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She’d just hit the brew button when someone started pounding on the door. She heard the water running in the shower, so she went and opened the door.

Standing on the other side was a very tan, very pretty, very annoyed looking girl.

“Is Colin here?” she asked, seeming irritated that Briana answered the door and not Colin.

Briana crossed her arms over her chest and frowned.

“Who are you?” she asked. Not liking the feeling of jealousy that boiled in her gut.

“I’m Shawn. Who’re you?”


“Oh…figures. I’ve heard about you,” she said with a smirk.

“Funny,” Briana spat back, “I’ve never heard of you.”

“Was that fast enough?” Colin asked as he came out of his room wearing only a pair of unbuttoned shorts.

He stopped in his tracks when he saw who stood at the door. “Shawn, what are you doing here?” he asked, coming up behind Briana and putting his arms around her.

Briana wrapped her arms around his, grateful for his thoughtfulness. He probably knew that she’d be upset, and was showing her and the tanning bed victim at the door, that he was one hundred percent with her.

“I tried emailing you and texting you, but you ignored me. I figured if I showed up in your little town, you’d be forced to deal with me.” Shawn explained.

“We ended it back at school. I ignored you because we have nothing left to say to each other.”.

“Maybe you were just busy hooking up with an old flame.” She replied, not hiding her derision as she looked Briana up and down.

“What do you want, Shawn?” Colin asked, his tone conveying his impatience.

Shawn brushed past them and walked into the living room, forcing them to move aside and follow her in. She walked into the kitchen and came back out a few seconds later with a cup of coffee in her hand.

“Make yourself at home,” Briana said sarcastically.

“Thanks, I will.”

“What is this, Shawn?” Colin asked again, running his hands through his still damp hair. “You need to just leave.”

Shawn smiled over the rim of her cup, obviously enjoying the tension she was causing.

“I’m pregnant.”

It was like a bomb had been dropped in the center of the living room. Colin exhaled and crumpled down onto the couch. He looked at Shawn in disbelief.

Briana couldn’t think, couldn’t process. She went with her first instinct, turning on her heel, and walking out the door.

When she reached the other side, she stopped and leaned back against it. It was silent. Then she heard the faint sounds of Colin and Shawn talking inside.

Shawn was pregnant.

Briana closed her eyes and thought about what this meant. She knew Colin, so she knew that he would do the right thing, which meant he would help Shawn with this baby.

She knew that he had feelings for her, and didn’t have feelings for Shawn, so she didn’t think that he would offer to marry Shawn, but she supposed there was always that chance.

Could she handle it if he chose to marry Shawn?

Yes, but she really hoped that didn’t happen.

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