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“Ohh baby, they playing your song,” Toya said, turning around and giving me a hug.

The look she gave me let me know that she was very proud of me and happy as hell that my song was playing. That alone made me love her ass even more because she was proving that she supported me and was just genuinely happy for a nigga.

“I hear it, baby. There go your girls over there,” I said, pointing up to Charlie and Monae, who were sitting in the V.I.P. section of the club.

“Okay, baby, I won’t smother you. Just please be on your best behavior tonight,” she warned.

I cupped both of her ass cheeks in my hands and squeezed.

“I’m always on my best behavior,” I said and kissed her lips.

“Yeah, right,” she said and kissed me back.

We stood in the middle of the club in a heated ass kiss, and at this point, nothing or nobody else mattered to me because the one who mattered most was standing right in front of me.

“Go on over with your girls,” I said and watched her walk off.

Chapter 15: Toya

“Well, damn, I take it he two of you made up,” Monae said as soon as I made it over to their booth. I gave both of them a hug and sat down in the middle of them on the couch.

“I don’t know if I’m all the way out of the doghouse yet because he keeps saying something about we’ll find out later on if he fully forgives me,” I said, with a smile on my face.

“Girl, you and Dre is showing the fuck out. He got you out here with your titties out, and I don’t know who got more diamonds on between the two of you,” Charlie said, and I couldn’t help but to laugh at her comment.

I could feel eyes staring at me in the distance and when my eyes finally landed on the person who was looking at me, this bitch was staring at me like I owed her some money or some shit. Ever since I’ve been fuckin’ with Dre, I’ve started to have more and more enemies, and its females that I’ve never seen in my life. I was very much aware of the fact that I couldn’t fight every bitch who looked at me funny, but I damn sure was going to try. That shit gets very annoying to be out and getting death stares from females, all because I’m with the man that they want. I’m sorry, but a bitch was going to have to kill me for Dre because I was not about to give his ass up that easily.

“Y’all know her over there? Don’t make it obvious, but the girl standing in the middle of the two other girls by the bar. The one with the black dress on,” I said.

I was trying to find a way to describe her, but the bitch was just so basic. She was wearing a basic ass black dress with a pair of black heels, and she had her natural hair going back with a head band on. I’ll give props and say that she was cute, but if she is staring at me like that regarding Diandre, she was going to have to step her dress

game up a little bit because Dre didn’t like his women basic. I mean, look at me, there wasn’t shit basic about me.

“Damn, why she looks so familiar? I know I used to see her around the hood back in the day. Charlie, who is she again?” Monae asked.

“That’s Nariah. She’s the one that sent Dre to jail for assault after she paraded around here like she was pregnant by him and he beat her ass when he found out that she was lying,” Charlie said and I was shocked.

Dre had told me about that, but damn, I didn’t think that I would ever come face to face with the bitch. She was brave because she knew that Dre would be in the building tonight and she still showed her face.

“Where was I when all of this used to go down because the two of you know Dre and I never met until the night at the club for his welcome home party,” I said.

“Girl, your ass was away in college getting your masters. By the time you moved back down here, Dre was already I jail,” Charlie let me know and I nodded my head.

“I know that I can’t count on Dre to get the whole story, so let me know. Were they just fuck buddies or were they actually in a relationship? Don’t try to spare my feelings either,” I said, wanting to know the whole truth.

“I was under the impression that they were just fuck bodies, which is why I always referred to her as a hoe because that’s what everybody used to say around the way, but I don’t think that was the entire story. From what Quan told me, she used to be his girl, and she ended up getting pregnant. She lied and told the Dre that the baby was his. He believed her ass because remember that was his girl. But someone told Dre that they saw Nariah, her supposed boyfriend, and the baby together and Dre went and got the baby tested. He found out that they baby wasn’t his, and beat her ass and got sent to jail for it,” Charlie said.

It was pretty much similar to the story that Dre had told me, but he never referred to her as his girlfriend.

“Now that I think about it, I think Dre wanted that baby to be his, and he was hurt behind that shit. Look how pissed off he was at me when he found out that I was taking birth control pills and look how you saying he beat her ass once he found out that the baby wasn’t his. I just thought his ass was being selfish and trying to rush things, but I never thought of it as him just really wanting to have a baby because the one time he thought he did have one, it was a lie,” I said.

“So let me guess, you gonna fuck around and get pregnant tonight?” Monae asked me with a laugh.

“The story is sad, but it ain’t that damn sad,” I repleid, not willing to have a baby tonight just for the hell of it.

“Why you don’t want to give that man a baby, Toya?” Charlie asked me.

“Seriously, Charlie? Your ass supposed to be on my side with this one because you of all people know half the shit that I’m about to go through. Dre ass ain’t ready for a damn baby, plus his ass is barely home. My job is stressful. Stressful to the point that I damn near be about to kill myself if I don’t sell at least five houses a week. I got way too much going on right now to be trying to have a baby. I’ll admit though, I did stop taking my pills, but shit, that’s only because Dre and I haven’t been doing shit,” I vented.

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