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When he was finished, he lifted me, set me on the chair, and knelt. He took my cock in his mouth and sucked me until nothing could have prevented me from spilling into him and giving him all of me.

I looked down at him, a powerful dangerous man on his knees in front of me, and knew I was deeply in love with him. I’d known I wouldn’t want to leave, but I thought that would be because of how easy it was to be with him, how much better life was in his house than it was in my shitty apartment. I’d expected to long for him, but I hadn’t thought I would fall head over heels beyond any chance of recovery. Leaving him was going to break my heart. I would only have my memories to hold on to after enjoying every second of every day we had together.

I saw much less of Remington over the next few days than I wanted to, but I knew he was busy. I knew that his war with another family was quickly coming to a head. Despite all he had told me, Remington wouldn’t give me the details of the fight he was involved in. Still, I could see how tense he was, and I knew he felt a lot of pressure to prove his leadership abilities.

When we were together, we spent almost every moment in bed. It was clear how much he needed the release of stress. Sometimes he was rough and demanding. Sometimes he wanted to punish me, even though I hadn’t done anything wrong. I never protested. I wasn’t sure there was anything I would deny him. I loved every moment we spent together.

One morning, I woke to the sound of him playing the cello. The sadness in his music had tears running down my cheeks. When he returned to bed, he fucked me with torturously slow strokes until neither of us could stand it anymore. Then he pounded me into the mattress, and we were both left panting.

“I need to go,” he said between ragged breaths. “I’m supposed to meet Lance.”

“I don’t want you to go.” There. For the first time, I’d said it.

He turned me to face him, and his eyes held mine. “Cher, believe me. If I could stay, I would.”

I could tell there was something else he wanted to say. “What is it?”

“I want to introduce you to my father and stepmother tonight.”

Of all the things I might’ve guessed he was going to say, that wasn’t even close. I’d expected a suggestion of something dirty he wanted me to do or perhaps further confessions about the nature of his business, but not an invitation to meet more of his family. You don’t hire men and then take them home to meet your parents.


“I think they’ll like you, and you will like them.”

“But we’re not… I mean, this isn’t…”

“They’re hosting an engagement party for my cousin Constance. They expect me to come, and I would enjoy myself more with you there.”

If he’d simply said he needed a date for an engagement party, I wouldn’t have thought it was odd, but he specifically wanted me to meet his parents. What did that mean?

I realized I hadn’t said anything else when he spoke again. “If it makes you that uncomfortable, then I won’t require you to join me.”

This was the first time he’d given me a choice like that. My head spun with the possibilities, but I knew better than to get my hopes up that he was starting to see me as more than a man he’d hired to please him.

“No. I’m not…” It would be a lie to say I wasn’t uncomfortable because I totally was. I had no idea how to behave at the kind of party I was sure it would be. I would feel as out of place as I had at Commander’s Palace, but I would go because Remy wanted me to, and I wouldn’t turn down any chance to spend time with him. “I’m nervous, but I want to go.”

His lips curved into a soft genuine smile, then he kissed me softly and slid from the bed. “I really do have to get going.”

“Do you need me to make you some breakfast while you shower?”

“No. I need you to go back to sleep. I want you well rested for tonight.”

“For the party?”

He shook his head, grinning. “No, for after it.”

My cock twitched at his words. I wondered what he had planned. I was sure whatever it was would be delicious.



I was filled with nerves as I turned into the driveway of my family home. I should be feeling relaxed. Based on Clark’s phone and email records, we learned that along with accepting shipments of illegal weapons, he’d committed multiple murders for the weapons dealers. Niall had met with Clark, and Clark had bought his story that he was investigating him for murder and gunrunning, and he’d agreed to take a plea bargain. He would coordinate with Niall as soon as he got more information about the next weapons drop which was expected in a few days.
