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“Have you received the money from Monte Carlo yet?” I ask, as my thoughts drift to the fact that all my troubles would be over if he would share some of those winnings with me.

“It should be in my account by Wednesday,” he says. “That’s one reason why I keep telling you not to worry. Regardless of what happens, we have that as a safety net along with all my other investments.”

“We?” I ask, my hopes suddenly soaring.

“Yes, we. You and I won that money together, so it’s half yours,” he replies calmly without even opening his eyes.

I lean over and give him a kiss, “Thank you. I’ll go to California later in the week and set everything straight with Harris.”

“Good.” He cracks his eyes open and smiles before closing them again.

“Did I hear you say that we are landing at JFK instead of LaGuardia?” I ask, puzzled by the fact, because he always says it’s too much of a hassle.

“Yeah, but we’re not. I just wanted to throw Tommy off; he’s the last person I want to see when we land. I also told him that we were staying in Dad’s penthouse, so I’m going to contact the doorman and tell him to keep an eye out for any strange visitors. For all I know, I’m next on his hit list,” he speculates wearily.

“We better be careful while we put the pieces together.” A pang of fear suddenly surges through me. “We don’t want him to know we have any suspicions.”

“Yeah, I’m going to act like its business as usual when I meet with him tomorrow. I’ll just keep my eyes and ears open for any clues.” He reaches over and takes my hand in his. “I want to go to the hospital and check on Tyler when we get back, so I’m going to catch a little nap.”

“Okay, I’ll leave you alone.” My mind is going a thousand miles an hour so there is no way I can take a nap. The bloodhound in me keeps looking at the list of things we know and going through different scenarios. If we figure out his motive, then the rest will fall into place. I really don’t like Tommy or Liv, so hopefully he is guilty of something.


Just as I feel myself beginning to drift off, my phone rings again. I pick it up in disgust thinking that it’s probably Liv or Tommy again, but it’s my attorney, Perry. Since he is someone who I actually want to talk to, I take his call.

“I got the letters and this is totally plausible,” he confirms. “Judging by the dates, they could’ve exposed you to line of succession issues, especially since Victor was engaged to be married. This is genius. I can run with this,” he says, his voice exuding confidence.

“That’s great!” I reply, happy to be receiving some positive news. “We thought it made sense and would put the briefcase issue to bed.”

“I think it will, but I would like to use this to squelch all the media hoopla in addition to the police investigation,” he replies in a more serious tone.

“Hey, I trust your judgment. If you can get TMZ off my back, more power to you,” I tell him, excited by the prospect of being out of the spotlight for a while.

“Okay, I just wanted to make sure I have free reign to distribute these letters since they are of a very personal nature.” He pauses, waiting for confirmation on my end.

“Yeah, I think you need to have a conversation with Us Weekly and TMZ at the very least,” I reply, wanting to put an end to all the unending allegations. “At the same time, I’m getting a good idea of who might be behind all of this. I’m going to start digging as soon as we land.”

“Great! I’ll get things rolling on my end,” he confirms. “By tomorrow evening you should no longer be a murder suspect or a media target.”

“That sounds great to me!” I let out a huge sigh after hanging up the phone.

“So Perry liked our letter idea?” Mandy smirks.

“He loved it.” I lean in giving her a kiss. “We definitely are a great team.”

Reclining once again, I am more confident than ever that everything is going to work out. I desperately need some rest, but all the loosely collected facts and suspicions continue to swirl through my mind. My gut tells me that Tommy is at the heart of this and that there has to be a rational explanation for all that has happened. I just need to put all the pieces together before anyone else gets hurt.

Chapter 14


There are few things in life that I hate more than going to a hospital. I spent quite a bit of time at hospitals after Tyler got hurt in high school and I was always uncomfortable. The fact that Vanessa usually went with me was the only thing that made it tolerable. That’s why I was glad when Mandy asked if she could tag along tonight.

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