Page 47 of Tempted by Her Boss

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Damn it. He was no better than that man who attacked her.

Sick to his stomach, he heard his cell ring yet again and he pulled the phone out of his pocket, glaring when he realized it was his brother Rafe. “What?” he snarled as an answer.

“I saw the article about Paige,” he started, but Matteo cut him off.

“I don’t need to hear any ‘I told you so’s’ all right?”

“I wasn’t going to say that, because none of it is true,” Rafe said calmly.

“What do you mean, none of it is true?” He strode into Matty’s bedroom and shut the door, his son looking at him oddly before he resumed playing with his building blocks.

Rafe heaved an irritated sigh. “You’re not going to like this, but it’s actually worked out in our favor. Vince and I hired a private investigator to look into Paige’s background.”

“Damn it, Rafe, I told you two to leave her alone.” Matteo went to the window and looked outside, noted the gloomy skies heavy with rain. Dark and dreary, much like his mood.

“Listen, our snooping was a good thing. The investigator found a former maid who used to work for the Leonards. She was fired for supposedly having an affair with Paul Leonard too, but she told the investigator that he threw himself at her and she could hardly fight him off. The man has a reputation. Supposedly even the wife knows he’s a pervert who’s constantly chasing tail,” Rafe explained.

“What?” Matteo breathed, his head spinning.

“Paige is innocent of the accusations. I did a little digging myself, asked for a couple of favors amongst my media contacts. Word on the street Carolyn Leonard herself is the one who sold the story.”

The bitch. It made perfect sense. “I need to talk to Paige.”

“Tell her we’ll do some damage control. I already have a call into publicity.” Rafe chuckled though he didn’t sound amused, more frustrated. “Thank God I haven’t left yet. I’ve been working on this all afternoon since I saw the first story.”

“Thank you, Rafe. I appreciate your thoroughness more than you can ever know.”

“Anything for you, Matteo.” Rafe paused. “We just want you to be happy.”

“I know. I want the same for you. For everyone in our family.” Matteo slapped his hand against the cold window, furious at the way he’d handled Paige, the entire situation.

“You’ve suffered much these last few years and carried the burden. You deserve happiness and we now know Paige can bring that to you,” Rafe said quietly. “We’re sorry for our doubt. I know Vince feels the same.”

“Thank you,” Matteo said. “For everything. Tell Vince thank you as well.”

He ended the call, saw that Matty was watching him curiously. “Is everything okay, Daddy?”

Matteo smiled, though it felt more like a grimace. God, he hoped everything was okay. “Everything’s fine. Can you go knock on Paige’s door, Matty? And tell her that you need her?”

“Yeah.” He sprang to his feet, dusted his hands on his jeans. “I’m hungry. Maybe she’ll make me dinner.”

Matty ran out of his room and Matteo lurked in the doorway, watching as Matty knocked on the door. “Paige!” he yelled, his little voice booming. “I want dinner!”

Matteo would’ve chastised his son’s horrendous manners if he wasn’t so damn anxious. His little boy was acting like a little dictator.

Wonder where he got that sort of behavior from?

“Paige!” Matty yelled again, knocking on the door so hard it swung open. He stepped over the threshold and walked inside. “Paige?” His little voice had gone soft. He sounded almost frightened.

Matteo rushed toward the open door, his heart pounding, his head spinning. Just as he came into the room, Matty whirled on him, confusion written all over his young face.

“Daddy, she took all her stuff. Paige is gone.”

Chapter Fourteen

Paige had packed her bag and sneaked out of Matteo’s apartment like a thief, without him even noticing. Not that he missed her. No, more like he was probably relieved that she left without saying goodbye. She’d caused him nothing but trouble since the moment she arrived. Matty would miss her, of that she didn’t have a doubt, but it was better in the long run that she left.

It hurt, though, that he hadn’t believed her side of the story. More than she could ever admit, even to herself.

But his disbelief, his anger proved to her that what they had would’ve never worked. Not if he didn’t trust her. She partially blamed his past marriage for making him throw those walls up. His wife must’ve done a real number on him. She didn’t know all the facts, but she’d heard enough from Claudia, Stasia and even Matteo himself that Lucia Renaldi was not the nicest person in the world.

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