Page 25 of Giving Her My Baby

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Our lives are perfect and though we may have started out a little less conventional than most, I wouldn’t change a thing. I want to spend every second of every day making her and our children smile. And I’ll do whatever it takes to make that happen.

“I love you, Beautiful.”

Her thighs widen as she rubs my chest and kisses me. “I love you, too.”

Her body responds like it always does, and I feel her orgasm coming. I tease her just enough to have her all worked up so that when she cums on my dick she covers me in cream. I press my chest to hers as the climax rolls over her, and I can feel the warm liquid of her milk on me. The smell and feel of it are more than I can take and I thrust deep, cumming in her as hard as I can. Pulses of cum coat her womb, and I feel her pussy trying to take it all.

I roll us over so she’s laid across my chest, and I hold her to me. There’s nothing in the world I love more than falling asleep with her pussy wrapped around my cock. Our son is still little, so when he cries at night, I’m the one who gets up and feeds him. So I cherish these moments with Ella while I can.

“Go ahead and sleep, beautiful,” I say, kissing the top of her head.

“I’m already dreaming,” she replies, and I smile as we drift off.



Ten years later….

“You’re not allowed to cry at the happiest place on earth,” Brooks says to our little girl.

He’s trying to act tough, but I know he’s about to give her the Minnie Mouse she’s asking for. Our daughter is the youngest of seven kids. And the only girl. I wanted a little girl, but Brooks kept giving me boys. Finally, when we had her, I said we were done. I was surprised that Brooks went along with it so well, but he always gives me what I want, no questions asked.

I watch as Brooks pays for the Minnie and tells our daughter that she’s not getting any more for the rest of the day. I look over to her brothers who are all waiting by the door. Each of them is carrying the Minnies she’s already gotten today. But every store we go by she asks for a new one, and none of them can tell her no. I just roll my eyes and laugh. She’s so spoiled but so protected as well. If her father wasn’t going to be bad enough, having six older brothers to watch out for you is like having your own personal army. But they all dote on her as they carry around her pink stuffed animals and ride all the rides she wants to. Thank god, because if I have to ride the teacups one more time, I might pull my hair out. But they’re all so patient with her.

I’m so thankful our moms and our kids are able to be here together. When I first mentioned that I wanted to come to Disney for vacation, some of the older boys griped, but then they closed up quick after one look from Brooks. He does his best to keep them straight, but I know they’d all do anything I wanted.

I watch as our moms join all seven kids in line for the next ride. The two of them are having almost as much fun as the kids. I was worried about them keeping up, but while the kids are getting tired and trying to go to bed, the moms are dragging them back out for more. Thankfully Brooks’s mom kicked Vick to the curb long ago, and we haven’t heard from him since. She’s been dating a physical therapist that my mom set her up with for the past couple of years and seems to be really happy. I sometimes wish my own mom would date, but she says she can’t find the time. I personally think she has a friends-with-benefits situation with another doctor in her practice, but she’ll never admit it to me. As long as she’s happy. That’s all that matters.

I feel Brooks come up behind me and wrap his arms around my waist. “Are you having fun?” he asks, kissing me on the neck.

“You know I am,” I say as I rub the arms he has wrapped around me.

Leaning back into him, I sigh and feel all the stress of home life fade away. I’m lucky that Brooks is so hands-on and we have both our moms to help, but with all the kids and their after-school stuff, it can be a lot to keep up with. Coming here was a way to be together while having fun, and I’m already looking forward to coming back.

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