Page 52 of Falling Fast

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“Hey, punkin,” Colton greets her, picking her up and kissing her cheek.

Okay, yes, Tide holding a little girl is definitely a sight to see. But Colton holding her and grinning like she’s the cutest thing he’s ever seen in his life is enough to make my ovaries explode on the spot. “What are you doing here?” he asks, and she smiles an adorable gap-toothed smile at him.

“Daddy had to bring me to work wif him,” she says, before looking at Rose and asking, “Can I hab a soda, Nana Rose?”

“Angel, you can’t drink soda,” Tide cuts in from across the counter, setting down a large bag with pink and purple daisies on it.

“Mama lets me,” she says with a frown, and Tide’s jaw tics.

“I know, angel, but you still can’t have a soda. How about some juice?”

“I want soda,” she whines, and I know what’s coming when I see her chin wobble and her tiny hands ball into fists. Having worked with kids her age before, I know if we don’t do something now, she will likely start to cry and possibly throw herself to the floor to get her way with a tantrum.

“Have you ever had mermaid juice?” I ask, and she looks from her dad to me. She shakes her head before resting it on Colton’s shoulder in that cute way kids do when they are shy. “Really?” I widen my eyes like I can’t believe she’s never tried it when, at this point, I don’t even know what the hell mermaid juice is or what I’m going to mix up for her, all I know is I don’t want her to cry. “You need to try it. It’s delicious and it’s magical.”

“Magical?” she squeaks, studying me, and I overemphasize my nod.

“Yes, magical.” I lean closer and get up on my tiptoes to whisper in her ear. “It makes you invisible.”

“Indavidsable?” she breathes with wide eyes filled with cute little girl wonder.

“Yep. Do you want to try some?”

“Okay.” She lifts her head to smile at me, and my heart melts on the spot.

“One mermaid juice coming right up.” I smile as I head to the small fridge under the bar, where I pray I’ll find something she can have. Grabbing the jug of pineapple juice, I pour some into a small glass, add ice and some water to dilute it, then grab a bottle of grenadine and add just enough to turn the top of the drink a reddish gold and the bottom a golden yellow. Once that’s done, I add a cherry. Turning once I’m finished, I find everyone looking at me funny.


“Ugh… please tell me she’s not allergic to anything I put in here,” I whisper, looking at Tide.

“She’s not,” he mutters to me before looking at his girl. “Olivia, tell Gia thank you.”

“Thank you, Gia.” She beams at me as Colton lifts her high in the air, gaining a giggle from her as he hands her across the bar to her father, who takes her as he sits on one of the barstools, settling her on his lap.

“You’re welcome, sweetheart.” I smile at her, grabbing a straw. I put it in the glass then hand it over to her dad so he can help her drink it.

Feeling warmth hit my back, I then feel Colton’s hand on my hip before it slides around to rest against my stomach. Putting pressure there, he pulls me back into his chest, causing me to shiver. “Your rules suck,” he says against my ear, and I know exactly what he means, but I don’t turn my head to look at him, even though I want to. Instead, I keep my eyes on Olivia as she takes a sip from the drink, relaxing a bit when she doesn’t toss it away but sips more.

“You sure you’re not up for Vegas? Maybe the court house in town?” Tide asks, and my eyes go to him and I smile, shaking my head. “Bummer.” He grins a devilish grin that I’m sure gets him lots of attention.

“I thought Anna was taking care of Olivia while you’re working today,” Colton says, keeping me pinned between him and the bar.

“She was, but she called me an hour ago asking me to pick Olivia up so she could take care of a few things,” he responds quietly.

“Mama has a date tonight, so she wanted to go shoppin’,” Olivia informs, and Tides jaw tics at this information. “She said I couldn’t go wif her.” Seeing the sadness in her eyes, my heart breaks a little.

“How about you come with Nana Rose?” Rose suggests, and Olivia looks at her. “I need to make some cookies today, and I could use your help.”

“Really?” Her face lights up.

“Really.” Rose nods. “Once you finish your drink, we’ll go.”

“Yippee!” Olivia grins, taking another drink from her straw, this time sucking down the juice as fast as she can, which makes me smile.

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