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I get a sickening feeling as they close the rear doors of the ambulance and it pulls away from the curb. I probably should have ridden in the back with him, but I was a little distracted by the thought that Vicky might be in danger. Anthony and I get back into the SUV and I feel my hair crunch against the headrest. I suddenly realize that Trey wasn’t the only one covered in blood.

“Gross! I can’t believe no one said anything!” I tug at the shoulder of my blouse trying to see how much blood is on the back of it.

“It could’ve been a lot worse. At least it’s his blood and not yours.” Anthony counters, glancing over at me. “Besides, it really doesn’t stand out against your black jacket and dark hair.”

“That’s true, but it’s pretty disgusting to have a stranger’s blood sprayed across your back,” I reply in my defense, feeling nauseated once again.

Anthony’s phone begins to ring just as we turn onto Centre Street and head toward the hospital. He pops his Bluetooth headset back on and clicks to answer. “What’s up Romeo?” he asks, his expression immediately turning back to a scowl. “I see… hmm, that’s not good.” He rubs his chin between his index finger and thumb apparently contemplating what Romeo is telling him. “I would go in,” he says after several more seconds of pondering. “If that’s what the neighbor saw, I think you have to go in and take a look.” He leans back and switches to rubbing his neck, still listening to what Romeo has to say. “I’m onboard with that. Hit me back, asap.” He clicks to end the call and lets out an extended breath. “Carly might also be dead,” he says bluntly, glancing over at me. “The boys are going in to check on her.”

“Dead, why would she be dead?” I ask, vocalizing my initial thought.

“She’s in a third world country and she left the bank with a million and a half in cash,” he looks at me over his shades. “Remember the guy on the bench by the bank? He was scared to hang onto five grand, because he knew he would get rolled if anyone found out.” He turns back to focus on following the ambulance. “We’ll know for sure, shortly.”

I think back to what The Ghost had said to Trey. Even though I was scared shitless, I distinctly remember him saying, she didn’t want to hurt you or your brother. When Trey and I met Carly at the funeral, she seemed like a very confident, professional woman. I never would’ve taken her for a criminal, especially one who was capable of murder. Although, looking back, she never did display the slightest bit of emotion. Silvia and Nana were both much more emotional than she was. I guess you never know whom you are dealing with when you meet someone for the first time.

An Hour Later


“You’re one lucky man,” the ER doctor tells me as I am rolled down the corridor toward the waiting room. “Nothing vital was punctured and we were able to neutralize the fluid that had apparently leaked from the syringe. You won’t have any lasting effects.”

“That’s good news,” I reply, looking up at him. “But my head is still pretty fuzzy.”

“That might take a day or two to clear up, but as long as you take it easy there shouldn’t be any further complications,” he assures me, swinging open the door to the waiting area.

“Trey, is everything okay?” Mandy asks, shooting up from her chair and racing to my side.

“Who are you?” I ask, punctuating it with a convincing blank stare.

“What happened? He seemed fine,” she asks the doctor with a pleading look in her eyes.

“I don’t know, apparently the trauma affected his sense of humor.” The doctor sighs. “He’s fine, other than this distasteful joke.”

“Seriously?” she squeals, holding up her hands as if she wants to grab me by the neck. “You’re lucky your neck is injured.” She shakes it off and a smile comes to her face. “I’m really glad you are okay.” She runs her fingertips along my cheek, looking down at me.

“I’m glad we’re both alright,” I tell her, feeling closer to her than ever. “Let’s go back to the hotel and get something to eat.”

“Yes. He needs to lay low for a few days in order to avoid complications,” the doctor warns sternly. “He was about a quarter inch from seriously damaging his brain stem.”

“Wouldn’t that have been nice,” Anthony chuckles. “Scrambled twins.” He steps behind the wheel chair and takes over pushing me out to the SUV. “I think your mother already has her hands full with Tyler,” he adds once we are outside the door.

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