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What a foolish, stupid girl she’d been.

They’d seen each other a few times throughout her teenage years. She’d admired him from afar and spoken to him like a bumbling fool every time he came near. He was polite, somewhat attentive, a bit impulsive. As in, he’d sneak away from her every chance he got, but she blamed it on their four-year age difference. At sixteen, no way could she hold the interest of a twenty-year-old man.

At least, that was what she told herself.

But then she’d become older. Wiser. A little more jaded as to the ways of the world. Specifically, the destruction of her parents’ marriage opened her eyes. Life was not always full of romance and flowers and beautiful, perfect things.

Like Rafe’s numerous indiscretions with an endless stream of beautiful, sophisticated women. His well-known reputation amongst the Italian and U.S. fashion industries as a charming flirt couldn’t be denied. The man hadn’t a faithful bone in his body.

Exactly like her father.

The very man who’d slowly, quietly destroyed their family over the years. Oh, her parents were still together—miserably. But her mother was a mere shell of a woman. Her father was never around. Her sister was bitter against men in general.

Cat in turn had become bitter against one man in particular.

“He believes he still does own me in a way,” she finally answered, earning a scathing glare from Annalisa. “What? It’s true.”

“Papa sold you to the highest bidder,” Annalisa bit out, her lips tight, her golden eyes narrowed into slits.

“Not quite. Our fathers were best friends. They believed Rafael and I would make a good match.” They’d gone over this story again and again. Once upon a time, she’d been perfectly fine with it. Now, she was desperate to back out of her arranged marriage.

“I suppose I should be thankful Papa didn’t sell me to him. Or worse, the older, lecherous brother who married his nanny,” Annalisa said with a sneer. “All the Renaldi men are heartless pigs.” She looked down on everyone, specifically every man. They were horrible creatures in her eyes.

“You don’t even know him,” Cat said softly, wishing her sister wasn’t so judgmental. “Matteo Renaldi is a respected businessman in the industry. You know his father and ours were great friends.”

“Don’t try and enlighten me on how wonderful the Renaldi men are. We both know what they really are,” Annalisa muttered.

“And what exactly are they?” Cat asked.

“Well, Matteo is a sneaky bastard who bedded his nanny. Rafe charms his way into the pants of every woman he meets. And Vincenzo is married to some model he never, ever sees. What sort of relationship is that?” Annalisa ticked off every rumor like they were the absolute truth when most of it was gossip.

And Annalisa had no qualms throwing Rafe’s reputation out there. Not caring that it might hurt her sister’s feelings.

Which it did. It was one thing to worry about what Rafe was doing when she was alone with her thoughts. Another thing entirely when her sister blatantly called him out on his faults right in front of her. Cat wondered more than once if Annalisa secretly relished berating Rafe for her benefit.

“Oh, Anna.” Grimacing, Cat looked away, casting her attention on anything but the man staring at her from across the room—or her embittered, never-happy sister. It seemed no one was pleased with whatever life delivered them.

She noticed Matteo with his young American nanny, now wife. Paige Renaldi was lovely, probably the same age as Cat, and she looked so joyous as she stared into her husband’s eyes, Cat felt a sharp pang in her heart. The pang turned into a rather large crack when she noted the pure happiness radiating in Matteo’s gaze as he laughed at something his pretty wife said.

Cat wanted that sort of marriage. One built out of love, adoration and respect. Not some ridiculous, prearranged agreement between two best friends who thought their families should be linked together forever.

Yes, she wanted her freedom from Rafe Renaldi. Didn’t want to be tied down like her mother at such a young age to a man she didn’t love, let alone really know. She wanted a chance to be free, to experience life to its fullest. Not married and endlessly pregnant, taking care of the bratty children while her no good husband was off philandering. All while she grew whiny and fat and miserable.

