Page 48 of Claimed (For Her 3)

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“Just need to make a few copies and I’ll be right in.” I lift up my folder and notepad. “You need me to grab you anything?”

“Nope, I’m good. See you in a few,” he says and strolls into his office. I hear him whistle, and I have to hold back a chuckle as I make my way to the copy room, getting the last of the stuff I need before heading into his office.

I go over his schedule with him, canceling some appointments and moving others around. Then Miles jumps into wanting to back off some projects he’s shown interest in in the past. I think this has to do with him slowing down. I nod, checking them off my list.

“Lannister,” I finally say.

“I thought it was all wrapped up but the deal hasn’t gone through?”

“I stopped it,” I admit. “Mr. Stein gave us the final project portfolio, and we agreed. Well, while you were on your honeymoon he said something needed to be changed. The portfolio is over two hundred pages. He’d told me he’d mark the changes. I was reluctant to give it to him.”

Miles leans back in his chair folding his hands together like he’s thinking.

“I didn’t care that he was going to mark the changes. I know he’s been here a long time. Longer than me. I just can’t blindly agree without knowing if something else was changed. My eyes go over everything before I hand you the final work.”

“And that’s why you’re my assistant, Jay. I trust you, and something doesn’t smell right. I thought the project was done. Mr. Stein even called to tell me things were wrapped up.”

“What?” I grit my teeth. “I haven’t signed off on it, and neither have you.” I feel my anger grow and my face heats. That little fucker.

“I think he’s changed something in there he doesn’t want us to check. Getting it back from you while I was gone and then making me think it was done… I assume he was trying to push this deal through before we caught on.”

“Yes,” I agree. “I kept asking him for the project. He wouldn’t respond. So finally, Jordan got it for me.”

“He got it for you?” Miles asks with a smile.

I give a little shrug.

Miles chuckles. “Ever so persistent.”

I don’t respond because I know I am when I want something. I’ll pick and pick and pick.

“I feel like he’s telling you one thing and me another. Also, the files he gave me don’t match the ones you had in the email you sent me. I was finally able to really go over it. It’s not good. He needs to be fired and the whole deal needs throwing out.” I shift in my seat. “In fact, there could be federal charges placed on him if he made those changes. I know they wouldn’t be changes you would have agreed to, and normally I’d have caught this right away.”

“It’s almost like someone is trying to make sure both of us are busy during times we’d need to be on the same page. Me with my honeymoon. You with everything that’s going on.” He rubs his chin and thinks for a second. “And he’s been out on family leave for how long now? This is all looking bad.”

I hadn’t thought about that. “The deal talked about foreign ammunition. There are so many copies of the portfolio floating around, I can’t keep anything straight,” I admit, feeling a little over my head.

“I’ll make sure it’s pulled. Then we can bring in the team. I don’t want the company left holding the bag on this.”

“Maybe we need to look into some of Mr. Stein’s other projects, as well.” God, this is going to be a mess.

“I agree. Let’s have Jordan do some magic for us. Maybe he can do some digging and see when the documents were time stamped. Who knows what else he’ll find, but I’m sure he’ll find us something.” Miles reaches for his phone but puts it down when his office door flies open, hitting the wall. I jump up from my seat to see a very pissed-off Jordan standing in the doorway.

“Jordan?” Miles asks, but he ignores him.

“There something you want to tell me, Jay?” He steps into the office, and I pale a little.

“I was going to tell you, I promise, I just…” I trail off. What else is there to say? I wring my fingers together.

“What the fuck is going on?” Miles barks.

“She’s been getting threatening emails,” Jordan growls. “To her work email.”

“And I got a box with a dead bird,” I blurt out, wanting to lay it all on the table and get it over with.

Jordan lets out a string of curses that make me cringe.

“Jay.” Miles says my name quietly, and I know I’m in trouble.

“I’m sorry! Things have been crazy, and, well…” Jordan stares at me, his eyes boring into mine. I’ve never seen him this mad before. He’s always sweet and soft. Well, at least to me. Seems there might be another side to him.

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