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I used to love my job, the thrill of possible danger at any turn, but now, now I care so much about the girl I’m protecting I hate it. It stresses me out knowing there’s always potential danger just by her having the Sterling name. Keeping her safe is something I vow to do no matter what, but I wish it were under different circumstances, that she was mine. That it didn’t have to be from afar.

I’d give anything to just taste her. To feel her against my skin, her breath against my lips before I stole the air from her and made the world disappear with a kiss she’d never get from fucking William. Anything for one taste.

Leo checks his watch and nods over to me, refocusing my attention. It’s been thirty minutes, which is plenty of time to make a good impression. Like clockwork, they finish up. He didn’t even feed her.

“Leo, take Clove home. Sebastian, you and the others will go with me,” Mr. Sterling informs us. Usually he leaves it for me to decide the protection detail arrangements, but he knows Clo likes Leo’s company and going from her downturned lips, the meeting upset her.

I want to argue, but there’s no reason Clo wouldn’t be safe with Leo. He adores her and is as well trained as the rest of us.

I nod in confirmation and watch as Clo saunters over to Leo and gestures to the park across the street. She’s always had a thing for walking. She loves nature and rarely gets to experience it.

As I turn away from her, I feel it in my bones before anything else. The atmosphere shifts and acid pools in my gut as I hear a car revving, the tires squealing and burning asphalt.

My heart stops as the world slows. I turn just in time to see Clo as she steps into the road, the car barreling toward her. But instead of slowing, it speeds up. A fucking rock forms in my throat, but I manage to bark, “Leo!”

Fear swells up inside of me as I race toward her. Leo must have seen the car already because he’s pushing her out of the way and catches a clip to the leg as the car makes impact, sending him to the ground. I whip out my Glock, drawing it within a second.

My eyes are everywhere—checking the surroundings—dropping to see Ford aiding Clo.

“She’s okay,” he shouts, his own gun in hand.

Zac has ushered Jack inside the shop to keep him safe. Flashes spark from all the paparazzi taking shots of the incident. I aim at the car disappearing into the distance, but it’s too risky to open fire with so many civilians around. Someone could get injured in the crossfire.

My chest is tight as I take in Clo crying into Ford’s chest. My entire body is vibrating with a mix of nerves and rage. Someone tried to hurt—no, not hurt, fucking kill our girl.

Ford gathers Clo into his arms and carries her to the car we arrived in.


Who the hell would want to hurt her?

Whoever they are, they’re going to die.


He wants me to leave.

My father blurs before me as tears well in my eyes. I don’t understand why he wants me to go in the first place. I’m safest with him. With our security team. My guys.

And yet here he is demanding I flee.

“Dad,” I beg. “Don’t do this. We can find a safe house for both of us. No one will ever find us.” It’s been hours since the incident and I’ve been shaking ever since.

My father’s brows furl together. Normally, he’s smiling and jovial around me, but this has spooked him. Not just him. Tonight, he’s anything but playful. “Someone tried to kill you, Clove,” Dad growls. “They will try again. We need you safe until I can figure out who’s behind this. If I’m too busy worrying over your safety, I won’t be able to do that. I need to focus.”

Marjorie materializes from the corner, her blond curls bouncing, and walks over to my dad. She grips his bicep and gives him a sad smile. It’s embarrassing how completely and obviously into him she is. Dad is still not over Mom after six years. Poor Marjorie is chasing a lost cause.

“Your team is capable,” Marjorie assures him. “Sending her away can’t possibly be the answer.”

I nod rapidly in agreement. We may not always see eye to eye on our clothing choices and how I hold myself in front of the public, but she’s definitely on my team.

Dad pats her arm and shakes his head. “No, she needs to go. We’ll keep it out of the media. You can do this for me.”

Her lips purse together and I can tell she wants to argue, but in the end, she flutters her fingers over his in an affectionate, comfortable way before nodding and sentencing me to this new destiny.

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