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Then again, maybe not.

It was her last image of him, as he sat in his SUV staring at her with hunger and desire, all but willing her to come home with him. Her mind saw him there in the darkness, sitting behind the wheel, so strong and virile and so incredibly gorgeous. Slowly, reality fell away and her dream world rose. There were no taboos in the world of dreams. No right and wrong. Only wants being fulfilled, desires being shared. Lacey wouldn’t leave him to drive home alone and aching in this world. In her dream, she would stay and take what she wanted.

As with most dreams, one minute they were in the SUV and the next she lay on her bed, naked. Nick was on top of her, staring down at her with a kind of craving she’d never seen on a man’s face. He spoke, but she couldn’t understand the words. All she knew was the way he made her feel. His hands touched her body, drifted and tickled, until they came to rest against her quivering breasts. He leaned down and sucked one hardened peak into the heat of his voracious mouth. Lacey jolted with the contact.

He pressed into her, slipping only the tip of his cock inside her wet pussy. She wanted nothing more than for him to thrust forward, to take her hard and drive her into oblivion. But he seemed intent on taking his time.

Nick licked and bit at her breasts, using his hands to squeeze and fondle, as if testing their weight in his hands. Lacey reached up and touched his shoulders, his sleek muscular back then lower to his perfect glutes. She was beyond ready for him. Lacey wrapped her legs around his thighs and used her hands to pull him deeper. She wanted him. Needed him to fill her. She ached for him to take away the cold emptiness to which she’d grown so accustomed.

She shamelessly begged Nick, her dream lover, and suddenly he lifted up and stared down at her. Long seconds passed and not a single syllable drifted through his talented lips. He leisurely pushed his hips against her pelvis, driving his huge, throbbing

cock so deep their bodies melted together. He clutched her hips, pulled her lower half off the bed, and drove in harder still. Lacey’s body began to climb. She watched intently as the play of emotions on Nick’s face went from calm and controlled to wild and untamed. In that instant, she let her inhibitions fall away as she revealed to him her own impatient cravings.

He started to pump into her. Harder. Faster. Nick slammed his hips against hers. She cried out in surprise as he reached down and pressed his warm palm flat against the giving flesh of her lower belly. She knew he was able to feel his hard dick inside of her there, pushing in and out of her tight body. His hand touching her in such a possessive way brought tears to her eyes. In some elemental way, her heart and soul entwined with his in that moment.

She started to close her eyes, but his harsh demand had her opening them again. She gazed up at him, uncertain, scared, but in need of what only he could give.

Lacey’s aching breasts bounced as Nick fucked her, plunging his engorged cock deep. Inevitably, Nick’s eyes were drawn downward. She moaned low when he dipped his head and drew his tongue across her over-heated nipples, drawing little circles around her areolas.

It all became too much. Lacey screamed out her climax. Nick was right there, filling her with his hot come and shouting her name over and over.

At that exact moment, Lacey was yanked from her dream world and brought back to the world of the living with the ringing of her phone.

“Damn it,” she muttered as she reached over and nearly shouted, “Hello?”

“Wake up on the wrong side of the bed, did we?”

“Nick?” she squeaked. Her face flushed deep with the thought of where her mind had been all night long. She still vibrated and pulsed with heat. She hadn’t had a wet dream like that since her teenage years. Not even then were they so vivid and perfect.

“Yeah. Did you sleep well, baby?”

“Like a rock.” Well, what could she say? That she’d just let him have her body as if she was a sex slave and he the almighty sheik?

“Really? Because you sound…agitated.”

“Yep, really.” She lied with alacrity then sat up and got out of bed. Sliding her feet into her fuzzy happy face slippers, she headed toward the kitchen and coffee. “Was there something you wanted at—” she looked at the clock on her microwave, “—seven thirty in the morning?”

“I dreamed about you last night, Lace.”

That stopped her in her tracks. Could he be serious? “Uh, what sort of dream?”

She heard him chuckle. “Let me put it this way. You weren’t exactly sitting in a rocker knitting, if you know what I mean.”

Her body liquefied at his words. Well, crap. Like she didn’t know what he was talking about. Her insides had twisted with lust all night long. “You said you’d give me time to think about this.”

“You had all night.”

“I was sleeping all night.”

“I was, too, with you, moaning and quivering and coming all around my cock. I didn’t want to wake up from that.”

“Oh.” He laughed again, making her snap at him in turn. “What time are we working out? I’ve got a lunch date, so it’ll have to be either before or after that.”

“With who?”

Nick’s laughter had ceased. Now he sounded downright furious. What was that about?

“No one you know,” she said mysteriously, intent on finding out more about this new side to her best friend. Nick the predatory male, the sexy lover, was a foreign notion to her.

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