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I needed to focus on something other than Hayden, and I should’ve never rejected their offer in the first place.

“Yes, Miss Carter?” She came on the line within minutes.

“I’d like to rescind my rejection letter. I would love to coach Katie Folds and be eligible for a medal.”

“I thought you might.” There was a smile in her voice. “I’ll have our coordinator arrange for a flight and the required three months of accommodations. Would you like to fly in toward the end of this month?”

“No,” I said. “I’d like to come as soon as possible.”

“Next weekend soon, or this weekend soon?”

“This weekend soon.”

Within minutes, I received a first-class flight ticket to Salt Lake City for Friday and a suite at the private training compound.

I didn’t tell anyone.

I was too damn hurt.

Out of spite, I deleted Cinder from my phone and downloaded Tinder.

Then I vowed to never let Hayden hurt me again.

I should’ve known better the first time. From what I was beginning to remember anyway.

Break up #16

The one that started the Cold War


Back Then

“The best romance you’ll ever find is with your best friend.” The fortune cookie serves me a truth that I already know.

I’m falling in love with Hayden Hunter.

So much so, that I make up fake problems sometimes just to talk to him on the phone at night. So much so, that I lie about needing to make late-night runs to the grocery store, so that we can spend more time together.

In my mind, it all makes sense: He’s the guy I spend the most time with, he sits front row at all of my competitions, and he knows me better than anyone else.

Given our six-year age gap, I know he’ll probably say, “Hell no, Pen,” but I’m hoping he’ll follow that up with, “We’ll try it after you win medal twenty-eight, or after your brother is committed to a psych ward. Whichever comes first.”

That’s more than enough hope for me, more than enough for me to dump my boyfriend for him. Even if I have to wait for years.

“Let me see what your fortune cookie says, babe.” Tim Lassing, my latest space-filler boyfriend, snatches the thin white paper from my hands.

I’m only dating him because he reminds me of Hayden and he has a similar work ethic when it comes to building his dating app.

He’s still not Hayden, though.

“Well, it’s fate then.” Tim smiles at the fortune. “We’re on the right track with each other.”


In the car, on the way home, my phone buzzes with a text message.

Hayden: Sorry I missed your call earlier. About your voicemail, I’ll be free tonight around 7. I’m dropping off some things for the manager at CinePlex.

Me: Okay, great. I’ll meet you then and there.

My heart tap-dances in my chest as I stand outside the doors of the movie theater. As if this is a date, I’m wearing a sexy red shirt and tight jeans, along with complementing nude heels.

When I step inside, I see Hayden laughing as he shakes the manager’s hand.

He starts walking toward me and stops.

For a second, I think he’s checking me out, but I brush off the thought as I walk to him.


“Hey. What did you want to talk to me about?” He smiles, and my heart skips a beat.

“I think I’m falling in love with someone.”

“You mean, Tim?”

No, you. “I mean, I want to tell him, but I don’t know how. It could fuck up everything because he has a lot on the line, but I feel like he’s the one.”

“The one that what?”

“Just the one.”

“Hmmm.” He tucks a few strands of hair behind my ear, looking into my eyes. “Well, you should be honest with him, then. He’d be out of his mind not to want you back.”

“Even if he’s six years older than me?”

“If he has good intentions, I don’t see why not,” he says, stepping back. “Now, your brother probably won’t approve, so you’ll have to date the guy in private for another two years before saying anything. You also need to make sure he won’t distract you from your ultimate career goal. Twenty-eight medals, right?”

“Whenever I’m with him, I don’t care about any of that stuff.”

“Any of that stuff?” He looks confused. “You mean, what you’ve worked for your entire life? That’s more than stuff, Penelope.”

“I know, but—”

“Don’t let a guy distract you from your dreams.” He interrupts. “He won’t be worth it, no matter who he is.”

I stare at him, feeling my heart beat an unfamiliar rhythm, the words stalling at the tip of my tongue.

Go for it. Say ‘I love you, Hayden Hunter,’ and kiss him now. Right now.

“Penelope?” Tim’s voice snaps me out of my thoughts, and I look across the lobby.

“Hey.” I step away from Hayden and smile at Tim.

He walks over, looking between us. “Am I interrupting something?”

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