Page 3 of Charmed

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His eyes are on me as he pushes through the crowd, commanding people to move out of his way. I stumble onto the street and into the parade, tripping over something. A cop yells at me to get out of the street. I look back and see Shade is getting closer, a look of determination on his face.

“Charlie!” I turn to see my best friend Fredrik standing on top of a float. I smile. Looks like my luck just changed.

Chapter Two


“Don’t touch her!” I yell at Andrew, my security. He’s been my right-hand man since I left the Marines five years ago after my father died and I was called home to take over the family business. I’m not sure if he’s following her or me. Either way, I don’t want anyone’s hands on her. Her smart mouth is all mine. My cock, already hard from having her little body pressed against mine as she tried to wiggle free, grows even harder at the thought of having to chase her. It’s almost barbaric, making my blood pump as if I’m in battle.

It’s like if I catch her I can take her to the ground and claim her as mine. I push through the crowd, getting closer to her. She turns, our eyes lock, and she stumbles into the street. I see a cop yell at her and take a step in her direction. If he touches her I swear to fuck I’ll have his badge along with some of his skin.

Her head whips around in the other direction as someone calls out. Her blonde hair swirls around her, green splatters of paint shining in it. I follow her gaze as she runs toward the man who called out to her. Jealousy takes over all my emotions.

I push harder, trying to get to her. When I break free onto the street, the man is holding his hand out to her, pulling her up onto the float. Music is blasting from the float as the parade moves on at a slow pace. He twirls her around to the music before dipping her, then plants a kiss on her lips.

My vision goes red as I storm toward the float. A cop grabs my arm, trying to stop me, and yells at me to get out of the street. I turn and look him dead in the eyes. He raises his hands in surrender and croaks, “Sorry, Mr. Shade, didn’t know it was you.” I turn back to see my girl staring at me with wide eyes. The man lets her go and she turns, jumping off the other side of the float and disappearing into the crowd on the other side of the street.

“Fuck,” I grit out. I lost her.

“Sir?” the cop asks me. He clearly wants to help and is probably scared I might get him in trouble.

I point to the man who just kissed my girl on the float. “Him. Get his information. I expect it within the hour.” The cop nods. I turn back to see Andrew standing there with his arms over his chest looking at me like I lost my mind. Maybe I have, but I don’t really give a flying fuck at the moment.

“Don’t,” I warn him, knowing he’s going to say something that might just piss me off more. I’m already on edge as it is. We push back through the crowd. I’d completely forgotten it was St. Patrick’s Day. Not that it would have mattered anyway. To me it was just another Friday, with work to be done. I glance down at my suit. I’m covered in green paint. Her small handprints mark the front of my suit jacket.

I shake my head as I think about how she threw the paint on me. How something like that could turn me on, I have no freaking clue. But there was something about her. I was about to let loose a string of curses when I first tripped over her crap, paint splattering everywhere. Then I looked down and the greenest eyes I’d ever seen looked up at me through thick eyelashes. Before I knew what I was doing I was lifting her up and pulling her to me, wanting her closer to see if she was even real. I don’t like to be touched or people to be in my space, but with her that wasn’t there. She looked like a little glass doll that I needed to protect.

I want to chase her, but I don’t think I’d find her. The man on the float called out her name. Charlie. He has to know her. Either way, I’ll find her. Even if I have to call in some favors and have video surveillance pulled. Whatever it takes. I’ll find her or I’ll rip this city apart until I do. I’m not worried. I always get what I want. Though I’ve never felt this attraction for someone else, this magnetic pull.

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