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“She’s the one who got us into the deal in the first place,” he replies with a pained look in his eyes. “She introduced us to Tommy and when things started to unravel she was the one who talked Bill into bringing Tommy onboard as the CEO of Addison Media.”

“Why would Carly push for that?” Anthony continues his line of questioning.

“And why would Bill go along with it?” Trey adds, before Nolan has a chance to respond. Trey rises from his chair and begins to pace the length of the room. It’s becoming obvious that there is a tangled web of deception and the fact that Addison Media is in the middle of it has struck a nerve with Trey.

“I think Carly felt responsible for the financial stress she had caused and even though no one mentioned it directly, it was understood that if Tommy was CEO he could bail us out,” Nolan admits with a sheepish look on his face.

“I need some air,” Trey declares, before opening the patio door and stepping out onto the balcony.


Everything is finally starting to make sense as a result of Nolan’s admission. Since Tommy has voting control over our stock, he and Bill could basically approve the purchase of Firefly Media without any additional shareholder support. The only way they could have done this was by first taking Dad out of the picture. Once Dad was gone, Bill could usher Tommy into the CEO spot. Could Bill really have done that to Dad after all the years they spent together?

“Are you okay?” Mandy asks, coming out to check on me.

“How could those fuckers do it?” I look out over the city skyline trying to deal with all of the emotions that are surging from within me. “I thought maybe Tommy had Dad killed because he found out he was a fraud, but this is even worse. I can’t believe Bill was involved.”

“Desperate people do desperate things,” she replies, putting her arm around me and giving me a squeeze. “Do you really think Bill would have knowingly killed Victor?”

“I never would have dreamt it until now,” I tell her looking up at the sky, still struggling to reign in my emotions. “At this point, it doesn’t seem like I can trust anyone.”

“Maybe Bill was arguing with Tommy because of what happened to Victor and Tyler,” she replies, looking at it from a different angle. “Maybe he just figured out that Tommy was the one behind those things.”

“Honestly, that would make more sense.” I shake my head and come back to reality just a bit. “I see our new ride just arrived.” I point down at the shiny black SUV pulling up to the curb in front of the hotel.

“Who’s is that?” she asks looking a bit confused.

“Mine. I never even thought about a bulletproof vehicle until last night. Dad should’ve had one,” I tell her turning to look into her beautiful blue eyes. “I asked Anthony last night which one he would buy if money wasn’t an issue. He said a Range Rover Sentinel, hands down. So this morning I went online and found two of them in the city. That’s what I love about New York, you can usually find anything you want.”

“How much is something like that?” she asks, still looking down upon it as the driver gets out and turns the keys over to the valet.

“Four fifty.”

She pauses momentarily before turning toward me with widening eyes. “Four hundred and fifty thousand?” she gasps.

“Yeah, but it’s awesome. It’s more heavy duty than Anthony’s Suburban, but it looks like a high end SUV. Plus it’s got over five hundred horsepower,” I explain, clearly demonstrating why it was a no-brainer.

“You just couldn’t stand to be seen getting out of a brown Suburban.” She shakes her head and moves back toward the patio door.

“Yeah, I’m not going to ride around in that thing,” I admit. “I’m going to have it shipped out to California when we’re done here. It’s one of the coolest vehicles I’ve ever seen. The floor is strong enough to handle the blast from two simultaneous grenades going off beneath it.”

“Yeah, like that’s a real worry.” She glances back, giving me that look, before heading back inside.

“Hey, you can never be too safe,” I retort, as we join the others to finish unraveling the mess that has become our lives. I have no doubt that I need a bulletproof vehicle, at least until there are a few butts sitting in prison.

“I’m sure Bill didn’t have anything to do with Victor or Tyler,” Nolan states emphatically as he rises from his chair and meets me half way. “He always had the utmost respect for your dad. I know he had suspicions after the fact and I’m almost positive that he wasn’t directly involved.”

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