No, she couldn’t stand the idea of turning into her mother. It could so easily happen too…

“Don’t ‘oh, Anna’ me.” Annalisa’s grating voice broke through Cat’s thoughts. “You know you don’t want this marriage, so quit defending our father and what he did to you, making you some sort of slave to Rafe Renaldi’s every whim. He’s a disgusting beast of a man anyway. So…large. And…broad. I’m sure he would manhandle you and scare you to death, let alone what he might do to you once you’re in his marital bed.”

As if she couldn’t help herself, Cat let her gaze return to the man they were discussing. She didn’t mind his largeness. Or his broadness. The idea of him manhandling her in their marital bed didn’t set her heart trembling in fear.

More like set her body quivering in pleasure.

Stop it. You don’t want him. He’ll trap you into a life that will leave you miserable.

She thought of the kiss they’d shared. How she’d melted in his arms as if she’d been made for him. The taste of his lips, his velvety tongue sliding against hers when he deepened their kiss. He’d devoured her, really. The way her body had lit up at first touch of his hands, the tingles that had washed over her when he whispered her name…

“He’s a handsome devil, I’ll give him that,” Annalisa rattled on. “But a practiced charmer who will decimate you with a few chosen words if you don’t watch it. You’re weak, Catalina. You know this. He’ll have you wrapped so tight around his finger you won’t know any better. You’ll believe every lie he feeds you.”

“I’m glad you think so highly of me,” Cat retorted, irritation ripping through her. God, did everyone believe her a gutless ninny? Most likely, what with the way she’d accepted her fate without protest the majority of her life.

Well. Maybe for once, she needed to protest. Stand up and fight for what she believed in. At this very moment, the thing she believed in most was rather simple.

Her freedom.

Remorse filled her sister’s eyes and Annalisa reached out, grabbing hold of Cat’s arm and giving it a reassuring squeeze. “I didn’t mean to insult you, Cat. You know this. It’s just your situation with that—man makes me so angry. On your behalf,” she added hurriedly.

Cat had wondered more than once if her sister wasn’t jealous over the fact that she hadn’t been the chosen one for Rafael. Annalisa and Rafe were closer in age. It made sense that they would be matched up over her.

But nothing about the entire situation made sense. She’d given up questioning the logic behind the decision long ago.

“Of course, on my behalf.” Cat nodded, noticing movement out of the corner of her eye, and she turned, her lips parting when she saw what was happening. “What in the world…”

Her sister gasped loudly as Rafael Renaldi himself made his way toward them, pushing through the small crowd that filled the reception area of their father’s business. Well, their business now, what with Annalisa having run the small, independent, leather goods company for over two years, Cat at her side, helping as much as she could. They weren’t as huge and well known as Renaldi, but they did well enough.

They’d do better if their father returned his attention to the very business that kept him afloat. But he was nowhere to be found, reportedly on the beach in Cannes with his latest, young mistress while their mother sat at home, crying and miserable, as usual.

The Campioni daughters were his representatives tonight and had been for a long time. Though neither of them had any idea the Renaldis would be in attendance.

Well, Cat hadn’t known. Maybe Annalisa had invited them?

“He’s coming for you,” Annalisa whispered harshly. “And he looks quite…determined.”

Cat ignored her sister, her gaze locking on Rafe. He did appear determined—and starkly, unmistakably handsome. His dark hair slicked back from his forehead, his gaze narrowed, his strong jaw firmed. He always had a downright jovial way about him. Always smiling, dark brown eyes twinkling, a laugh seemingly ready to spill at any moment.

There was no joviality in his expression at the moment, though. He looked grim.

“If he so much as speaks to you, there’s no telling what I might do,” Annalisa muttered.

“You won’t do anything,” Cat murmured in return, her gaze locked on Rafe as she spoke to her sister. “You’ll be on your best behavior. It wouldn’t do to make a scene in front of our father’s business associates.”

“As if he cares. If this business mattered to him, he’d be here!”

Cat repressed the scathing comment that threatened to burst from her. She was so tired of her sister’s rude and bitter behavior. It had gotten worse over the years, to the point of barely tolerable. “Shush. Let me talk to Rafael in peace. I don’t need you yammering in my ear.”

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