Page 17 of Crash Point

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She gave him a wicked grin. “You’re just trying to sweet talk me into giving you a blowjob.”

He laughed. “Well, since you’re down there anyway, it seems like a shame to—” His jest was cut short when Chloe grasped his cock, taking the head into her mouth without hesitation.

His hands flew to her hair. “Jesus, Chloe. I was kidding.”

She didn’t release him, just sucked him harder, deeper. Blake struggled to catch up. He’d been emotionally done in when they’d left the lake, then stressed out as he’d tried to get them home safely on the motorcycle during the storm. Now he was standing in Chloe’s apartment, her lips wrapped around his cock, and his brain was scrambled, fried.

She cupped his balls in one palm, her other wrapped around the base. He recalled the first time she’d given him a blowjob. She’d dragged him into the back storeroom of the sub shop one night after closing and shocked him by asking him to teach her how to suck his dick.

Given the way she was driving him to the peak right now, he’d say she’d learned her lesson well. Increasing her speed, she took him deeper and deeper into her mouth with each pass. The head of his cock brushed the back of her throat. He tightened his grip on her hair, trembling slightly when she groaned, the vibrations adding another dimension to the blowjob.


She looked up at him, her expression the perfect blend of mischief and dare. She’d turned the tables on him, grasping control, and now she was challenging him to take it back. If he hadn’t been so mentally exhausted he would have called her to task immediately, pulling her over his knees.

Somehow she’d known. Known what he needed to make it through the next part. And she’d given it freely.

He tugged her hair more roughly than before. Chloe moaned again, her eyes closing in bliss. Her desire fueled his, gave him back the strength that had been waning. It wasn’t time for this. Not yet. There was still more to say.

He pushed her mouth away. Chloe frowned and started to protest, but he put a firm finger beneath her chin, forcing her face up. “No. Not this way.”

Blake lifted her slowly then placed his lips on hers. For several moments, they simply kissed. Then he moved, resting his forehead against hers. She shivered and he realized she was still wearing her wet jeans.

“Take off your pants. We need to get you dry and warm.”

Chloe moved away only a few steps, slipping her own jeans off as Blake watched. She didn’t have a shy bone in her body—never had—so her disrobing became part seduction. She turned her back to him before sliding the denim over her hips. She tugged her panties down at the same time, so when she bent forward to draw the material over her feet, he was treated to a bird’s-eye view of her perfect ass.

Before he could think better of it, he reached over and slapped it. Chloe gasped—the sound more surprise than pain—then she grasped her ankles. “Do that again.”

He considered making her beg. They had only started to explore their sexual kinks when he’d stolen that money and left town. Even so, he had recognized Chloe’s desire for pain, her love of rough play and her need to be dominated. He’d spent too many lonely nights, jacking off in bed as he imagined all the ways he would have taken her if life hadn’t thrown them the curveball.

Now, all those fantasies came rushing to the surface. He would make them a reality. But first…

He grasped her gently by the elbow and helped her up. She turned, confusion briefly flashing across her face before she understood.

“I’m sorry, Blake. I…”

He tugged her into his arms, holding her tightly. “I get the same way around you. I lose all sense of control. I just need to try to make things right between us before we let this go any further.”

She nodded. “I agree.”

He led her to the couch and they sat down together side by side. Chloe tugged an afghan from the ottoman and spread it out over top of them. It was cozy and warm.

“You said your dad was making plans after you bailed him out. To do what?”

“He was in big trouble with the drug pushers. We went back to our place and he started packing up our stuff. Within half an hour, we were back on the street. I’d worked at that crummy sub shop for nearly three years after school, saving enough money to buy my motorcycle. My dad went out that afternoon and stole one. By noon, we were on the highway, speeding away from New Orleans.”

“Just like that?”

Blake rubbed the back of his neck. He’d spent countless hours trying to figure out why the hell he’d followed his father so easily, why he hadn’t fought to stay. “I’d stolen from your mother, Chloe. I couldn’t figure out a way to make that right.”

