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“That it could happen,” he finished for her.

“Yes.” Her eyes met his once more. “I owe it all to you. Everything, really. The tour of Europe, staying in the best hotels, the entire experience is thanks to you.”

“You do a good job, Tessa. You deserve it,” he said gently. Though her job performance only made up part of it. He wanted to give her this and more. He wanted to take her on a European vacation, a real one, not a working one. Not as his assistant but as his lover.

Something flickered in her gaze, a dark emotion that was there and then gone in an instant. “I appreciate the opportunity, Alex. More than you could ever know.”

And just like that, she shutdown, pulled away from him, both figuratively and literally. She walked to the other end of the observation deck, staring out at the city, her expression pensive. He watched as he quietly approached her, pissed when his cell started to ring. Striding toward a more private corner, he answered, shocked to discover it was Rhett on the other end.

With news that put a frigid damper on his good mood.

Chapter Eight

Tessa’s head spun. It had been spinning from the moment they approached the Eiffel Tower, when she first caught sight of the magnificent view and especially when Alex kissed her so softly she thought her entire body would explode with need.

She’d been so overwhelmed by that deceptively simple kiss she’d needed a few minutes alone to gather her bearings. Alex had let her go without question, which she appreciated, and ended up taking a call.

Whoever had been on the other line had ruined his mood completely.

The ride back to the hotel was deathly quiet. Tessa afraid to utter one word in innocent conversation for fear Alex would bite her head off. His face constructed into an angry scowl, his gaze hard, his entire body tense. He vibrated with barely contained fury.

She wondered who in the world could’ve put him in such a terrible state.

Her hopeful plans were shattered. She’d wanted to suggest they go out to dinner, but no way would she do so now. Not with the way he practically growled at the driver when the poor man asked if they’d like to go anywhere else.

So she remained quiet sitting next to him, her hands in her lap, her gaze locked on the window and the passing scenery. Her dreams dashed, her lips tingling from his potent kiss. Her mind filled with romantic thoughts of the two of them in an embrace on the Eiffel Tower, the city of Paris spread out before them like an intricate blanket.

Alexander Worth would be the absolute death of her. At the very least, he would drive her stark raving mad and she’d end up in a loony bin somewhere, babbling incoherently and rocking back and forth in a strait jacket.

“I have some calls to make,” Alex muttered upon their return to the hotel after they climbed out of the car. “If you’ll excuse me.”

“Do you need my help?” she called to his already retreating back.

He stopped and turned, the expression on his face one of frustration and…was that hurt? “I appreciate the offer but it’s—a personal matter.”

“Oh.” She pressed her lips together, feeling ten times the fool for offering. “I see.”

A rueful smile curled his lips and he shook his head. “No, you don’t see, but that’s all right. I can’t—it’s private, Tessa. Family matters and I don’t want to involve you. I’m not sure how long it’s going to take, and I had all of these plans for tonight. Plans that included you.”

Her heart fluttered. “What sort of plans?”

He glanced around, people pushing past them in the busy, crowded lobby. “Plans I can’t discuss in public for fear of embarrassing you.”

Her cheeks flushed hot. “They sound interesting.”

“Much more than interesting, trust me.”

“I can wait.” Hope rose within her as she waited for his reply.

“It’s late. Already close to dinnertime,” he reminded.

She shrugged. “I’m not hungry.” It was a lie. She was starving. But she’d wait for Alex, especially after hearing about his mysterious plans.

“I’ll call you when I’m finished.” His eyes were bleak. He looked stressed.

She wanted to take care of him, offer him comfort, anything to wipe the sadness from his expression, his eyes. “Just come to my hotel room,” she suggested, her voice soft, her intention clear.

His eyes darkened to steely gray and he breathed deep. “Are you sure?”

“Yes.” She paused, trying to communicate some sort of meaning to him even with the distance between them, the strangers around them, the elegant music playing in the background. “I am.”

“Good.” With a nod he turned on his heel and strode toward the bank of elevators, not even waiting for her to accompany him. Which was just as well. She had a feeling he needed some alone time.

