Page 50 of Falling Fast

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Taking another sip, I watch the door open and Colton come in, looking just as amazing as he looked this morning. His hair has grown out in the last couple of weeks, making it long enough to get a handful when he’s kissing me. And today makes three days since he’s shaved, so his jaw is covered in a thick, dark layer of stubble, which is my favorite look on him. The button-up plaid shirt he’s wearing in creams, reds, and browns accentuates his eyes and the ruggedly handsome look he has about him.

Straightening from the counter when I see the look in his eyes, I ask, “Is everything okay?”

He doesn’t answer my question. Instead, his eyes roam mine like he’s looking for something as he rounds to the back of the bar where I’m standing. Taking the coffee mug from my hands once he’s close, he sets it down then dips his head and kisses me. Hard. Deep. And very, very wet. Before he releases my mouth and adjusts me in his hold.

“What did I tell you about kissing me?” I ask breathlessly, looking up at him and regretting that question when I see he looks pissed. Actually, not pissed. He looks furious.

“I went to see Tide this morning. His ex is friends with Brittany,” he informs me quietly, and I stare up at him, wondering who Brittany is. “Brittany told Anna about coming here to confront you with Lisa.”

Oh shit.

“Yeah, baby,” he agrees to the look on my face, and his arms tighten around me. “You should have told me what happened, Gia.”


“You should have talked to me,” he cuts me off. “I told you if that bitch comes around, you tell me.”

“I—” I try again, but stop when he gives me a squeeze that pushes the air from my lungs.

“You didn’t talk to me.”


“That shit is not okay.” He cuts me of once more.

“Stop cutting me off and let me talk!” I snap, getting annoyed with him and pulling myself from his hold. “I didn’t want to tell you, because I knew that it was exactly what she wanted me to do. She wanted me to run to you so you would give her what she wanted, which is any kind of attention from you she could get. So yes, maybe I should have told you what happened, but I’m not sorry I didn’t. She doesn’t deserve to have anything more from you, not even you thinking about what a bitch she is.”

“You were trying to protect me?” he asks, and I shrug, watching his face get soft then his head dip toward mine.

“Your mom is here,” I warn him, and maybe myself too.

“I’m not going to kiss you, Gia.”

“Good,” I mumble, feeling slightly dejected.

Slipping his hand around my waist, he slides it up until his thumb is resting along my rib cage under my breast. “I’m not going to kiss you right now. I’m gonna wait until we get home to do that. Then I’m going to do a whole lot of other things to you,” he warns, and my whole body tingles while my breathing turns shallow.

“I think we need another rule,” I tell him, grabbing hold of his shirt so I don’t fall on my face.

“What’s that?”

“You can’t say things like that to me when we’re working.”

“Technically, I’m not on the clock.” His thumb sweeps higher, making my knees weak.

Dipping his head, his eyes lock with mine. “I have a rule of my own.”

“What’s that?” I ask breathlessly, wanting to wrap my arms around his shoulders and place my mouth on his.

“Every time you keep something from me, you earn yourself a spanking.”

Oh, God. The idea of him spanking me should not make me want to jump him, but that is exactly what I want to do.

“Colton,” I hiss, and he dips his face even closer to mine, causing his breath to whisper across my lips.

“What she did to you is not okay. What she said to you is not okay. You should have told me what happened so that I could—”

“What?” I ask, leaning away and cutting him off this time, the anger from earlier coming back quickly. “What would you have done? Would you have gone after her and confronted her?”

“I would have made it clear that you’re off-limits, exactly like I did this morning after I talked to Tide.”

“So you went and saw her?” I question, feeling nauseous suddenly. Jealousy is such a new emotion for me, but that’s exactly what I feel when I think about him getting anywhere near her—pure, ugly jealousy.

“I didn’t see her. I spoke to her father. I told him what’s been going on the past couple of weeks. I don’t know if it will help, but I know him telling her that he will cut her off might finally get through to her. He pays for her apartment and her car. He told me straight up that if she doesn’t stop what she’s been doing, he will make things uncomfortable for her until she pulls her head out of her ass.”

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