Page 72 of Claimed (For Her 3)

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“This is really barbaric. Shouldn’t my hacker boyfriend have a camera out there and all I’d have to do is check a monitor?” I tease, pulling open the door. He picks me up by the waist and places me behind him, grunting a little.

“Dang it, Jordan, don’t hurt yourself or you really won’t be getting any!” I give him a smack on the back. He grunts again like I really hurt him, but I know better.

“Pop,” Jordan says, and I blush when I realize what I said in front of him. Pop laughs, and I bury my face in Jordan’s back.

“Whatever,” I moan as a laughing Jordan pulls me forward. I try to reach out to hug Pop, but he doesn’t let me go. “Was he always this much of a caveman?” I fake a sigh.

“I never let my wife out of my hands either,” Pop says, leaning down and kissing my cheek. The word “wife” makes my heart flutter in my chest.

“Don’t you have something you should be doing?” I look up at Jordan. He has a sheepish look on his face.

“I sent him home,” he finally admits. I reach out and grab Pop to look at his watch.

“You had another twenty minutes!” Jordan just shrugs. “Come in,” I tell Pop, pushing Jordan out of the way. “Do you want something to eat?” I ask him.

“He’s not hungry,” Jordan answers for him. I turn around and give him a hard look that seems to do nothing.

Pop just laughs.

The doorbell goes off again. “Fucking hell,” Jordan mutters. I have to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing. Pop sits down at the breakfast bar.

“What’s wrong with him?” My face pinkens at the question, not wanting to tell Pop Jordan is horny and wants me in bed.

“He…ah…” I’m saved when Jordan comes back into the room with Ryan and Paige.

“Company,” Jordan grunts. I don’t know if I want to laugh or cry. Laugh because he’s acting like an adorable grumpy bear that can barely talk, or cry because I, too, want to be alone with him.

Paige takes me by surprise, walking in and wrapping me in a hug. “I’m so sorry,” she says. When I pull back, she has tears in her eyes.

“I’m fine, I promise,” I try to reassure her.

“It’s my job to make sure everyone is safe. I—”

“Stop,” I tell her. “It’s my fault, too. I should have said something sooner.” That guilt still weighs on me, so much so I’m not sure I should go back to Osbourne Corp. to work. I messed up. I should have told someone about the emails.

“Stop, both of you,” Pop snaps. We all turn to look at him. “No one can control crazy. This isn’t anyone’s fault. Trust me. I’ve been there. The ifs, ands, and buts will get no one anywhere but stuck in a place you don’t want to be.”

Pop’s words sink in, and I know he’s right. We need to let it all go. Living in it only gives the ones who hurt us more power.

I look over at Jordan, whose eyes are on me like they always are. I don’t think it will be that easy for him. His possessiveness seems to be growing each day. He reaches for me and pulls me to him. I go to his side, melting into him. I know he understands what his dad is saying, but I’m not sure how much is really sinking in. I think he still needs more time.

“We wanted to let you know to take as much time as you need,” Ryan says, breaking the silence. “Miles said he doesn’t want to see you back for a while,” he adds, looking at me. I nod. Everyone at work has been so sweet to us. I’m not used to having so many friends and people around. It’s a lot to take in. To get used to.

“Okay, fuck it,” Jordan finally says, his impatience getting the best of him. “Everyone has got to go.”

Everyone turns to look at him. My face warms, but it’s clear he’s at the end of his rope. “I’ve been waiting all week for this.” I feel like my eyes are about to pop out. I can’t believe he just said that in front of his dad and his boss.

“Jordan!” I yell.

“Nope, little bird, I’m done sharing. Everyone out. I want to be alone with my woman,” he says. I feel like I’m going to die of embarrassment, but when I look around at everyone, they are all smiling. Well, not Jordan, because people don’t seem to be moving at a speed that makes him very happy.

I go to smack his chest, but he grabs me by the wrist, bringing my palm to his mouth. Our eyes lock as he kisses me there, letting his lips linger. I get lost in his eyes for a moment, forgetting everything else around us. I don’t even realize that everyone has left until I hear the click of the front door.

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