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“All of it.” She licked him, a little sigh escaping her when he met her tongue with his.

“So you want a ridiculously grand wedding?” He sounded reluctant at the idea.

“No. Not at all. I want a ridiculously grand reception. I’d rather marry you at the courthouse.” She tried to deepen their sweet little kisses, but he pushed at her shoulder, putting some distance between them so he could study her.

“You’re serious.”

“Absolutely.” She nodded, her gaze never leaving his dear, handsome face. She’d grown to care so much for him over such a short amount of time. The acceleration of their relationship was frightening, but exhilarating too. It just felt so…right. “I know this has happened fast, but we’ve been promised to each other for so long, I’m not surprised. And when you know…”

“You know,” he finished for her. “You’ve always been the one for me, even when you thought you didn’t want me at all.”

“Yes. I realize that now.” She offered him a tremulous smile, tears threatening to fall. “I want to marry you, Rafe. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I don’t need a grand ceremony for us to prove our fidelity to each other or even an elaborate reception. Whatever you want, I want. But I want to do it with you and only you.”

He tightened his arms around her. “I’ll stay in Italy and help you finalize everything. Whatever personal items you need shipped to the States, how you want to handle your family, all of it, I’ll be there for you.”

“Oh Rafe.” Happiness exploded within her, making her lightheaded. “I can’t believe this is happening.”

“I can’t either, but I’m glad for it.” He buried his face in her hair, breathing deep. She squeezed him close, overcome with emotion for this man. “Only a few days ago you’d been ready to end it.”

“I did end it,” she reminded him a laugh.

“Yes. But I wouldn’t let you. I’m rather stubborn. I don’t know if you’ve realized that yet.”

She pulled away to study him, knowing her raw, unfiltered emotions were written all over her face for him to see. And she didn’t care in the least. “Yes, I think I’ve realized it.”

“Good. Makes it easier to live with me, if you know what you’re dealing with.”

They both laughed, Rafe’s hand wandering lower until it slipped under his T-shirt that she wore, his fingers grazing the bare skin of her bottom. “Naked beneath my shirt, Kitty Cat?”

She nodded, her breath hitching when his fingers shifted to stroke between her legs, finding her damp with want. “Giving you easier access, since I’m always thinking of you.”

“A selfless move on your part, hmm?” He sounded doubtful, which was fine.

Wearing nothing beneath her clothes was just as much an advantage for her as it was for him.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this happy,” Stasia said with a slight shake of her head. “It’s like you can’t stop smiling. And you’re usually a big grump, Rafael. Don’t deny it.”

“Ah, thanks so much, sister dear. And I thought Matteo cornered the market on grumpy.” Nothing was going to get him down this afternoon, not even his little sister’s subtle insults. He was with the woman he was falling in love with, in a big, noisy restaurant in the middle of New York City. Watching her play with his niece, laugh at something his brother-in-law said, all the while her gaze never left pretty little Sofia.

He wondered what she might be like as a mother.

A wonderful one, he hadn’t a doubt. Seeing the delight in her eyes as she played with Sofia was enough to make him realize she would be perfect.

Cat was perfect in his eyes. At this moment, the woman could do no wrong.

“Oh, our big brother owns the market on grumpy, though my other big brother Alex could certainly challenge him for the title.” Stasia nudged his side. “You’ve been in a bit of snit these last few months, and you know it. That’s what I was referring to.”

His so-called snit had everything to do with Cat and not knowing what was going to happen between them. “I’m over it.”

“I can tell. And I think it has a little something to do with her.” Stasia waved her hand in Cat’s direction. “She’s lovely, Rafe. Nothing like the silly little shrew she’s been portrayed as.”

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