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Father laughs out loud, eyes sparkling with cruelty as the two face off. I rush to Minnie's aid, shocked when I see the state she's in. My father has gone insane. He's hurt her so badly I can't even imagine what he thinks she's done to deserve this. He's a madman.

Minnie's right arm is hanging from her body on a strange angle, and she winces when I touch her there, eyes filling with tears. I realize it must be broken, only then seeing the girl's clothes are in tatters.

"I'm calling an ambulance," I whisper, whipping out my phone and dialing the hospital. "Hello, we need an ambulance sent to Oakes Estate. There's... been a problem."

"Get the fuck off that phone." Father rips himself away from Brazen and knocks my phone out of my hand. I watch in disbelief as it falls to the ground, shattering. He's out of control. "You don't call for help. You don't disobey me. You do as you're told."

"What about Minnie?" I demand. "You broke her arm..."

"What?" Brazen approaches us, only then seeing the maid and the shape she's in. His eyes narrow as he takes her in, his jaw setting into place with a painful click. When he turns to face Father, I see pure, undiluted rage in his eyes. I wouldn't want to be Emilian Oakes right now. "You're fucking dead, old man."

Father laughs, but Brazen is on him in seconds. This time, there's no holding him back, and Minnie and I watch in horror as he attacks Father, fists flying, blood spurting. He's making Father unrecognizable, and the sick fuck laughs while those punches land.

"Keep hitting me, son," Father spits out through a mouthful of blood. "For every punch you throw at me I'll hit her. For every kick I'll fuck her. I'll keep going until she's a broken little-"

There's a horrifying crunch and then Minnie screams, loud and shrill. I embrace her, whether out of fear or because I'm trying to protect her, I don't know. She shakes against me and a moment later, staff fills the room. Belle's screaming and crying, clutching at her daughter. Another maid faints. The butler grabs an enraged Brazen from the back, trying to get him to calm down while the pulp that used to be my father snickers on the floor.

There are teeth lying on the hardwood, in pools of dark red blood. I stare with my eyes wide as three male employees drag my screaming brother off Father. Before they remove him from the room, Brazen spits in our father's face. My blood is running cold and I'm terrified. I don't know whether Father even survived the attack. The mess on the floor says otherwise.

"I need to get out of here," I mutter, pushing past figures that I don't recognize, their faces blending together into one mess. Someone calls out after me, but I don't listen. I recognize a panic attack brewing, but it's never been like this before. I'm shaking, I feel disoriented and my heart is racing.

I nearly stumble as I walk down the stairs, clutching the banister and telling myself to calm down before I get hurt, too. All I know is, I need to get out of that toxic house and its inhabitants.

I pass Tianna on the stairs. Her expression is unreadable and she looks as beautiful as ever. I've nearly reached the hall when she calls out my name. I turn over my shoulder to look at her.

"Pandora," she repeats. "Get out of here while you still can."

I knit my brows together. "W-What?"

"Get out of here. He's going to hurt you more if you don't," she mutters. "Run."

I swallow thickly, my breath calming for long enough so I can say, "I don't run. I fight."

Somehow get in the car and tell Kelley the one place on my mind: Dexter's house.

I manage to calm down somewhat on the ride over, and am finally breathing normally by the time the car pulls up in the Booths' driveway. Kelley gets the door for me and I stumble out. I fired off a quick text to Dexter to let him know I was on my way. It's been days since I've seen him at the whipping. I chew my bottom lip nervously, not knowing what to expect as I use the knocker on his front door.

There's no answer for ages, and I begin regretting sending Kelley away. What if he's not home?

Then, finally, I hear movement, and moments later, the front door opens. Dexter Booth stands before me in nothing but a pair of gray sweatpants, and my eyes go to the bulge there first. My mouth fills with saliva and I force myself to look up, over his chiseled torso to his tortured, beautiful face.

"Pandora," he mumbles.

"Can I come in?" I don't wait for him to answer, but stroll into his house right away. "Why are you answering your own door? Where's the help?"

He chuckles weakly. "Already getting used to the high life, aren't you, Pandora?"

"Where's your butler?"

"He quit." Dexter closes the front door with a wince and motions for us to go to the sitting room.

"Won't you hire someone new?"

"Maybe." He walks funny, with a limp, and when he passes me and I see the mess that is his back, I gasp out loud. "What?"

"Your... your skin," I whisper. "It's... ruined."

He stops a few steps ahead of me and groans as I reach him, pressing my fingertips to the only place on his back that isn't bleeding or scabbed over.

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