get along with and she didn’t give them enough credit.

It took good ol’ Tyler Nichols to make her realize such a fact. Amazing.

But she really didn’t want to talk about her parents anymore. She’d rather focus on Tyler. Fiddling with the neckline of his T-shirt, she snuggled close to him, noticing how well they fit together. She had to leave soon. It was already mid-afternoon, and her father had tried to gently encourage her to follow him back to Sacramento. She’d refused, wanting to spend at least one more stolen hour with Tyler before she returned home.
