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Toya sucked her teeth and sat up in the bed. She looked around for the shirt that she previously had on, but I shook my head.

“Leave it off. I want to see you clean it just like that. The shit to clean the carpet is in the cabinet in the bathroom along with the scrub brush. Put on your house shoes because it’s glass over here and then bring up the broom and the dustpan that’s in the laundry room.”

She mumbled some shit under her breath, but she still got her ass up and did what I told her to do.

Thirty minutes later, she had the stain in the floor all cleaned up, and all the glass was swept up as well. Toya thought because she had good ass pussy that I was going to let her ass get away with murder, but hell no, that wasn’t the case at all. She climbed back in the bed with me and I already knew that she was mad with a nigga because usually when we slept together, she was all up under me, but tonight, she chose to stay on her side of the bed.

To be petty about the situation, I got up and went to bed in my room. I knew it would only be about thirty minutes before she followed me because her ass didn’t like to sleep alone.

Just like I said, not even thirty minutes later, she crawled her ass in the bed with me. She scooted her body all the way over to mine, leaving no damn space in the middle.

“You may as well lay your ass on top of me,” I joked.

She pulled the cover up and laid her body on top of mine. “I love you so much, Diandre, and I can’t help it if I like to be all up under you. Baby, just promise me that you aren’t cheating on me because my heart wouldn’t be able to take it. Let’s just start a new slate right now. I don’t even care about that Fiona bitch or whatever happened between y’all. Whatever you did, I’m giving you a pass right now, but Dre, if I feel like you’re cheating on me and having me look stupid out here, I’m leaving you and I mean it,” she said sternly without an ounce of hesitation in her voice.

I reached down and squeezed her ass. “You have nothing to worry about, baby girl. And I love you too,” I told her for the first time.

She placed soft ass kisses on my chest, and it made a nigga rock up down there.

“Just put him in there. Look what your ass done started!” I told her and she reached down and slid my dick back inside her.

I just lay back and watched her do the show. This was a quickie, though, because within five minutes, we were both cumin’ and off to sleep.


I woke up the next morning and Toya wasn’t in bed next to me. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 7:37, so I knew exactly which room her ass was in. Whenever she spent the night over here, she would always wake up extra early and hit up the workout room downstairs. I got up and went to the bathroom to relieve my bladder and take a shower. After I finished showering, I wrapped the towel around my waist and went over to the sink to brush my teeth.

Looking in the mirror, I noticed this crazy ass girl had left all of these passion marks on my neck. I smirked because Toya thought her ass was slick by doing this. But I respected it though, she was claiming her territory. I stepped out of the bathroom and went over to my dresser and threw on a pair of boxers and some sweats. After stepping into my Versace flip flops, I left the room.

As I was about to head downstairs, I heard Toya’s phone ringing in the next room. I wasn’t even on no creep shit, I was just going to get the phone and give it to her so that she could answer whoever was calling her. I went in the room and saw that it was that bitch nigga, James, who worked with her. I didn’t trust that nigga because number one, he wanted my woman, and any man that wanted your woman and made the shit look obvious was a man who couldn’t be trusted. I didn’t even know what the fuck this tight pants wearing motha fucka was doing calling her this early on a Sunday because Toya didn’t even work Sundays. So what the hell could he possibly want?

Any other time, I would have answered the phone and got in his ear right quick, but off the strength of him being her co-worker, I decided to let the shit slide. I didn’t want him going back and telling other motha fuckas about what happened because Toya swears that nobody at the job likes her. I didn’t want them crackers out there to have more of a reason not to like her, so I was going to leave the shit alone for now. I ignored the call and turned her phone off. It was Sunday, and I was taking her back home tonight, so I needed every bit of time with her that I could have.

When I put her phone back in her purse, some shit in there caught my eye. I already knew the golden rule when it came to women, which was, never go inside a woman’s purse! But shit, this was my woman, and I paid for the damn purse, so right now that rule didn’t apply to me. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know that the pack of progestin-only pills in her purse were birth control pills. Instantly, that shit pissed me off because she was going behind my back doing that shit, when I had already told her not to take it. That’s why lately her ass hasn’t been tripping abo

ut me going inside her raw. It’s because she was taking these damn pills.

I walked out the room with the pills in my hand and went to find her ass downstairs. I could hear the music blasting in the workout room, and when I walked in, Toya was running on the treadmill in a pair of Nike shorts with a Nike sports bra. Her hair was pulled up in a ponytail, and her body was glistening in sweat. Any other time that shit would have been sexy as hell to me, but not right now!

I turned the music off. She stopped the treadmill and turned around to look at me. I had my hands behind my back so she couldn’t see the pills. I wanted to see how far she would take the lie, or would she just confess the truth once I asked her.

“Damn, baby, you already showered? I wanted to take one with you when I finished in here.” She smiled and walked over to me.

She tried to give me a hug, but I shook my head no and she backed away with a confused looked on her face.

“What’s wrong, Dre? Are you still mad about the carpet? I cleaned it up the best way that I could,” she said.

“I ain’t mad about no fuckin’ carpet, Toya! Tell me something, though. Remember that day you went to the doctor’s office and said you were supposed to start taking birth control pills, and I told your ass to chill out with that shit because I would strap up since you didn’t want to get pregnant? Whatever happened to that? Because we never talked about it again?” I asked, trying to play the situation cool.

“Umm, nothing happened with it, Dre. It’s kind of hot in here, are you hot?” she asked.

She was trying to run away from the problem and distract me, but that shit wasn’t about to fly with me. I roughly pulled her into me by the front of her bra and looked down at her.

“Whatever happened to that, Toya?” I asked her again, this time with more bass in my voice because I wanted her ass to know that I was fuckin’ livid and that I knew her fuckin’ secret.

“Okay, okay, Dre, let me just explain first,” she said.

“What the fuck is there for you to explain? Are you taking the shits or not?” I asked angrily because she was fuckin’ pissing me off.

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