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Chapter 23


While Mandy and Ray sort through some of her mother’s things, Anthony and I keep ourselves entertained by tracking Tommy. A few minutes past eight, he lands at the Belize City airport and unknowingly has a momentary face-to-face encounter with Romeo. In the ensuing minutes, he transfers to a helicopter and heads out into the Atlantic. Later in the evening, his jet leaves as well, presumably headed back to the states. I’m glad Mandy was able to place several tracking devices because at least one of them is working perfectly.

“It’s time for a little shuteye,” Anthony announces just after eleven. “I want to be in the air back to New York by six am.”

“Sounds good, boss,” I reply in jest. “Hopefully the couch is comfortable enough for you.”

“After all the nights I’ve spent in ditches and trenches, I’ll never be afraid of a couch,” he scoffs. “I’m more concerned about strange noises coming from next door,” he teases, nodding toward Mandy’s bedroom.

“No worries, we’re good,” I reply with a smirk, disappearing into her room without giving him a chance for further comment.

I slip into bed with Mandy and snuggle up behind her. “Good night, baby. One more day and life goes back to normal,” I whisper, but she is already sound asleep.


8:00am The Following Morning

After touching down at LaGuardia Airport and hooking up with Crusher and Bolt, we all board the Gulfstream and set our course for Roatan. Anthony called in another Alpha team member to stay at Trump Tower for the night. He’s still not comfortable with the idea that we are completely in the clear.

No one has had much sleep lately, so it is an extremely quiet flight. Mandy and I both recline and close our eyes before we even leave the ground. The two of us trying to sleep in her old full-sized bed was nothing short of futile. About three in the morning I made the decision to build a nice cabin out on Maggie’s Acres. I think both Mandy and I will enjoy visiting a few times per year, but neither Peggy’s B&B or Mandy’s old bedroom are going to make the grade.

“He’s still at the same location, so I’m assuming this is where he is settling in,” Anthony tells me, waking me to show me his position on the GPS tracker. “It’s actually a small private island, a few miles off the coast of Roatan. It only has a few buildings, but there is a quarter mile long grass landing strip on it.”

“I’ve got an SUV lined up for us in Roatan, but maybe I should see if we can get a helicopter or small plane instead. My plan will work out even better if he’s on an uninhabited island.” I chuckle. “That would be brutal after a while, regardless of how nice the views are from there.”

“I agree,” Anthony says, standing back up. “I can’t wait to see his face when he realizes what is happening. Forever is a mighty long time.”

“Are you two still gloating about your brilliant plan?” Mandy asks, opening her eyes and stretching uncomfortably.

“Yeah, we’re pretty proud of it,” I admit. “You might want to wake up the other guys,” I tell Anthony. “We’ll be on the ground in about fifteen minutes.” I stuff my belongings back into my travel bag and begin looking forward to one last confrontation with Tommy.


I feel a flutter of excitement inside of me and I’m not sure if it’s the result of seeing light at the end of the tunnel or the fact that Tommy is about to get exactly what he deserves. It’s probably a little of both.

“There is a small plane available if we want to go that route,” Trey tells Anthony after we land on Roatan and taxi up to the hangar. “Or we can take an SUV to the other side of the island and charter this sweet boat.” He shows him a picture of it on his phone.

“Let’s go with the SUV and boat,” Anthony replies after thinking for a brief moment. “That way he won’t see or hear us coming and we can take him completely by surprise.”

“Good point,” Trey agrees, obviously liking the idea of surprising him.

“All right men, let’s roll out,” Anthony says with the voice of a drill sergeant after the ground crew moves the stairway into place. “Our ride awaits and we’re burning daylight.”

“I hope the SUV will have enough room for everything,” Trey mentions, since we both know their preference for large SUV’s.

“What? Not even a stretch Hummer?” Anthony shakes his head with a look of disgust.

“That’s what I wanted, but the biggest one on the island was a Mitsubishi Nativa,” Trey replies with a laugh.

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