Page 59 of To Marry McKenzie

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thought I might join them, after all.'

Coward, she instantly berated herself. She could hardly have expected to

find the library in the South Tower! But her courage had completely

deserted her at coming face to face with Logan unexpectedly like this.

Logan nodded. 'I've just left them. I...think they would probably like to be

alone for a while now.'

'Of course.' There was embarrassed colour in her cheeks now. 'How silly of


'How about joining me in the family sitting-room for a brandy, instead?' he

suggested. 'I would like to talk to you, anyway,' he elaborated as she was

about to refuse.

Darcy's confusion returned a hundredfold. She had felt she owed Logan an

explanation for her behaviour on the terrace after realising her

misunderstanding concerning Francesca earlier, had bullied herself into

going in search of Logan to make that apology this evening, knowing she

would never sleep if she didn't. But her relief had been immense when she'd

knocked, on what she had found out from one of the maids was his bedroom

door, and he hadn't answered. Now she knew it was because he had been

downstairs with her father and Meg.

But didn't she still owe him that explanation...?

'Thank you,' she accepted awkwardly, accompanying him down the stairs.

The family sitting-room was much less formal than the rooms she had seen

so far, a warm fire burning in the grate, old comfortable furniture, books and

magazines lying around, family photographs everywhere. No doubt some of

them would be of Logan when he was a boy. Darcy ached to be able to go

and look at them.

'Here.' Logan held out a glass of brandy to her.

She took the glass, gingerly sipping the fiery liquid. Dutch courage, she

inwardly taunted herself. 'Logan—'

'Let's sit down, hmm.' He indicated the over-stuffed sofa behind them,

waiting until she was seated before sitting down next to her.

Instantly throwing Darcy into confusion again. Being near Logan at any

time was torture for her, but with him in this strange, unfathomable mood,

she found it even more difficult to bear.

He watched the brandy as he swirled it around in his glass. 'I thought you

would like to know I've made my peace with my mother,' he told her softly.

'You have?' She breathed emotionally, unbidden tears springing into her

eyes. 'Oh, Logan, that's wonderful!' And she meant it. Logan might not

appreciate it yet, but it would be better for him too not to have that

awkwardness in his life.

'I have.' He nodded, looking up suddenly, his gaze blazing into hers. 'And

now I would like to make my peace with you.'

Darcy sat back slightly. 'With me...?' She frowned.

He sighed, nodding again. 'If I frightened or upset you earlier when we were


'Oh, but you didn't,' she instantly protested. Fear was the last thing she had

felt in his arms earlier!

'I didn't?' He looked bemused. 'Well, no matter.' He shrugged. 'I obviously

did something wrong. And for that I apologise. The last thing I ever want to

do is frighten or upset you.'

Darcy was suddenly aware of the grandfather clock ticking behind them, of

the silence in the castle after the noise of the party earlier. She was also

aware that whatever came next had to come from her.

'You didn't do either of those things, Logan.' She chewed on her inner lip.

'I—I thought Francesca Darwin was your—I believed she was staying here.

At the castle. With you!' The words came tumbling out.

Logan looked back at her uncomprehendingly. 'Why on earth should you

have thought that?' he finally said slowly.

Darcy stood up, moving away from him. She couldn't think straight sitting

close to him like that! 'She was with you when Brice and I joined you. She

sat next to you at dinner. And you changed your mind about being a

witnessat the wedding after lunch that day!' she continued determinedly.

Logan looked as if he was trying to make sense of what she was saying.

'It was obvious that whoever it was you had lunch with ten days ago had

helped change your mind,' Darcy went on frustratedly.

'You're right. They did.' He pursed his lips. 'And you believed it had to be a


'Of course it—you mean it wasn't?' Darcy looked at him uncertainly.

Logan shook his head. 'It was Fergus. Although a woman was indirectly

involved in my change of mind,' he admitted.

Darcy sighed heavily. 'I thought so.'

Logan put down his own brandy glass to stand up, only inches away from

her again now. 'That woman was you, Darcy,' he told her gruffly.

Her eyes widened. 'Me? But—'

He sighed. 'Fergus and Brice were both going to be at the wedding. They are

both incredibly attractive to women, consummate flirts. And you—'

She held her breath, willing him to go on. And when he didn't, 'I what,

Logan?' she prompted.

He took a deep breath. 'Darcy, what were you really doing wandering

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