Page 16 of Tempted by Her Boss

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That her toenails aroused him showed he had a serious problem.

“What is it, Paige?” he practically growled, feeling like an utter ass, but damn it, she was so under his skin he thought he might never get her out of it.

“I’m afraid I can’t go to the zoo with you and Matty after all.” She wouldn’t meet his gaze, kept her head bent.

“Why the hell not?”

She lifted her head at his gruff tone. “Something’s come up.” Her eyes cut away, as if she was afraid to look at him. Which in turn told him she was lying.

“I understand,” he said softly. “I’m sorry you’re unable to go with us. Matty will be disappointed.”

The guilt and misery that crossed her face didn’t give him an ounce of satisfaction. “Please tell him I’ll make it up to him somehow.”

“Oh, I’m sure you will.” But how would she make it up to him? Not that he really wanted her to. Paige not being able to go with them after all was perfect. He needed to keep his distance from her. This was a business relationship.

Nothing more, nothing less.

“I’m sorry, Matteo.” Her gaze met his once more, those beautiful bluish green eyes zeroed in directly on him. “That I can’t go.”

“It’s all right.” She seemed unusually upset. The way her gaze kept skittering away from his, how she nibbled on her lip. She looked downright guilty.

Made him wonder exactly what she might be up to. The strange sensation in his chest left him wondering why in the hell he now felt disappointed when he hadn’t even wanted her to come. Had he?

Idiot. It’s because you like her company as much as Matty does…

“Please tell Matty I’m sorry.”

“I will.”

She stared at him for a moment, her lips parting as if she was about to say something, but then she turned and went back to her bedroom, shutting the door behind her with a soft click.

Leaving him staring at the empty hallway for longer than necessary, his mind filled with questions about the sweetly and suddenly mysterious Paige.

Chapter Five

“The position calls for you to start in one week, provided you’re qualified for the job. Hopefully the timeline won’t be a problem for you.” The woman paused, shuffling through some papers. Paige clutched the phone tight and waited breathlessly, her heart pounding so loud it roared in her ears. She swallowed hard to get past the lump in her throat. “And from what I’ve gleaned so far from this quick interview, Miss Stewart, I think you’re definitely a strong candidate.”

Relief flooded her, followed by a swift wave of worry. Matteo would be furious if she gave a one-week notice before his trip to Italy. But Claudia was there and surely she could take care of Matty… In fact, Paige knew his grandmother loved spending time with him and would probably want him with her twenty-four-seven. And Matteo had to understand that this was for the best. Despite his insistence she go with them, he had to understand how it was for the best that she stay home. They needed to learn how to not depend on her so much anymore. Soon he’d even be relieved to find a new nanny who didn’t make living in his own home awkward.

And was not accosting him with kisses.

Embarrassment rushed through her again.

“You mentioned an in-person interview?” Paige asked.

“Yes, of course. We’ll need to have one before we make our final decision. Can you meet with me tomorrow at nine a.m.?”

She had Matty tomorrow. Not like she could take him to the interview. That had disaster written all over it. But maybe she could organize a play date. “Do you have anything later in the afternoon?” She could always tell Matteo she had a dentist or doctor appointment. He’d come home early for that. Being the CEO of the company gave him some perks, though he rarely took advantage of the leaving early one.

“The earlier the better, Miss Stewart.” The woman’s voice was crisp. She was a representative from the hiring agency Paige had contacted first thing this morning. She’d filled out a form on her phone, hoping like crazy they’d call her with a list of prospective jobs, email her something, anything. She certainly hadn’t expected a call within a few hours.

“Nine should work, then,” Paige said, her voice weak, her brain scrambling. She would have to make it work. There were a few other nannies she’d become friendly with who lived in the building and the neighborhood. She could possibly call one of them and arrange a play date for Matty. The interview hopefully would take no more than an hour.

The agency representative rambled off a spot to meet, somewhere relatively close, thank goodness. Paige wrote the address down, listening as the woman offered a few more details as to what the interview entailed, as well as the position.

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