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"It's okay," she mutters, but the tremble in her voice doesn't escape me. "I'll manage."

"Maybe I should speak to Brazen," I suggest. "He's helped you out before and-"

"No." She grips my hand, pulling it to her chest and staring at me with pleading eyes. "Please, Pandora. Promise you won't say anything."

"But why?" I demand. "You know he loves-"

"Stop." Her eyes fill with tears, and she blinks fast, shaking her head. "Please, stop. I can't."

"Okay." I don't poke her further, knowing I've overstepped already. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you."

"It's alright." She manages a weak smile, getting up from my bed and smoothing down the white apron she's wearing over her sky-blue uniform. "I should get back to work. My mom will be wondering where I am."

"Minnie..." She shakes her head again, shutting me up. I want to comfort her, to offer her solace and friendship, but it seems as if she doesn't want that. She's pushing me away, eager to keep the topic away from Brazen. And while I may not understand her eagerness to not speak of my brother, I owe her not to push the subject as her friend. "Okay. I'm sorry. I'll stop. You can leave."

"Thank you, Miss." Minnie seems relieved as she gathers her cleaning supplies and leaves my bedroom, softly closing the door as she leaves.

I'm left alone with my thoughts, which are circling through the people I've met in Eden Falls. The people who think they've used me, played me to their advantage. Soon enough, they will all find out I'm the one who's got them twirled around my little finger...



It's hours after my conversation with Minnie. I've been sitting in my room for ages, feeling restless and needing a breath of fresh air. My life is so complicated, and I need some space to think. The walls in my bedroom don't provide solace, but instead confine me. I need to get the hell out of there, if only for a few minutes.

I'm surprised when I find the door unlocked. I suppose now that I'm worthless to Father, he doesn't give a damn about what I do anymore. I fully plan on using that to my favor.

I stalk down the hallway unnoticed. It seems like nobody is at home, but then I hear noises when I walk past Father's office. There's the faint hint of somebody

crying, the sound barely audible. But it catches my attention, and I walk up to the door that's been left slightly open, and peek inside.

My father is blocking my view. He's standing in front of his desk. I can't tell whether there's anyone in the room with him, but judging by the cries I heard, he can't be alone. And then he speaks up, solidifying my thoughts.

"Take it."

I hear crying again, and I push the door inward slightly, wincing when it creaks. They don't even notice. I keep trying to steal glances at what's happening as my heartbeat picks up, hammering loudly in my chest.

There's a blood curdling scream next, and I instantly recognize the voice as Minnie's. I push the door open then and stride into Father's office. He turns to glare at me over his shoulder, his eyes wild and enraged as they meet mine and he hisses, "Get the fuck out."

"No," I say firmly. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"None of your goddamn business."

He picks himself up from the desk and strides toward me, but I'm too preoccupied with the sight before me to be worried for my own well-being.

The pretty blonde maid is splayed out on my father's desk, trembling, blood trickling down from the corner of her mouth and a bruise blooming over her left eye.

"What the hell have you done to her?" I whisper as he advances on me, but neither of us gets a chance to speak again.

I hear the sound of a door slamming in the hallway, and a moment later, a tall, broad-shouldered figure appears behind me.

"You sick fuck."

I whip my head around, meeting my brother's gaze. "Brazen, I..."

He ignores me, taking a long step forward and grabbing our father by his neck. He backs him up against the wall, slamming his body against it with force I didn't know he possessed.

"If you fucking touch her again," Brazen snarls. "I'm going to rip your fucking heart out through your mouth."

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