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After spending a week with her, most of it in absolute agony under his own doing, he realized he wanted her more now than he ever did before.

Not just for her wicked body and that angelic face, but because she was truly sweet. Interesting, efficient, curious and wise, she had a natural ability of reading people, seeing to their needs, making sure everything was running smooth no matter how chaotic the situation.

She was a balm to his hectic soul. A reminder that though there was nothing wrong with hard work, a man needed to relax and enjoy life once in a while.

He wanted to relax with her. Spend more time with her and learn what made her tick. Discover more of those unique traits she kept carefully hidden and her sweet personality. He wanted to see her smile, hear her laugh, watch her writhe in pleasure as he brought her to climax. Hear her whispery sighs after he kissed her, feel her body move beneath his as he entered her.

There were a lot of things he wanted from Tessa. And she wasn’t willing to give any of it to him. He’d blown it. Ruined his chances by running scared and ignoring her, believing he did the right thing while secretly he’d watched her. Looking for a clue she might be the one. The spy. The traitor.

But her loyalty never wavered. Hunter had called a few times with no new major leads, perplexed as to who it might be after endless rounds of questioning his entire marketing department. The sneak inquiries on both his computer and Tessa’s computer had stopped. Hunter blamed it on everyone knowing there was an investigation, further proving it was an inside job.

After that particular conversation, Alex had lain awake in bed for far too long, playing Hunter’s words over and over again in his mind. Had the hacking activity stopped because Tessa wasn’t in the office?

He hated even thinking it. Couldn’t imagine her turning on him or on the company like that.

So he pushed it from his mind.

They left the store together. They were always together, a form of torture he put himself through. She’d been so angry with him at first and she’d had every right. Earlier, in the car he’d almost had her convinced. Again, when they arrived at the store and spoken privately, he’d gotten her to admit she can’t feel anything for him versus she didn’t.

A significant difference between the two words, can’t gave him hope. At the moment, he was running on hope and nothing else.

He’d given the driver instructions prior to their departure to take them to the Eiffel Tower, unbeknownst to Tessa. She gazed out the window, her back to him, ramrod straight and proud even though she had to be exhausted. He knew he was running on empty, but he’d do anything to put a smile on her face. Give her a moment of pleasure, even if it was standing on the Eiffel Tower with her and not bringing her pleasure in his bed.

“Where are we going? This isn’t the way back to the hotel.” She turned to look at him, her eyes narrowed and full of wariness.

“I’m taking you somewhere.”

“Tell me where.”

He shook his head. “It’s a surprise.”

“You don’t like surprises.”

What? “What do you mean?”

“You don’t like surprises. I organized a surprise birthday celebration for you last year and though you thanked us all, I could see it in your eyes. You weren’t pleased.”

She was right. He’d appreciated the gesture but hated being in the spotlight. “I don’t like being caught unprepared.”

“That’s the whole point with a surprise.” She frowned. “And I don’t like being caught unprepared either.”

They were more alike than he originally thought.

“Are you trying to coax me into telling you where we’re going?”

“Yes.” She smiled sweetly. Too sweetly.

He smiled in return and leaned across the seat, getting closer to her. “Well, I won’t.”

Recoiling, she scowled and he wondered if she might blast him with words. Instead she turned away and gazed out the window quietly, giving him the cold shoulder, which he found worse. He rather enjoyed an angry Tessa. She was such a passionate little thing when worked up, which he found infinitely arousing.

When the Eifel Tower finally came into view, she sent him an accusatory look. “I told you I didn’t want you to take me.”

“And I told you I would.”

She continued to glare. If she wanted to have a staring match, it was fine by him. He was far more patient than she realized. “I’m not backing down, Tessa,” he finally said. “Let me do this for you.”

“This isn’t making up for all the other things you’ve done.”

Ouch. “I’ve already admitted I’ve been an ass.”

Her dark eyes lit with humor. “Indeed you have.”

