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I put the phone back up to my ear. “We just followed an ambulance into the underground parking garage and our driver is currently trying to explain the situation. We’ll call you back in a bit.”

“Okay, please call as soon as you can,” he replies, now sounding just as nervous as either of us.

After hanging up I grab Mandy’s hand, leading her out of the car and into the brightly lit underground ambulance garage. “I’m sorry about this guys,” I say immediately while walking up to Tony and two EMT’s. “Some guys in a black sedan were following us and when we slowed to take the corner they rammed into us. We basically panicked and I told Tony to follow the ambulance down the ramp to safety. I’ll pay for the door if it’s damaged.”

“I’m not worried about the door,” one of the EMT’s replies. “But you guys could have killed someone.”

“I know. Like I said, someone was chasing us and we panicked.” I look at him and shrug my shoulders. “My brother is in the ICU upstairs, so I would like to go up and see him. Is there somewhere Tony can park this thing until we’re sure it’s safe for us to leave.”

“I suppose you can pull up over there,” the EMT tells Tony, pointing to a service bay that is sitting empty at the moment. “You definitely have to get out the driveway. It’s only a matter of minutes before the next ambulance comes through that door.”

“Right away,” Tony replies, jumping back into the limo and maneuvering it out of the way.

“Is there a service elevator or something we can use to avoid stopping in the lobby?” I ask the other EMT after Tony leaves to park the car. “I don’t want to take any chances,” I tell him, still concerned about who has been tailing us.

“Are you guys in some kind of trouble?” he asks with look of concern.

“My brother was poisoned while under the care of Dr. Potaturri and now the doctor has been killed,” I explain. “So, yes, we are obviously in some sort danger.”

“Come with me,” he replies, heading toward the employee elevator. “I’ll take you up. What floor is he on?”

“He’s still in ICU,” I respond, reaching over to take Mandy’s hand as we follow him into the elevator. “It’s been quite a day.” We stand in silence as the elevator slowly groans to life and begins a slow trek up to Tyler’s floor. I close my eyes for a couple seconds in hopes of clearing my head just a bit. Another day of escalating chaos has left me exhausted. Between all the stress and the general lack of sleep, I’m not sure how much more I can take.


Judging by Trey’s silence, I’m assuming that he has a million thoughts running through his mind, just like me. It seems obvious that Tommy is the one orchestrating everything, so now it’s just a matter of proving it.

“It’s only four thirty on the west coast, so I’m going to give Harris a quick call,” I tell Trey as we exit the elevator. “I’ll come to Tyler’s room as soon as I’m finished.”

“It’s good to see you taking your aggression out on someone else,” he says with a subdued smirk and tired eyes. “Tommy better watch his back.”

“Everybody makes mistakes,” I reply, still irritated by his arrogance. I make my way down the hall to the family room and am relieved to find it empty for the moment. I click Harris’ number and for once I actually hope he picks up.

“Well, if it isn’t my rogue agent,” he answers informally, something highly unusual for him. “Are you coming in soon or do I need to send someone out to retrieve you?”

“Good evening, Sir,” I reply, letting him know that it’s a professional call. “I’m actually calling in regards to Tommy Fowler. He recently sold his company Firefly Media and we have reason to believe that the books were cooked,” I tell him, sharing my suspicions.

“Was it a publicly traded company?” he asks, which I was anticipating.

“Yes, it was publicly traded,” I reply, hoping to peak his interest. “More importantly, he was recently hired as the new CEO at Addison Media based on his successful track record. He had a big argument with the Chairman of the board yesterday and later in the day he was found dead.”

“Bill Gleason is dead too? This whole thing is starting to sound like something out of a novel,” he replies with his usual disdain. “Do you suppose I should reverse course and start protecting the Addison Empire?” he asks in a snarky tone.

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