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“I loved that dumb kid,” she says, her eyes shining a little too bright, and I can see the fear in them too. If it takes the rest of my life, I will work to get rid of that. It looks wrong on her face.

I pick her up, cradling her against my body. Her head automatically rests against my shoulder, one arm goes around my back and the other rests on my chest, as she looks up at me.

“I want you to love the man,” I tell her quietly, kissing her forehead. I carry her into her bedroom, my heart so full of emotion for this woman that it chokes out any other words that I probably should tell her. They probably wouldn’t do justice to how I feel about her anyway.

I’ll have to show her with my body.


When Gavin sets me down in my room, I’m surprised my heart doesn’t jump out of my chest. I’m scared. I know Gavin would never hurt me—at least not physically. That doesn’t mean that I’m not scared to death to take this step with him. Somehow it was different, easier when it was just about me giving him pleasure. This is so much more.

He reaches around me, pulling the covers down. The room is bathed in soft light because the bedside lamp is the only one on. I’m thankful for that, my nerves getting the better of me. I actually jump when Gavin puts his hand on my shoulder.

“You’re safe with me, Luna. I promise.”

I swallow, the sound seemingly loud as I take his vow and study his face. I know he means it, but our history doesn’t exactly make me want to believe him. Choosing Gavin, letting him back in my life can either be the best thing I’ve ever done or end horrifically.

“It’s… it’s just nerves, Gavin.”

“Is it Kingston?” he asks, and I flinch. I’d forgotten all about Ben.

“Shit, I forgot about Ben,” I respond, guilt thick in my voice. “I… Gavin, I feel like I should break up with him before we…I mean…”

“Christ,” he complains, and I force myself to look at him.

“I have to Gavin. Don’t be mad. I didn’t plan this. I didn’t know I’d be making a decision tonight—”

“Luna,” Gavin says, his voice hoarse.

“I’m sorry, Gavin. You probably think I’m some kind of cock tease,” I mutter, feeling stupid.

“You don’t get it, Moonbeam,” he says, sliding his hand up my neck and holding it gently. His thumb comes out and carefully pushes my face up so that my gaze is forcibly locked on his face. “You’re choosing me,” he says, his face so tender it reminds me of the night we made love for the first time… all those years ago.

“I… well…” There’s nothing else I can say—nothing but the truth. “I… of course I am. I wouldn’t be doing this otherwise,” I tell him. I should be pissed he would think I’d sleep with him while continuing a relationship with Ben and maybe part of me is.

“Fuck Kingston,” Gavin growls and he picks me up and tosses me on the bed before I can do much more than blink.

“Gavin?” I gasp, still bouncing on the bed in shock.

“You can break up with him tomorrow. You just admitted you were choosing me. You’re letting me back in, and if you think I’m going to wait to finally claim you, Luna, you’re crazy. I’ve been in love with you since I was seventeen years old. There hasn’t been a day since I walked away from you at the football field that I haven’t regretted my decision. There hasn’t been a day, not one, when you weren’t the first fucking thought I had in the morning and the last one I had before I fell asleep.” His words pierce through me with the force of a knife, cutting me open. Heat blooms through my body and tears gather in my eyes as I listen to him. “There’s not been one woman I’ve met who has managed to live up to the memory of you. There was no replacing you, no getting over you, Luna. You’re telling me that I get a second chance after all these years? After grieving over the fact that I lost you? If you think I’ll wait for you to tell Kingston a damn thing, you’re crazy. We start again now. From this moment on it’s you, me and Joshua against the world.”

I’m trembling, only this time it’s not from fear. It’s from Gavin’s confession, a confession which tells me unequivocally that he feels the same way I do. A confession where he includes our son… What else can a woman do when she gets every secret dream she’s ever had in the last thirteen years, except cry.

“Shut up, Gavin, and make love to me,” I tell him, my voice thick with emotion and tears.
