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“Well, that’s because I never really got the chance to tell you. When I was supposed to tell you, that’s when everything went down with them taking China and you being in the hospital, so the timing was all off. But we pretty much been fuckin around since that night I left your house on China’s birthday. And everything has been good between us, minus the fuckin thirsty ass bitches that’s lurking around. Charlie, this new generation of hoes are so fuckin’ disrespectful that the shit ain’t even funny,” I vented.

“Girl, who you telling? I’m married to damn rapper. I already know how these hoes get down. I done seen it all, but you know the key to this shit, though? Never let this hoes see you sweat, and never leave your nigga off the basis of some shit that you heard. If you didn’t see the shit yourself or it’s no justifiable proof, don’t trust shit because they will do anything for you to leave so that they can have your man,” Charlie said.

“It’s crazy because that’s not even the main reason why we beefing right now. I mean, we were beefing last night because of some hoe calling his phone, but we squashed that. Dre is mad at me for taking my birth control pills behind his back,” I said to Charlie.

“What? Really? And he kicked your ass out for that?”

“I mean, he didn’t technically kick me out, but he did break up with me, so it really wasn’t no point in me staying. I just feel like he overreacting for no reason. It’s only been about a month that Dre and I have officially been together, and in that month, the only time we ever used protection was the first time we had sex. I’m not trying to get pregnant anytime soon, and Dre doesn’t know what the fuck “pull out” means. I got tired of running to the damn store every morning to take a damn Plan B pill. So, I had to start taking the birth control.”

“Wow, that’s really crazy. I been knowing Dre damn near since I was a little girl, and I don’t even think he’s fucked up about the fact that you’re taking the pills, it’s just the fact that you didn’t tell him about it. That’s why he so mad at you. With these niggas, loyalty and honesty are everything to them, so now he may be feeling like he can’t trust you. That’s how Quan was when we got back together. He wanted to have more kids, but I told him that I was on the pill. Clearly, the shit didn’t work though because my ass is pregnant,” China said.

“Quan didn’t want you taking the pills either?” I asked.

“Girl, hell no! His ass thinks that shit will fuck up my body and increase my chances of not having a baby in the future, so he didn’t want me taking them. But, he knew that I still was, he just never spoke on the situation again.”

“I don’t know what the hell I’m going to do to make this shit up to him. Like, this nigga was so mad at me that I thought he was going to kill my ass,” I said, still in a state of shock from the way that he jacked me up.

“First, you going to have to give him some time to cool off. Like a day or two because if you start calling and texting him now that’s only going to annoy and piss him off even more. Give him his space, and then try to talk to him,” Charlie said.

I just nodded my head although I didn’t think that I would be able to get through a day without talking to him. I had become so accustomed to talking to Dre every day that the fact that I would have to wait to talk to him was going to drive me crazy.

Two weeks later

Two weeks had passed since the incident that took place at Dre’s house, and I had yet to get in contact with him. I have been calling and texting him, but I wasn’t getting a response. He did text me yesterday after I damn near called him once every hour. He simply texted me and said, Are you alive? I texted him back yes, and his response was, Good, now stop fuckin’ calling me!

Reading that message broke my heart and I haven’t called or texted him since. I had been dying to hear from him, and for that to be the first message that I got from him in a long time really hurt my feelings in the worst way.

For the past two weeks, I had been back to living the way I used to before Dre came a part of my life. I was investing all of my time into work and leaving again in the wee hours of the morning. I felt like this was the only thing that would keep me busy and keep my mind off Diandre. I often wondered if he was thinking about me as much as I was thinking about him, but I didn’t think he was because if that was the case then he would have at least called me once. Two Mondays had passed, and my usual flowers that get delivered to my office hadn’t come. I was beginning to think that maybe he was through with me. I wanted to at least be on good terms by the end of the month because Dre’s birthday was coming up.

It was ten o’clock on a Friday night, and I was down to watching the last video was assigned to me by my boss. Once a month, we had to watch these long ass videos for work, and we had an assigned date when we had to have completed all the videos. They were each an hour long, and every time you got a question wrong, the shit would start all over again. I had procrastinated the hell out of watching these videos, which is why my ass is in here now. Luckily, I knew my craft, and I excelled when it came to my job, so I would always get all the questions right. But that didn’t take away from the fact that the videos were indeed long and boring.

As I was thirty minutes into the video, there was a knock on my office door and I paused the film. “Come in,” I said, and a few seconds later, James walked in holding a manila folder in his hands.

“Hey, I didn’t know you were still here. I thought everyone had left,” I said to him.

He closed the door behind him, ignoring what I had just said. I could look in his face and tell that he was on some bullshit, and I wasn’t in the mood. I had only thirty minutes left of this damn video and I wanted to hurry up and get home to feed my damn dog because I knew that she hadn’t eaten all day.

“Where’s your little drug selling boyfriend?” James asked.

I was taken aback by his question. “Excuse me? What did you ask me?” I knew I heard him, but I wanted him to repeat the shit again.

“Oh, you heard me plain and clear, Ms. Toya. I asked you where is your little drug selling boyfriend?”

There was a look of shock etched on my face because I couldn’t believe James right now.

“Oh, please, pick up your face! I see the car this man drives, and I even see the way he dresses. I wanted to know what the hell his black ass did for a living because clearly he doesn’t work a damn nine to five. Would you be shocked to know that your little boyfriend is very popular on jail base? Assault, driving while under the influence, carrying a deadly weapon, I mean damn, the list goes on and on. Your little boyfriend is a fuckin’ badass! Kudos to you because you never have to worry about feeling unprotected while you’re in his presence. But I know one thing that won’t protect his black ass,” he said and slammed down the manila folder on my desk.

I opened it and looked at the pictures. They were of Diandre walking into a rundown building carrying a book bag. When he walked out, he was carrying two duffle bags in each of his hands.

“It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that a drug deal just went down. He went in with the money and came back out with more drugs. Right now, I don’t have good enough evidence to send his ass to jail for good. Oh, but best believe when I do, I’m going to make sure that his black ass rots in there,” James said with an evil smirk on his face.

“Are you a realtor or a fuckin’ detective? Why are you going so hard for a man that doesn’t give a fuck about you? You took it upon yourself to look him up and then you even went as far as following him and taking those pictures of him. What the fuck do you gain from that, you fuckin’ coward?” I asked.

He reached over the desk and tightly wrapped his arms around my neck. “I gain you. I wanted you way before this fuckin’ loser came along, and you go running into his arms like I never fuckin’ existed. I’m sparing your ass because I didn’t show you the rest of the pictures. I have numerous photos of Mr. Diandre Hakeem Davis, but since I care about you so much, Latoya, I’m concerned about your feelings. Your so-calle

d boyfriend doesn’t give a fuck about you because his ass is with a different female every day of the week,” James said, squeezing my neck a little tighter and then shoving me back so hard that I fell and hit my head on the corner of a shelf.

I touched the back of my head and felt blood on my fingers.

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