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Violet’s death had slanted her own mind, maybe in the same way Heather’s death had tipped the scales in Evan’s psyche.

Her initial impulse to press her fingers against Connor’s temple had been nearly impossible to resist, which was why she’d shouted for him to leave.

Even then, she’d almost flown after him, craving revenge for Violet’s death. Yet feeding that beast had cost her how many years of solitude?

She recalled Sadie on the bridge, the red half-heart now like a beacon within Iris’s mind.

Her throat grew tight and more tears tracked down her cheeks.

She loved Connor.

She loved him.

And he was innocent of this crime.

Violet, she whispered within her mind, I understand now what really happened.

She felt fingertips on her cheeks again.

Violet was here, she was with Iris!

More tears followed. She held her mind open, hoping Violet could tell her something. She heard Connor calling to her, but she remained focused on Violet.

She waited, then Violet’s voice was in her mind. Heather is here with me.

A jolt went through Iris. She’d heard Evan say he’d killed many dead-talkers for failing to reach his wife. But was Heather really here? Or was Iris in some kind of drugged-out state, conjuring things where they didn’t really exist?

But she felt a trail of fingers along her arm that felt very different from her sister’s. Then she knew. She was feeling Heather’s touch.

It was Heather.

Sweet Christ, what the hell was she supposed to do now?

One thing for certain, it was time to get moving. Slowly, she rose to her feet.

~ ~ ~

The moment Iris stood up, Connor shouted at her. “Stay back. Stay where you are. I won’t let Evan hurt you.”

Iris answered him in a surprisingly strong voice. “And what about Seraphina? How do you propose to keep a witch from attacking me?” She held her hands out in front of her and looked like she was ready to fall.

He went to her, supporting her around the waist. She turned to look at him, gripping his arm. Tears filled her eyes. “Connor.”

“I’m so sorry, Iris. I never thought … I never meant ... ”

She put two fingers against his lips, then slipped into telepathy. You didn’t do it. You didn’t hurt Violet or any of the others. Violet told me and the photos support it. You were beaten almost to death, right?

He nodded.

Violet said you tried to save her and that’s why you were hurt. You never touched her.

Tears burned his eyes. “Is it true?”

“Is what true?” Evan asked. “What the hell is going on?”

Connor glanced at the killing pair and watched Seraphina take Evan’s hand in her own. She had a shocked, frightened look in her eye. “Don’t you see? They’re communicating the way you and I do.”

“You mean telepathically?”
