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She's hurt enough people.

I could hurt her.

Nobody would know.

I'd get away with it. It would be the perfect crime. She'd be dead. Gone. No more trouble. Never again.

I grind out curse after curse. I'm getting close to home, and when I pull into the lane leading up to the Manor, I knit my brows together. There are two police cars parked upfront, and a line of yellow tape stretches around the pro


My heart fucking stops when I see it. Dread fills my insides and I taste bile in my mouth.

Lily Anna.

They found Lily Anna.

I know I'm fucked either way. She'll rat me out, blame it all on me. I'll be in jail for a long fucking time - too long. So long Pandora will forget all about me. But I can't bring myself to stay away. I need to know what she's done. If I run now, I'll only make things worse for myself in the long run.

I park in the driveway, surprised that there are no cops outside.

I walk into the Manor with my heart fucking pounding. I hear voices, following them to the floor where Lily Anna's room is.

As I take the stairs, an officer appears above me. We stare at one another. I recognize him as a friend of my father's. A family friend. Someone I used to know, many years ago, when life was simple.

His hand shakes as he reaches to his intercom, buzzing through. "We got him, boss. He's here."

I don't run. I just stand there, and so does he.

"I realize how hard this must be for you," I mutter. "But you might as well put me in the cuffs now. I'm not about to run."

"So you did it?" he asks outright.

"What does it look like?" I hiss. "My house. My fault."

I walk up the stairs and hold out my arms in front of my body. Only hesitating for a split second, the policeman clicks the handcuffs closed around my wrists.

"I can't believe it," he mutters. "Your father was a good man, but you... You are a monster, Dexter."

I feel color draining out of my cheeks as he leads me down the hallway. I see the rest of the cops come rushing down the hallway now, faces as pale as mine. I see right into Lily Anna's room from where I'm standing. It's unlocked, the door left open - a sight I'm not used to. The cops block my vision.

"Where is she?" I finally ask, glancing from one of the policemen to the other.

"You tell us," one of them replies, flashing me his badge. "I'm Detective Sutton. We arrived after an anonymous call was made to the station."

"I don't know where she is," I answer, feeling annoyed. "I'm sure she's spun you quite the little story so far, but I should be allowed to explain my side of things. Because I..."

At that point, two of the cops move.

My eyes zero in on something behind them. Something lying on the floor.

It's a bag. A body bag.

"What... the fuck?" I ask. "What's happened?"

"We have a dead body, Mr. Booth," a third cop replies. "We were hoping you could answer that question for us."

I use all my strength to rip myself away from the guy who's holding the handcuffs. He shouts. I hear them pull their guns out, click the safety off. I don't give a shit, because at that point, I've reached the door and I'm staring down into the body bag which remains unzipped. What stares back at me makes me want to die.

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