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Feeling a little better after two hours of pampering, I click the button in the elevator and the thoughts that were stressing me out this morning begin replaying in my mind. Even if Trey and I are not related, it doesn’t change the fact that my father is the one who caused all of the problems between our two families. I actually have to respect Victor for never telling anyone about the affair. He could have told all of us and completely ruined Dad’s life.

The hardest part for me to rationalize is the feeling that everything I have been working towards seems to have been in vain. Suddenly Dad is not the person I have loved and respected all of my life. I have always taken pride in the fact that I am his daughter and we are so much alike. So I thought, at least. I really need to talk to Mom.

I have no intention of burdening her about Dad’s infidelities, but I simply need to spend some time with her. Deep down, I am fully aware of the fact that she is dying. It simply pains me to see her in the current crippled state. In recent months it has become increasingly difficult to talk with her on the phone, which has lead to shorter and less frequent conversations. I need to go home and spend some quality time with her, before it’s too late.

Once back inside the suite, I am greeted by fresh strawberries and an open bottle of Dom Perignon on ice. I’m definitely up for both of them. I bite into one of the juicy berries while pouring myself a flute of champagne and the juices explode across my tongue. Wow, these are perfect. Tipping the glass to my lips, I think back to the discussion between Liv and Sasha about which champagne is best. I’ll bet neither of them could tell which was which without looking at the label. I know I sure couldn’t.

“Are you relaxed?” Trey asks, turning in his chair to greet me as I walk out to the terrace.

“Not really, but maybe a couple glasses of this will help.”

“Drink up baby, I’m already two ahead of you.” He reclines in his chair and sets down his empty glass.

“Want another one?” I ask before taking a seat.

“I better wait a bit. I don’t like being drunk this early on a Tuesday.” He laughs. “Although if there ever was a day to do it, this would probably qualify.”

“I say go for it.” I raise my glass and give him a nod before chugging it. “Give me your glass, I’ll get us a refill.”

On second thought, I’ll just bring the bottles, the ice bucket and strawberries out to the terrace, effectively eliminating any barrier to complete intoxication. After all, sunshine and seventy-five degrees with an occasional refreshing breeze is perfect drinking weather. If we both weren’t in such a shell-shocked emotional state, it would be a perfect day to go out on the water.

“Maybe we should get drunk and mess around,” Trey says after finishing another glass. “It could be our last chance, depending on how the results come back.”

“If it turns out that I’m your half-sister, our last sexual encounter along with all the others will need to be purged from my mind. I have no idea how much therapy will be required.” I shutter and shake my head.

“Maybe that’s why our kiss feels so magical,” Trey jokes, giving me a sideways glance.

“Because I’m forbidden fruit?” I reply with disgust. “You are being a sick fuck right now.”

“I’m sorry. I’m just trying to cope the only way I know how.” He laughs, taking another sip.

“Maybe gambling would help to take our minds off things,” I suggest. “I’ve always wanted to learn how to play craps and baccarat.”

“Good idea. I’ll take a quick shower and put on one of my James Bond suits. You go pick out the hottest dress in the closet. In Monte Carlo, it’s all about making a great first impression.” He pats my arm and rises from the chair, polishing off the tail end of another drink. “Whew! Nothing like four glasses of eighty proof cognac to settle the nerves.”

“You better ease up a bit. I don’t want to be baby sitting my older brother later on.” I give him a glare as he stumbles past me and laughs it off.


Whoever says alcohol isn’t a great therapist, just doesn’t know what the hell to drink. I feel much better than I did a few hours ago. Standing in the shower with the water raining down over my head, my thoughts turn back to Mandy. Part of me is hoping that the door will open at any moment and she will appear, just like she did that night in New York. I chuckle to myself, knowing my thoughts are completely delusional. She has made it perfectly clear that she is off limits for now.

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