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“And who’s told you she’s a silly little shrew?”

“Matteo,” Stasia answered with a shrug. “Well, more like he said he worried Catalina was turning into a shrew just like her big sister. Is Annalisa Campioni really that bad?”

“Worse than you could ever imagine.” He wasn’t lying. He dreaded speaking with her sister when he returned Cat to Italy. He knew Annalisa would be difficult, stubborn, impossible to reason with.

“Well, Cat is delightful. I like her a lot.” Stasia smiled. “She’s completely smitten with you.”

“I know.” Funny, how she hadn’t been just a few days ago. “I’m smitten with her as well, though.”

“I can tell.”

They spoke of their family, business matters, but he couldn’t focus. His thoughts were consumed with Cat. How close they’d become in only a few days. How responsive she was to his every sexual whim, how much she’d shared with him. Their future together looked bright and he wasn’t fighting it.

He could love this woman. Being married to her wouldn’t be a hardship. She was sweet, intelligent and sexy. Easy to laugh, easy to arouse—she was his perfect match. How had their fathers known?

The lunch had gone wonderfully, Stasia bombarding Cat with questions in typical sister fashion. Cat volleyed them well, keeping pace, tossing back her own questions in equal time. He’d watched them both with amusement, pleased that two of the most important women in his life were getting along.

“Too bad Mama isn’t here,” Stasia said softly.

“Are you a mind reader? I was just thinking about her,” Rafe said, his gaze never straying from Cat. “I think she’d approve.”

“I know she would. All she ever cares about is if we’re happy. And if the one who makes us happy is kind.” Stasia smiled. “She has a thoughtful heart. She looks at you as if she thinks you’re perfect.”

He snorted. “Trust me. She knows I’m not.”

“And still cares for you despite it. That’s proof you shouldn’t let her go.” Stasia smiled. “So, what happens next for you two?”

Rafe explained their plan, glad that Cat was too occupied by Gavin and Sofia to hear what he said. “I’m worried, though,” he said when he’d told Stasia everything. “About her sister and her mother. I’m sure they’ll be reluctant to let her go.”

“It’s a written agreement, though. A legal document notarized by lawyers and everything,” Stasia pointed out. “I know it’s something not done much anymore, but she was promised to you, Rafe. It’s not as if you’ve stolen her away from her family forever.”

Guilt washed over him. He’d sort of stolen her away from Italy. Blatantly calling it a kidnapping, confiscating her phone so her sister couldn’t spit her poisonous venom at her and ruin this moment they were sharing. He still had Cat’s phone, would’ve gladly given it over if she asked for it.

But she hadn’t. Maybe she didn’t want to face her sister’s wrath either, not that he could blame her.

“They’ll still be angry. Her sister doesn’t approve of me.”

“I’m sure you could convince her otherwise. You’re quite good at that,” Stasia said with a small laugh.

He recalled a moment when he had tried to convince Annalisa that he was a decent man. A little over a year ago, at a party for Renaldi, he’d found himself cornered by her. She’d been pleasant, a surprise, and more than a little drunk, another surprise. He’d tried to work his charm. Turning their conversation to Cat, he’d tried to dig for information.

She’d turned hostile, almost angry that he dare speak of Catalina, and she’d told him in no uncertain terms she wanted him to avoid her baby sister at all costs.

Then she’d tried to throw herself at him. He’d pushed her off, telling himself no way was this really happening. Later that night, he’d found Cat and kissed her senseless, ready to beg her to run away with him so they could finally be married.

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