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“Scrambled twins.” I can’t help laughing as I rise from the wheelchair. “You really have a way with words.” I slap him on the shoulder and slide into the back seat of the vehicle with Mandy following me inside.

Anthony’s phone begins to ring while he is closing the door, so he grabs the call and stops in front of the SUV, lowering his head as he listens.

“It’s most likely Romeo,” Mandy informs me. “It looks like Carly was robbed and most likely murdered. I’ll let Anthony explain it to you, he’ll have more details.”

“Murdered?” My mind immediately goes into a spin. “She’s supposed to be the one behind all the murders.” This is getting too damn crazy.

“It doesn’t look good,” Anthony tells us as he hops into the driver’s seat after hanging up with Romeo. He turns around to talk directly to Trey. “To bring you up to speed, they found an old wooden chair with duct tape and blood stains on both arms, sitting in front of an open safe,” he explains to him. “There was a pool of blood on the floor and it appears as if her body was dragged part way across the room. This coincides with the original report from a neighbor who saw three men loading a rolled up rug into a van. She was most likely inside of it.”

“Jesus Christ! I think we need to stop by the office and have another talk with Tommy,” I blurt out, immediately knowing that he had something to do with this. “Somehow he figured out how to pin everything on her and now she’s dead. Maybe he’s right and he will walk away from the whole thing.” I reach back and rub my neck as I feel it beginning to throb.

“You are going to rest tonight,” Mandy demands. “I’m having Vicky put together a new case file and we’ll confront Tommy, with it in hand, tomorrow afternoon.”

“You’re right, I think I need to lie down for awhile.” I look straight forward, trying to focus on the headrest in front of me. “I’m still feeling dizzy.”

“It will take a little time for those chemicals to completely dissipate,” Anthony says, giving me his medical opinion. “A couple big glasses of that fancy Cognac should flush things out.”

“Now who has the warped sense of humor?” I reply, shooting him a look through the rearview mirror.


After a hot shower, a bite to eat and lying down for an hour, Trey seems to be getting back to normal. He comes out to the living room where Anthony and I have been writing down everything that occurred leading up to and following Victor’s death.

“It looks like a war room out here,” he observes, after seeing everything we have laid out. “Have you guys come to any conclusions?”

“Every time we think we’ve answered one question, it creates two more,” Anthony says, walking over to the bar and pouring himself a glass of Jack.

“Like, how did The Ghost know to intercept us at the SEC office?” I ask, providing an example. “It seems odd that we were attacked right after picking up the case file. There is no way that Tommy should have known anything about it.”

“The Ghost seemed to know exactly what was in the envelope, so someone had to have tipped off Tommy,” Trey says with a look of realization crossing his face. “Vanessa… she’s the only one who would’ve done that.”

“Seriously? She would risk both of our lives to keep him out of trouble?” I ask very pointedly, as Anthony nods his head in silence.

“It doesn’t make any sense, but I don’t think there was anyone else in the room who would’ve leaked it,” Trey says, running his fingers through his hair. “I’m positive it wasn’t Becky.”

“You need to talk to Vanessa tomorrow morning,” I tell him with conviction. “We can’t have her around if she’s going to jeopardize everything.”

“I agree,” Anthony adds, downing the rest of his drink. “I’m going to go check in with Bolt and Crusher, then I’m going to grab some shuteye. I’m sure it will be another busy one tomorrow.”

“Damn, I can’t believe Vanessa did that,” Trey adds. “But, she has been acting weird ever since I got home. I’m not sure what the deal is between her and Tommy, but something is going on there.” He grabs the black marker and writes on our diagram. First Vanessa and now he’s taking over the company. “That’s what Tyler said in the voicemail message he left me. I’m going to get to the bottom of that statement tomorrow. Vanessa is the one who changed Tyler’s doctor, so we need to take that into consideration too.”

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