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"No," I whisper, falling to my knees in front of the body. "Please, God, no."

"Stay on your goddamn knees!" one of the cops screams, but I couldn't get up if I tried. I haven't cried since my parents died, but looking down at my former friend's unmoving face has made me a mess. His eyes are open. They left them like that. Scaring into nothing. There's a fireplace poker in his belly. Deep, dark red blood surrounds it like a rosette spreading over his stomach, his torso.

He's gone. He's dead. I won't ever get the chance to make things right again.

She killed him.

Lily Anna did this.

And I'm about to take the fall.

"Dexter Booth," one of the cops starts while I'm pulled to my feet. "You're arrested for the murder of..."



I'm glad I took a cab to the next train stop after Eden Falls. It took a hefty chunk out of the money I've saved, but at least I don't risk anyone seeing me at the train station.

I stare out of the taxi window at the retreating view of Eden Falls. The town was never kind to me, and neither were its inhabitants. But in some twisted way, I'm going to miss it. I'll miss Dexter the most, as much as it hurts to admit. But he's carved out a special place in my heart... one I feel he'll be residing in for a long time to come.

"Here we are, Miss," the driver drawls out. "Stormcliff train station. That'll be sixty-five fifty."

I groan inwardly as I count out the cash, adding a small tip because I feel too bad not to. Equipped with my weekend bag, I get out of the car, staring at the train station with its shops from the pavement.

There's something else I have to do before I board the train. Something I've been putting off for too long.

My hand lingers over my belly. I feel sick just thinking about the possibilities of what could happen. But I can't avoid it any longer. It's been a month, and I'm late. I'm never late.

On trembling feet, I walk to the drugstore on the corner of the station building. Grateful for the anonymity of the bigger city, I grab a pregnancy test off the shelves and keep my head down as I pay for it in cash. The cashier gives me a sympathetic look, but I'm just grateful she doesn't recognize me. The last thing I want is for this to get back to Dexter.

I clutch the paper bag in my hands as I find the ticket station and pay for my ride. Then, I go to the platform and sit on one of the benches next to a stunning looking girl with deep black hair.

Her hair's been bluntly chopped off at shoulder-length. I wonder why she looks so familiar, but look away before she can catch me looking.

The train arrives a few minutes later. The girl and I get on at different entrances, and my fascination with her pretty face is soon forgotten, replaced by the anxiety that's rolled into a ball in my stomach.

I find a seat on the train which is nearly empty, apart from a guy sitting by the window at the end of the wagon.

I settle down and stare out the window as the train begins to move. It's four hours until we reach North Haven. Four excruciating hours of not knowing the truth... unless I take the test now.

Worry twists my stomach into a thousand knots. I know I should do it, but I can't bring myself to get up and go to the bathroom.

I barely last an hour. By the end of it, I can feel drops of sweat dripping down my back and I've had enough.

Leaving my bag on the seat, I walk to the train toilet and lock myself in.

I follow the instructions on the pregnancy test robotically and call out I'll only be a minute when someone knocks on the door.

Counting the seconds, I wait until three minutes are finally over and pick up the test with my eyes closed and my heart pounding.

Please don't be. Please don't be. Please, please, please.

I open my eyes. My bottom lip wobbles. My life changes in front of my eyes.

The test is positive.

"Are you done in there or what?" the annoyed female voice demands again.

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