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But he believed her perfect for him.

“So why did you guys come up here? Just for the day?” Julie asked. Her voice broke his reverie and he glanced at her parents who paused mid-eating.

“I was worried about you,” Clara admitted, a grave expression on her face as she set down her breakfast sandwich. “I called and called but you never answered your cell, and you’re always on your cell phone.”

Julie immediately looked contrite though she didn’t say a word.

“Then my imagination started to get the best of me. Maybe something terrible happened to you. Maybe you were lost. Or maybe a bear attacked you.”

She burst out laughing at that one. “Are you serious?”

“Well, I wasn’t sure what happened! Don’t laugh. A mother’s worry is never funny,” Clara admonished.

Julie sent a skittering glance in his direction then focused on her mother. “I’m sorry, Mom. I’ve only checked my phone once since I got here and that was yesterday morning. I didn’t mean to make you worry.”

Her mother smiled and reached out to pat her hand. “It’s all right. Now that I know you were…otherwise occupied.”

Everyone laughed though a bit awkwardly. Tyler was thankful the Lancaster’s approved of him. That they didn’t mind he was spending such—intimate time with their daughter. He wanted their approval. He wanted to be part of Julie’s life on a permanent basis.

Did she want the same thing? He thought she might. But he wasn’t sure. And he was afraid to push, not wanting to get into too serious of a conversation and ruin the last remaining remnants of their weekend.

“You know what we should do? We should take a walk,” Clara suggested, nudging her husband in the ribs. He set down his second breakfast sandwich and gave her an accusing look. “Around the lake. It’s a gorgeous morning. And heaven knows it would do us all some good to get some fresh air.”

“I’ve gotten a lot of fresh air this weekend,” Julie said as she stood, gathering up all the garbage leftover from their breakfast and taking it to the trashcan. “But I think I’m up for a walk though I need to change first. How about you, Tyler?”

“Absolutely.” It didn’t matter where he was as long as he had Julie by his side. “Let me go get my shoes on.”

“Let me get changed first. I’ll be right back.” She cast a sweet smile at everyone sitting at the table then bounded out of the kitchen.

They made small talk while she was gone, and Tyler realized he missed her. Completely irrational since she was just in the next room and he knew she’d be back in minutes. In fact, she was back in minutes, looking fresh and clean. Clad in a vibrant green tank top and black shorts that emphasized the length of her tanned legs.

She was beautiful. And if he had his say, she would be his by the end of today.

He went into the bedroom next, casting an amused glance at the chaos. The room was normally neat and tidy and he wasn’t one for making a huge mess. He realized Julie was a little more on the messy side, surprising considering her success as a business owner.

Oh well, everyone had their faults.

After he finished tying his shoes he ambled down the hall, headed toward the front door when the quiet voice of Lou Lancaster stopped him in his tracks.

“Can I have a word with you, son?”

Tyler turned to find Lou sitting on the edge of the couch, his gaze focused directly on him.

“Sure,” Tyler said slowly as he looked about the room. “Where’re Julie and Mrs. Lancaster?”

“They’re outside waiting for us. It won’t take long, I promise.” Lou smiled up at him though it didn’t quite reach his eyes.

Tyler approached him, suddenly wary. Lou looked downright uncomfortable, and he wondered what the man wanted to speak to him about.

“What did you want to talk about Mr. Lancaster?”

“Call me Lou.” He patted the spot next to him on the couch. “Sit down, son.”

Tyler did as he asked, sitting on the opposite end of the couch. The two men stared each other down for a moment, as if they were having some sort of contest and finally Tyler looked away first, glancing down at his feet. He rested his elbows on his knees, clenched hands hanging in between them and damn it, he realized he was nervous.

“I know this may sound formal and a bit old-fashioned but what are your intentions for my daughter?”

Tyler cleared his throat, wanting to get it just right. “Well, I haven’t discussed it with her, but I’d like to continue our relationship. For the long term.”
