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“Well, not exactly. I just thought you could use your connections to see if there were any suspicious stock transactions leading up to the sale of the company,” I clarify, hoping for some quick dirt on Tommy.

“Umm, I’m sorry Amanda but I’m gonna have to pass,” he groans. “You know we’re understaffed and I have three stacks on my desk that you should be helping me with.” He pauses, letting those last seven guilt-ridden words soak in.

“I understand,” I mutter, disappointed by the lack of cooperation from him. “I’ll have to go another route.”

“Make sure you come see me by the end of the week,” he adds, apparently sensing the end of our call. “Maybe we can scan the database once you’re here.”

“Okay, I plan on getting there soon,” I reply with waning enthusiasm. “I’ll text you.”

I simply stare at my phone for a few seconds after hanging up. Trey is right. I need to tell him I’m finished, but I want to wait until after I’ve gathered everything I can in regards to Tommy. I’m not going away empty handed.


Tyler’s room is actually crowded as I step inside the door. Dr. Novacek, an FBI agent, Detective Kelly, Vanessa and Mom are all standing around his bed interacting with him. The broad smile on his face hints that he is thrilled to be the center of attention. It reminds me of how things were after his knee was shattered. Unfortunately, back then, once he was released from the hospital he sat home and grew increasingly bitter with each passing day. Hopefully he won’t follow the same pattern this time.

“Hey, it’s my twin,” he says cheerfully as I poke my head around Dr. Novacek to greet him.

“Hey Tyler, you’re looking good, man,” I reply, before walking around to an open spot on the other side of the bed. “How’s he doing?” I ask, turning to the doctor.

“As you can see, his short term memory appears to be functioning normally,” he replies looking down at his chart. “Give him time and he should rebuild a functional memory at the very least.”

“Will he start remembering what happened to him?” Detective Kelly interjects with the FBI Agent looking on inquisitively.

“That’s far less certain,” Dr. Novacek replies, shaking his head. “I can’t imagine he will ever remember the night that he had five hundred milliliters of propofol in his system. He may get some sort of faint, partial recall but nothing complete that’s for sure.”

“What the heck happened that night?” I ask, thinking out loud.

“All I remember is waking up here and finding out that I’m engaged and I have a twin brother,” he replies still marveling in the fact that I look exactly like him. “I’m hungry,” he says, completely changing the subject.

“Then you should eat,” Dr. Novacek says, flipping his chart closed and giving him a pat on the leg. “This is your first day back on solid food, so just take it slow,” he adds, looking over the top of his glasses. He then cracks a smile before turning toward the door.

“We should step outside for a minute too,” Detective Kelly says, before looking back at the FBI Agent. “This is Agent Mitchell.”

“I’m Trey,” I reply, holding out my hand to shake his. I’m not sure exactly what to say when meeting an FBI Agent. Pleasure to meet you? Not really. “There is a family room down the hall where we can have a little more privacy,” I tell them before leading them down the corridor.

“This is better than the hallway, I guess,” Detective Kelly says while hitting up the coffee machine and glancing over at Mandy who is still on the phone.

“She’s actually talking to her boss at the SEC to see if he can shed any light on this case,” I state as Agent Mitchell and I grab a seat at a small white table in the corner. “She’s an attorney,” I relay to the agent.

“So, what’s going on?” Detective Kelly asks upon joining us. “You said you have details that can shed light on this case.” He takes a slurp of his coffee and stares at me intently. All he needs is a doughnut to complete his stereotypical guise.

“I hardly know where to begin,” I say, running my hands through my hair and letting out a sigh. “It’s all been so crazy. But Mandy and I believe that somehow Tommy Fowler, who is the new CEO of Addison Media is at the heart of all of this.”

“Tommy Fowler, from the TV show?” Agent Mitchell asks furrowing his brow.

“Yes. When Tyler called me on the night he was poisoned, he said that Tommy was a fraud. He also mentioned that he had told Dad, which leads me to believe that’s why they were the first two victims. Even though Tyler lived, he can’t remember anything because Dr. Potaturri fed him a pile of drugs that basically wiped out his memory. And now the doctor is dead as well!” As the words pour from my mouth, I find it hard to believe how much has happened in such a brief amount of time.

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