“What else do you want from me?” He’d be willing to give her just about anything just so he could spend some time with her. Worry-free and without the responsibilities of work hanging over their heads.

“Hmm.” She tapped a slender, elegant finger against her pursed lips. Heat coiled in his gut and he clenched his hands together to keep from reaching for her. She was so naturally sexy and she didn’t even realize it. “I’ll have to think about it as we go along.”

“At least this is a start?”

“Oh, it’s definitely a start.” She smiled though it didn’t quite reach her eyes.

The car pulled to a stop, and Alex glanced out the window. They’d arrived, the driver already hopping out of the car and rounding to the passenger side so he could open Tessa’s door first. She stepped out of the car. Alex’s gaze locked on her long legs, emphasized by the black tights she wore.

He’d had his hands on those legs that night of the ball. If all went as he hoped, he’d have his hands on those legs again. Tonight.

She was sassy as they made their way up the tower, first by stairs, then in a crowded elevator. Offering teasing remarks, giving him a hard time, completely unlike the Tessa she normally was. Usually she was so quiet, so reserved, almost meek, though always with an underlying strength ready to rise to the surface when needed.

Something happened to her to send her into this—mood. Flirtatious, sparkling, her cheeks flushed by the cold wind that whipped about them as they made their way across the observation deck, her hair blowing wild around her face. She’d donned a black sweater while in the car, hiding her inspiring curves from his view though he could still appreciate the lush bounty of her backside.

He lagged a few steps behind to appreciate that particular view when she stopped in her tracks, glancing at him from over her shoulder. “What are you doing?”

“Enjoying the view?” It wasn’t a lie.

A wicked smile curved her dark red lips and she shook her head, making her way to the edge of the observation deck. He followed, his heart jerking when he saw her lean over the wrought iron fence, drinking in the awe-inspiring view much like a child would.

“It’s amazing,” she breathed when he stood next to her.

“You’re making me nervous.” Pulling gently on the back of her sweater, he tugged her off the fence, earning an irritated sound for his efforts.

“I wasn’t going to fall.” She kept her gaze glued on the city spread out before them. “I can’t believe I’m on the Eiffel Tower seeing this. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d ever be here.”

He’d first visited the tower when he was six and had been here many times throughout the years. So much so that the last time he went, he’d barely noticed the view. Spent his time focused instead on the icy blonde he’d taken to the restaurant nestled within the tower. That had been two years ago and he’d taken that woman to bed that night.

Funny, he couldn’t remember her name or if the sex had been any good.

He pushed the unpleasant memory aside. “You like the view then.”

“I love the view.” She turned to him, her entire face lit up. “Thank you for bringing me.”

“Does that mean I’m absolved of all of my sins?” He cocked a brow.

She smirked. “No. But you’re close.”

A fierce wind blew up, causing her hair to fly across her face. Reaching out, he brushed the wayward strands away, his fingers lingering on her warm, soft cheeks. His gaze locked on hers, held for what seemed like forever until he leaned in close. The urge to kiss her so overwhelming he couldn’t think of anything else.

Their lips met. Clung. Broke apart only to meet and cling again. He held her face with his hands, lightly, gently, as if she were a precious, fragile thing and a wistful sigh escaped her when they finally ended the kiss, his hands falling away from her face.

Staggering. Such a simple, innocent kiss yet it had been filled with more meaning than any other kiss he’d ever experienced. From the looks of her stunned expression, Tessa felt the same.

“You confuse me so much,” she whispered.

Alex pressed his forehead to hers. “You confuse me too.”

She drew her brows together. “How?”

“You’re like a different woman this afternoon. Bold. Determined.” Shifting, he dropped a kiss on her temple before he moved away from her. “Sexy.”

Her cheeks reddened and she looked away from him, seemingly embarrassed. “I think it’s all the excitement of being in Paris. I’ve always wanted to come here but I never thought…”

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