To fix whatever serious problem had been thrown in his direction.

Deciding she couldn’t stay in her hotel room twiddling her thumbs and waiting for him to make a reappearance she went back out, intent on perusing the stores that lined the street near the hotel. They were quaint, exclusive little shops, appealing to the wealthy since they were staying at one of the finest hotels in Paris. Most of them selling useless yet beautiful trinkets worth thousands of dollars, though there was a shoe store she browsed, salivating at the sleek, sexy designer heels she wished she could afford but were worth one month’s rent or more.

She left the shoe store depressed. She was about to turn back and head toward the hotel but something kept her going.

When she came upon the tiny lingerie shop she almost didn’t go in. But there was something about the window display that lured her. She stood in front of the window, drinking in the delicate lace and silk nightgowns, the gorgeous bra and panty sets. It was expensive, she knew without even seeing a price tag yet it was as if someone else controlled her body.

She entered the shop in a slight daze, overwhelmed by all it had to offer. So much to look at her head couldn’t handle it all. She went to the rack directly in front of her and picked up the satin hanger, eyeing the black negligee trimmed with jet beads that jangled lightly when she shook them.

“That is too scandalous for you, no?”

Tessa turned to find an older woman standing before her, barely topping five feet and dressed from head to toe in black. Her hair was cropped short and a lovely shade of gray. Thick black frame glasses perched low on her nose. “It’s beautiful,” Tessa said when it appeared the woman was waiting for an answer.

“Oui, it is beautiful but definitely not for you.” The woman took the hanger from Tessa’s hand and put it back on the display rack. “Come, come. I show you what I believe is perfect for a sweet woman like you.”

Tessa followed, looking around. One wall was constructed of a rough brick, large, empty gilt frames hung haphazardly over the surface. Delicate bits of lingerie dangling from hangers were displayed in the center of the frames. Such beautiful garments she slowed her steps, admiring them.

“Lovely, no? You like pretty pastels?” The woman noticed Tessa staring.

“I guess I do.”

The woman clapped, excitement lighting her scrunched face. “Perfect. That was my intention. Now come over here.” She buzzed away, waving a hand as she did so.

Shaking her head, Tessa trailed after her until they were in the farthest corner of the shop, close to two dressing room stalls, covered with deep blue velvet curtains. The woman had two bra and panty sets clutched in her hand, where they’d came from Tessa had no clue.

“Try these on,” the woman urged as she tore back one of the velvet curtains and shoved Tessa inside.

When Tessa turned to protest, the woman handed her the lingerie. “But I can’t—”

“No, no. No say I can’t or I won’t. You will. To make your man happy, oui?” The shopkeeper yanked the curtain shut, leaving Tessa standing there, blinking in surprise.

She had the sudden urge to laugh. It was all just so surreal.

Deciding to do as the woman said, she took off her sweater and unbuttoned her shirt, then slipped off her bra. She wasn’t about to try on a pair of panties, no way could that be sanitary. Grabbing the bra, she fingered the delicate material. It was a beautiful, pale blue with white lacy, ruffle trim. A white silk ribbon bow sat in the center, a pale blue stone dangling from the button center.

It was the prettiest bra she’d ever seen. She had such a weakness for beautiful lingerie.

Carefully she slipped the bra on, turning to the mirror to adjust the cups. Her breath caught in her throat when she caught sight of herself. Somehow, the woman had known and given her the correct size for the bra fit beautifully. The blue material was airy and light, like chiffon, the straps constructed of the same material and trimmed with a bit of lace. She turned to and fro, admiring herself, wondering what Alex might do if he saw her wearing it.

“You like?” the woman asked from the other side of the curtain.

“Oh yes, I do.”

“You try the blue on first?”

How did she know? “Yes, I did.”

“Well, come out and show me.”

Reluctantly Tessa cracked open the curtain and the woman grabbed hold of the thick fabric, pushing it back. “Ah, beautiful! Your man will appreciate you all the more.”

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