Page 8 of Dirty Beasts

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“My new and most unusual pet?”

He pointed down among the stones

Where something lay, all skin and bones.

“Ant-eater!” he yelled. “Don’t lie there yawning!

“This is my ant! Come say good morning!”

(Some people in the U.S.A.

Have trouble with the words they say.

However hard they try, they can’t

Pronounce a simple word like AUNT.

Instead of AUNT, they call it ANT,

Instead of CAN’T, they call it KANT.)

Roy yelled, “Come here, you so-and-so!

“My ant would like to say hello!”

Slowly, the creature raised its head.

“D’you mean that that’s an ant?” it said.

“Of course!” cried Roy. “Ant Dorothy!

“This ant is over eighty-three.”

The creature smiled. Its tummy rumbled.

It licked its starving lips and mumbled,

“A giant ant! By gosh, a winner!

“At last I’ll get a decent dinner!

“No matter if it’s eighty-three.

“If that’s an ant, then it’s for me!”

Then, taking very careful aim,

It pounced upon the startled dame.

It grabbed her firmly by the hair

And ate her up right then and there,

Murmuring as it chewed the feet,

“The largest ant I’ll ever eat.”

Meanwhile, our hero Roy had sped
