Page 80 of Falling Fast

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Scanning the bar, I notice I’m not the only one thinking about all the dirty things I want to do to her. Except unlike the men watching my woman walk toward me, I’m the only one who will get to experience those fantasies firsthand.

“Well?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest when she’s a few feet away.

“I got the job!” she shouts, rushing around the bar toward me and throwing herself into my arms.

Claiming her immediately, I wrap my arms around her waist, kiss her hard and wet, and thrust my tongue into her mouth, not giving a fuck who’s watching. When I pull back, I only do it an inch so I can look into her eyes. “I’m happy for you.”

“I’m happy for me too,” she says, and I smile, touching my lips to hers once more before standing her upright but keeping her close. “I start in a week. One of their current teachers is having a baby and she isn’t planning on coming back.”

“That’s good news for you.”

“It’s great news for me,” she agrees, wrapping her hand around the side of my neck. “Sucks though.”

“What sucks?” I ask, studying her, and she pulls in a breath, looking away.

“We’ll have to put off going to see Nat and getting my stuff for a while.”

“We’ll find time to go.” I drag her closer and her eyes meet mine. “First long weekend you get, we’ll fly up there. And if there is anything you need now, you know she’ll mail it to you.”

“You’re right.”

“I’m normally right, just like I was right about you getting this job.”

“Don’t be smug about it.” She rolls her eyes and I grin. “What time are you getting off work?”

“About an hour. Do you want to wait for me?”

“I kinda want to get out of these clothes,” she murmurs, and my hold on her tightens as I imagine in detail the ways I’m going to help her out of her outfit.

“Do me a favor,” I say, knowing my voice sounds hoarse.

“What’s that?”

“Don’t change when you get home.”

“Why?” She frowns, studying me, and then her eyes darken and her lips part. “Oh.”

“Yeah.” I run my hand down her back to the top of her ass.

“I won’t change,” she says breathlessly.

“Good.” I lean in and kiss her again, and when I do, her lips part, giving me access to her mouth. “You should go,” I tell her regretfully when I pull my mouth from hers. “You don’t, and I’ll end up taking you in the office.” Feeling her shiver, I fight back a groan as my cock twitches behind my zipper.

“I should go,” she says quietly, putting pressure on my chest, and I loosen my hold.

“I’ll see you at home.”

“See you at home.”

I let her go and she walks away, stopping at the door to give me a look of promise over her shoulder before leaving, letting the door close behind her.

“Lucky bastard.”

Looking at Jonas, one of our regulars, I see his big body twisted on the barstool, his eyes on the door. I know he just saw Gia and me. I also know that in seeing Gia, he knows exactly what I will be going home to in an hour. If I weren’t the man going home to her, I’d be thinking the same thing he is right now.

“I know.”

He turns on his stool to look at me then grins. “Happy for you. You deserve to have that woman in your bed after the shit that happened to you.”

I don’t know if anyone is deserving of Gia, but I will tie myself into knots and do everything within my power to be worthy enough to call her mine for the rest of my life.

“Happy for you,” he repeats, before picking up his beer and finishing it off.

“You want another?” I ask, nodding at his empty glass, and he shakes his head.

“Nope gotta get home.” He drops a couple of bucks to the top of the bar and disappears. I finish up the stuff I need to get done between customers and wait for Mom to come in and take over for me. Luckily, she shows up twenty minutes early, so I leave the bar and head home, where I take Gia first against the wall next to the door, and then again on the bed upstairs after we finally make it there.


Pouring myself a cup of coffee, I look at the clock to see it’s 7:15 a.m., then turn with my cup in my hand and lean back against the counter. The last week has been good despite news from Chad that two more fires have been set in town since Lisa has been locked up and that the police are now looking for an arsonist. Everyone in town is worried especially since the police have no suspects.

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