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“It’s a group thing, and you’re coming, too.”

“Oh, I’m coming. I can’t wait to see this.”

“What does that mean?” I ask.

“Just saying, I can’t wait to see what Oz does, is all.”

“Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but Oz is out of town until Saturday, so he won’t even be there.”

She smirks.

“Maybe I’ll invite Captain if you keep that up.”

We both look over our shoulders, and Captain is indeed there, following us, still on the phone.

“Or maybe I won’t have to invite him if he keeps this up.”

Chapter Thirteen


* * *

After grabbing the package Oz left me from my building’s doorman, we head up to our place, where I scarf down my burger while reading over Eric’s reports and making corrections. I decide when I’m done to take a long soak in the bath. We’re lucky that we have our own bathrooms with nice big tubs.

I grab my phone from my purse and pick up the shirt Oz left for me. It looks as worn as my Yale shirt, but his is a faded Jets football shirt. As I take my phone and the shirt with me to the bedroom, I pass by Paige, who’s on the couch, typing away on her computer.

“I’m going for a soak and then bed. I’ll be up at the normal time if you want to go into work together tomorrow.”

She looks up from her computer and gives me a nod. “Sounds good. You talk to Oz yet?” She eyes my phone in my hand, and then looks back at me.

“I’m about to,” I say, turning to head toward my room. “’Night.”


It’s weird, but that’s the third time she’s asked me about Oz. It’s probably because I’m usually glued to my phone or checking it obsessively when it comes to him.

Running the water, I add some bubbles and take out the pins in my hair. I pile it up loosely on top of my head and put a towel on the edge of the tub for drying off my hands.

When I slide in, I reach over, grabbing my phone to see if Oz has texted me. Surprisingly, I’ve got a dozen text messages from him and a few phone calls, too. Checking the messages first, I scroll through them.

Oz: Baby, answer your phone. I’ve been trying to call you back.

Oz: It’s not what you heard. There are people here in this club, and it was loud.

Oz: Mallory, please answer me. I’m worried.

Oz: I’m sorry, baby. Don’t ignore me. I left the club. I can talk.

Oz: Since you’re not answering your phone, I’ll leave this in a text.

Oz: There was a client that wanted to meet, and I agreed to go out for a drink to talk business.

Oz: I only agreed for business, but I wasn’t familiar with the place he suggested and it was a dance club.

Oz: I was there for five minutes, and it just happened to be when you called.

Oz: Please don’t get the wrong idea, baby. I care about you so much. Much more than I want to say in a text.

Oz: I would never do anything to disrespect you. Please. Just call me.

Oz: I’m back in my hotel room. I’ll be up all night if I don’t hear from you.

Oz: I miss you.

His messages make my heart ache and make me smile at the same time. I guess it was a misunderstanding, but I got annoyed instead of hearing him out. Hitting his number, I call him, wanting to let him know everything is okay. I’m sure he’s still up and worried.

I don’t think my phone makes it through the first ring before Oz is answering.

“Baby.” The one word has so much need in it. Maybe even a touch of panic.

“Hey. Sorry, I stuck my phone in my purse and I just saw your messages.” I bite my lip, thinking it’s technically the truth. I could have picked it up sooner, but I was being a brat.

“No, I’m sorry. I tried to explain on the phone. You know I wouldn’t be in a club with someone else, right?” His voice is so sweet and pleading.

“I know. I think I was hangry.” He laughs at my joke, but I want him to know the whole truth. “And maybe I was a little jealous I wasn’t there with you while it sounded like you were having fun.”

“My sweet Mallory. I’m not having any fun without you by my side.”

It makes me smile like an idiot when he says adorable things like that. I shouldn’t want him to not have fun without me, but it makes me happy to know he likes it when we are together.

“I missed you today. Probably more than I should,” I say, scooting down in the tub more.

“Is that water? Are you talking to me while you’re in the tub?” His voice gets a bit deeper, and I tingle all over. “I missed you, too, baby. I missed you so damn much.”

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