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I’m in motion after that, running to the bathroom and brushing my teeth while putting on some makeup. Thankfully, I’m pinning my hair up today, so I do that as fast as I can, too. I run around the room, yanking out some mismatched lingerie and grabbing some black slacks and a purple sweater out of my closet. It’s nothing fancy, but I’ve barely got five minutes to throw it on with some black heels before hopping out of my room on one foot.

“Phone!” Paige yells from the kitchen, and I bolt back into my room, grabbing it off the bedside table. She stands at the front door, holding out my thermos of coffee for me, and opens the front door. “Let’s go. I’ve already got the elevator waiting.”

The two of us book it the three blocks to work, and I’m swiping my security pass on the elevator right at eight. Not too bad for having gotten up so late. I must have forgotten to set my alarm after I texted Oz last night.

The thought of him has me pulling my phone out of my bag, but then I remember what I sent him last night and bite my lip to keep from smiling. Do I really want to see what he has to say after seeing the pictures?

I decide to wait until I get to my desk so I have some privacy. I slip my phone back in my bag. I say good morning to people getting on the elevator and ride it up to my floor. Once I’m there, I greet Linda and see that I’ve beaten Eric to work again. That makes three days in a row now. Skyler is hanging up her bag as I say hello to her, so she must have just gotten here, as well.

“Morning,” I say, testing the waters with her.

“Hey. Did you bring your lunch today? I forgot mine,” she says, and I take the opening.

“No, I was running late. I forgot mine, too. Want to eat in the cafeteria?” I offer, hoping she’ll say yes.

“Sure. That new salad bar was dope yesterday. I’m in.”

I smile as I sit down at my desk, happy that my work friendship is back on course. I don’t know what rocked the boat yesterday, but it seems Skyler respects hard work, and I can understand that. Especially when working with someone like Eric, who seems to be skating by.

Taking a deep breath, I pull my phone out and tap on my text messages. I see only one from Oz, and disappointment hits. I click on it, and then I smile.

Oz: If you’re reading this, then I’ve surely died and gone to heaven. You, my gorgeous Mallory, are more stunning than my pathetic words via text are able to say. Grrrrr.

I imagine the sound of his growl. It makes the ache between my legs return, and I think about the orgasm I apparently gave myself in my sleep last night. Jesus. I send him a quick text, thinking he’s probably in a meeting. The time difference is so vast, I don’t know what he’s up to.

Me: Good morning! I’m happy to see you liked the pictures. Maybe I can get some in return today? I’ve yet to see what’s under your sexy suits. I miss you… XXXXX

I slip my phone in my bag and get to work. It’s a busy day, and Linda has given us some new information to add to the statistical data we’re going through. It’s more busywork. But I’m happy to be here and happy to be a part of the team.

* * *

Right before noon, Linda comes over and gives each of us a breakdown of a new program they’re integrating and asks if any of us are familiar with it. I did some side projects for data research in college and it was one of the ones I used. Linda actually beams at me when I tell her, and I think it’s mostly because she won’t have to train me on it. She puts me in charge of our intern team. I’m to explain to the others how to use it in order to maximize the program. We all agree to break for lunch and then come back afterward to start. Just before I grab my bag to go downstairs, there’s a ping on my computer alerting me to a new email.

From: [email protected]

Subject: Long day…

Hey, baby. I got your text. Sadly, work has been brutal today, and I’m only now getting a break. I see it’s lunchtime for you. Are you still planning on staying in like I asked? Please tell me you are. You know I worry. I want some alone time with you tonight…your time around 8? Give me the all clear, my sweet Mallory. I ache for you.

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