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"I spoke to Mr. Oakes, your father," she says softly. "He offered to pay for my scholarship at Prep. He said I could start in the fall."

I manage a weak smile. I'm happy for her, but I also know my father's offer is a bribe. Minnie will get to go to Prep in exchange for keeping her mouth shut about Father's dirty advances on her. I feel for her, hurt for her. But I can barely handle my own mess.

"Do you want me to speak to Brazen again?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper. "I could ask him to get Father off your back. Maybe if we work together..."

"No," she shakes her head. "You know as well as I do it's hopeless,

Miss. I just need to last a few years, until I finish school. And then I'll be free. Free as a bird."

Her pretty smile blinds me, and I fight the urge to laugh bitterly. She'll never be free. Not here, in Eden Falls, and not until my father is around. He's eager to make her his victim, and I don't think he'll ever stop.

"You'll need to be careful at Prep," I tell Minnie. "The other kids might pick on you. These boys and girls are vicious."

The thought of Minnie getting hurt like I have been pains me. I need to warn her about the cruelty of the people of Eden Falls. This town's fucked up.

"I know," she nods. "I heard what they've been doing to you, Miss Pandora, and I... well, I think it's absolutely terrible. You shouldn't treat another human being the way they're treating you."

I shrug. Of course I agree, but there's nothing I can do about it. I'm well and truly powerless without my status. I've become the town's punching bag, and there's not a goddamn thing anyone can do to change that.

"Miss, if you don't mind me asking..." Minnie bites her full bottom lip, her eyes averting mine. She's nervous, and I mentally prepare myself for her next question. "What happened that night at the Brantley house?"

My hands form fists in my lap and I close my eyes tightly as the events of that night play out in my head, over and over again. I haven't told anyone the truth. I haven't been honest with anyone, not even Dexter. And now, the desire to finally come out and say it, to admit what they did to me - what I let them do - is too strong to fight. I want Minnie to know. I want her to understand.

So I open my mouth, and I start telling her the truth with my heart hammering wildly in my chest, and alarm bells going off in my head. I shouldn't trust the maid, but I do. I trust her more than anyone in this fucking city.

One by one they come into the room, and one by one, they get what they want.

As I lay in bed after the last time, Lai buttons up his shirt and smirks at me. "You happy now, Pandora?"

"Not yet," I mutter, pulling the sheets up. "Not until Dexter finds out what I did."

"Why are you so dead set on hurting him anyway?" He buttons his cufflinks and slips on a blazer. "What's this desire to hurt him really about?"

"You have to ask?" I push the sheets off and get up, my naked body shivering in the cool night air. "He's hurt me every single day since I've been back. He's made it his mission to fuck me up. Why wouldn't I do the same to him? Why wouldn't I hit him where it hurts?"

"Is that why you didn't want me to use a condom?"

I smirk, strolling to the window, my fingers lingering on the wooden frame as I stare outside. "You sure catch on fast, Lai."

"You know, you could be pregnant right now." He approaches me from behind, arms wrapping around me and embracing me firmly. His fingers touch my belly, gently wandering over the flat expanse of my navel. "Maybe you've got my baby in there."

I don't answer, just silently place my hand over his as we continue to stare out the window.

A moment later, I break off the embrace and motion to the door. "You better leave. All the others have gone already. I don't think you want to be here when Dex arrives."

"You think I'm afraid of him?"

I shake my head. "I'm just looking out for you."

"Why do you care?" He picks up his car keys from the nightstand. "Does it matter whether I'm breathing or not?"

I don't know what to tell him. My alliance with Lai was born out of necessity, but I do have fond feelings for the boy. He was never as cruel as the others.

"Leave, Lai." My voice is gentler, and he nods in silent understanding, raising his hand before he leaves. I wave him off, and watch him walk to the door. Then, I stare out of the window and watch him get into his car and pull out of the driveway.

I got what I so desperately wanted. Revenge is coming, and it's going to taste sweeter than I could have ever imagined.

So why am I still not happy?

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