Page 55 of Falling Fast

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“You ready?” he asks, positioning himself between my legs and wrapping his hand around his cock.

Running my hands up to the smooth, warm skin of his chest, I hold onto his shoulders and pull in a breath. “Yes.” I nod, feeling the head of his cock slide over my clit then bump against where I need him most.

“Wrap your legs around me, baby,” he instructs, so I do. I lift my legs and wrap them around the back of his thighs. My body vibrates with anticipation as he starts to slide in. He’s so thick that there is a bite of beautiful pain with every single inch he gives me. “You’re so fucking tight. So fucking perfect for me,” he groans, burying himself completely, filling me up in more ways than one. Tears burn the back of my eyes, but I hold them at bay, not wanting to ruin this moment by being ridiculous and crying.

Once he’s seated inside me, he wraps his hand around my jaw, lowers his face, and brushes his lips against mine. “Are you okay?”

“Yes,” I whisper, lifting my legs a little higher and bringing him that much closer to me.

“Good,” he whispers back, rubbing his thumb across my bottom lip. “Give me your mouth, baby.”

Lifting my head, I give him what he wants then kiss him back as he pulls out and slides in slowly, so slow it’s almost torture. Having him, all of him, his weight, his thickness, his mouth, his taste, his scent seeping into my skin and lungs, I know I’m done for. I’m ruined. There will never be anyone else for me but him, and when we both find release at the same time, that connection I’ve been feeling since the moment we met, increases tenfold.

Feeling all of that, I know I was wrong earlier today. I’m not just falling for him. I’m falling fast, and there is not one thing I can do about it. Really, I’m not sure I’d want to stop myself, even if I could.


She’s The One


WITH THE SCENT OF Gia’s hair under my nose, the feel of her naked body pressed tightly against mine, and her soft breath whispering across my skin for the first time, I don’t regret what happened to me. I’m actually thankful it did. I now realize that in losing everything I thought I ever wanted, I was given something better, something real. Something I know I will cherish and protect for the rest of my life. Now I just need to find a way to make her feel the same way I do.

I know she cares about me, but I want more. I want her heart, and I want to go to bed with her every night and wake up with her every morning, which means she needs to start her life here in town. Really start her life here by finding a job working with kids. It’s something I know she loves doing, something I could tell she missed doing when I saw her interact with Olivia.

On that thought, I kiss the top of her head then reach behind me to grab my phone and check the time. It’s already after 6:30 in the morning, which means as badly as I want to take her again, I don’t have time. Plus, I didn’t let her sleep much last night. After the first time, I took her slow to prove to myself that I could do that for her, give that to her. We went to the kitchen and ate the dinner, her sitting on the counter wearing one of my shirts and me in my boxers. After we finished eating, I didn’t give her a chance to go to her room. I carried her back upstairs, where I fucked her bent over the railing of the loft before taking her into my bed. She fell asleep in my arms after that, only to have me wake her up twice more during the night.

Dropping my cell phone back down, I wrap my arm around her and hold my lips to the top of her head. I need to soak in this moment and hope it will be enough to get me through the day. Before she was even mine, I wanted to claim her, to let people know, in any way possible, that she belongs to me. So now that she is mine, I know it’s going to be close to impossible to follow her ridiculous rules.

“Why aren’t you sleeping?” Her sleepy voice greets my ears, and I pull my head back to look down at her, finding her eyes still closed. “I can hear you thinking, and I don’t know about you, but I’m exhausted. So could you please just say whatever it is you need to say so I can go back to sleep?” she asks, and I smile.

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