“You could’ve explained it to me, Blake.”

He lifted one shoulder. “I know. But my dad…”

“He couldn’t stay in New Orleans. And you couldn’t leave him.”

“That was the biggest mistake I made that day. I chose to stay with the wrong person.”

Chloe fell silent. Blake wasn’t sure what else to say. At this point, the ball was in her court. Either she would forgive him. Or she wouldn’t.

“You’ve been back in New Orleans for almost six years?”

He nodded.

“Did you come back to town with your dad?”

“No. My dad and I split ways about two years after we left.” Blake didn’t tell her about the near-rape or the fight. That was a story he’d take to his grave. “I’d been on the force nearly three years before I realized he’d come back to New Orleans too. Got a call when I was on duty. Drunk and disorderly. I walked into the bar in my uniform and sure enough, there he sat.”

“That must have been an uncomfortable reunion    .”

Blake snorted. “You can’t even imagine.”

“Did you arrest him?”

Blake shook his head. “No. I drove him back to his place. Crazy asshole was actually proud of me for joining the force.”

“Really?” Chloe asked. “I thought he hated cops.”

“He’s a twisted bastard. He believed he could use my position to cover up his crimes.”

Chloe winced. “Wow.”

“I pretended he could.”

Her eyebrows rose. “What? Why?”

Blake had never admitted his reasons before. He wondered if Chloe would change her mind about him if she learned exactly how manipulative he was. “Entrapment. I set up a mini-sting with my captain. Pretended to be in cahoots with my father while gaining information about a local drug ring. I knew my dad hadn’t changed his ways and I figured he’d be useful. He was.”

“That couldn’t have been easy for you.”

Blake leaned his head against the back of the couch. “You’d be surprised.”

She scowled. “Don’t. Stop playing the tough guy. You put your dad in jail. And even if he was an asshole, he was the only parent you’d ever had.”

Blake wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her head to his chest. “The world is simpler when you look at it in black and white. If you start adding color into the equation…”

“Is that why you’ve never called me?”

Blake wasn’t sure how to respond, so he stalled. “What?”

“You’ve been back in New Orleans for years. You saw my book. You knew I was still here. Why didn’t you call me?”

She sounded so genuinely hurt, it made Blake’s chest ache. “I didn’t think you’d forgive me.”

She lifted her head. “You were wrong.”

He gave her a tentative grin, hope blossoming. “So you do forgive me?”

She shook her head.

His brow creased. “You don’t?” For a moment, he felt lost. If she couldn’t understand his reasons for stealing the money, everything they once had was truly lost.

“It doesn’t matter if I forgive you, Blake. I’m pretty sure I stopped being mad at you the second my mother said you paid her the money back. I wouldn’t have had sex with you otherwise.”

He felt the urge to laugh, but his gut told him something was still wrong.

Chloe cupped his cheek in her hand. “It’s not my forgiveness that matters. You have to forgive yourself, Blake. You stayed away because you were trying to do penance, right?”

Her words hit him like a ton of bricks. Had he done that? Had he let guilt for his actions stop him from searching for her, for happiness? For love? “I’m not sure what to say.”

Chloe gave him a wicked grin that told him exactly how much of a fool he’d been to stay away. “You could always start with ‘You’re right’.”

He chuckled. “I’m pretty sure I’d be smart to use those words sparingly.”

She gave him a light punch on the arm. “Blake.”

“You’re right, Chloe. I’ve been letting guilt guide my decisions. I was wrong to do that.”

Chloe leaned closer and kissed him, showing him with actions rather than words that all truly was forgiven between them. It was a gift Blake had never let himself hope for.

For the first time in six years, he felt like he’d truly come home.

Blake reached for her, pulling her onto his lap. He had obviously reached the same realization she had. The time for talking was over. One main benefit of the rain was it had helped them shed the clothes early on. Blake was naked, his skin warm against hers.

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